Fimm's painted models

Fimm McCool

Lovely job all-round. I'm particularly impressed by the details on the Empire soldiers and wondering how the hell you managed to do such a neat job on the stripey hose and polearm shafts.
The secret is to only look at them from the front... the lines are a bit wobbly viewed from underneath! It was nice to only have a few of them to paint. I couldn't keep that up for my mass empire army!

Fimm McCool

With the addition of the Screaming Bell, the clan is finished for now.





More on the blog.


Very nice work. I like the veneer display trays, bet they look good in the cabinet! Great stuff.

I actually just acquired some of those monopose chunky Skaven and the chap with the book myself from one of our local charity shops, they have just come out of the paint stripper and onto the lead pile. I'll try to take some inspiration from your swarm here and get some paint on them!

Fimm McCool

Unfortunately 4mm is the thinnest I am daring with the thicknesser at work. I'd like the trays to be a bit thinner but I don't like to risk it and think the iroko might not stand it.


Is the ‘thicknesses” the technical term?

Seriously though, once again an impressive army. And no sign of that bloody awful hamster wheel they introduced in 4e! (Thank god!)

Fimm McCool

Is the ‘thicknesses” the technical term?

Seriously though, once again an impressive army. And no sign of that bloody awful hamster wheel they introduced in 4e! (Thank god!)
Thicknesser is the name of the machine, it makes things a certain thickness, so sure, why not?
No. I did wonder how I might work a Doomwheel in and make it old school, but decided against it.


I presume a thicknesser/planer for wood, yes 4mm is about as close as I'd like to go as there's too many variables given the cylinder/block and blade positions, suggest you use a dimension saw if you want to go thinner.

Paul / Golgfag1


Proxxon do a super cute modelling thicknesser, how practical it is in reality I don't know, but it would look sweet on the workbench!Thicknesser DH 40, apparently if you have you material backed onto something you can do 1mm with that... but only 80mm wide :(

I did appreciate the wry humour of the Doomwheel being very obviously a pet rodent wheel. I can't remember how effective it was in battle however, didn't it charge up lighting as it rolled or something? A friend's brother did have one in their Skaven army so I must have faced it at some point. Never had any Skaven myself except the handful from AHQ. Looking at your army now makes me want to go and get more than the handful I have scattered around. I shall attempt to be strong!


I have no problem with the Doomwheel ^_^ though the remake of it.. ugh.. awful.. Been too long since I played and used it in battle.. In 4Ed, the warp lighting is pretty random based on dice rolling. As long as the Engineer is still alive, you can choose if you want to release the lighting or not (if he is dead, it's completely out of control and will randomly shoot). Basically, an even number is a sucessfull attack and that's it's strength. If it's an odd number, it's a misfire and can pretty nasty (1/3 chance of attacking itself, 1/3 chance of just damaging the generator so it loses one of the three shots, or 1/3 chance it jams the movement so it moves in a random direction). Like I said, if the engineer is dead, it rolls uncontrolled and shoots randomly.

for a custom one... mm.. I think someone on a blog someway commented about it reminding them of the Cleaner machine from Labyrinth. I'm not sure myself but.. I can see a nice idea from that..


Thicknesser is the name of the machine, it makes things a certain thickness, so sure, why not?
No. I did wonder how I might work a Doomwheel in and make it old school, but decided against it.
I meant to type thicknesser not thicknesses but iPad autocorrected and I didn’t spot the error until I saw everyone’s replies. Was unaware of the existence of a machine called a thicknesser. So you learn something new every day.


skaven armies were, for me always about numbers and special weapons. They could only use slings and there was no cavalry but they were fast, they had poison globes, warp fire throwers, plague censer bearers, assassins and animal handlers. The scream bell was established in the backstory when they first released and the model was pretty good when introduced into 4th edition, the jezzails were a nice touch allowing long range but targeted shots. The doom wheel was, for me, lazy, and not in keeping with rest of the army. That’s all.


Just read the blog post - hadn’t appreciated that wasn’t the Citadel screaming bell and that you sculpted that yourself. Very nice indeed

twisted moon

lovely stuff, especially that banner conversion in the top picture.
i'll post some more of my altogether substandard ratmen in my wip thread shortly.
i was given several first generation doonwheels twenty years ago, so they will also show up at some point.
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Fimm McCool

Agree the banner conversion is a beauty.

The link to the minifigs site is awesome. The bell is also available with a skeleton crew pulling it - which is very tempting.

Also I found a mini on there called ‘giant man trapped in coffin with rats’ which has to be the best miniature description ever! Link :
There are some cool things there. The more modern fantasy lines are also cool. I'm not keen on the votfw skeletons though, they look like dead children with their massive craniums.


That's a nice conversion. I can sympathise with the flesh tones you mention on the blog that's happened to me a few times and as you say you can't really recover, but it's good painting so there is a reluctance to start over. Still I think you've created a lovely model.