Fimm's painted models

Fimm McCool

Apart from the latest Macrocosm Kickstarter models my dwarfy garrison is complete.







More photos and fluff on the Blog (as always).


Some excellent colour choices here, lovely and coherent army. Btw how many armies is that now? And which ones are you planning to do in the future? ( and which ones aren’t of any interest? I seem to recall you weren’t a fan of dark elves…)

Fimm McCool

Let's see... I've done my High Elves, Wood Elves, Barbarians, Empire, Orcs and Goblins, Dwarfs, Chaos, Undead. I've just recorded a video on the next big project as a reward for completing all my 'part-finished' forces- Night Goblins! Then that's it for Warhammer Armies (is the plan) and go back to doing small warbands, odd figures I like the look of and other painting I prefer to churning out hordes.


Those dwarves are lovely. I was always fond of green and white, ever since that WD painting with the green/white space marine being armoured - Mentor legion was it? Anyhow this lot look stunning.

Does this mean you can actually see the bottom of your lead pile? I feel there should be some kind of fanfare or ticker tape parade or something if that's the case!

Fimm McCool

Well as I didn't have a lead pile in 2010 I have a head start on others... Still nowhere near the bottom really, but I want to get the Warhammer armies itch scratched and focus on one-offs. Plus there are all those scenery project ideas...


Very nice work (as always!). I must have a look at my copy of Warlock and see how complete it is - probably not very! I think my copy has somewhat natty Heroquest-esq plastic minis, were these a separate set of lovely lead like the "Heroes for DungeonQuest" box set (which I do have)?

Fimm McCool

No these are just the regular plastics that came with it. Though you could also buy a set of them (the plastics) in blister.


Wonder if mine are just some random minis then or if they changed the set at some point. I didn't own it back in the day and picked up the copy on my shelf randomly at some point, but have never really properly tried it out!


Those are lovely Fimm. Very nice, wish I was going to make it to BOYL to see them in the, err, lead. You've matched the card art perfectly. I think Skeletor, I mean the Wight is my favourite although it's hard to choose.


Dave Andrews is mostly credited with interior art but I've also see Charles Elliot & Russ Nicholson credited with some art.. Apart from the box art of Peter Jones, I've no clue what parts of the interior art is by who..