'ere we go!

Geroak II

Lovely stuff in this thread! Skin tone and metals on those latest orcs are exceptional.
And how their bases perfectly match the terrain piece(?) or mat is weirdly satisfying. :grin:


Thank you. The metallics did come out nicely. Vallejo Mecha Color - Dark Steel (69.065) slightly thinned so the underpainting/drybrush slightly showed through. Wash of Nuln Oil and light drybrush of Silver for the edges. That one seems to flow better than the Game Color, but that might be better now they have been re-formulated. I've not yet had the need to buy any of the newer metallics. Then the rust was done with a mix of various browns/oranges along with some Model Mates rust paints.

twisted moon

they look great.
are you going to field them as a single unit? i hope you've got a contemporaneous command group, as that would be glorious.


Thank you.

Think they'd probably be one big unit. I need to have a rummage and see if I have any spare command miniatures. Otherwise it's back to eBay and keep an eye out for a few old ones I think. I forget quite what I had in my Orc and Goblin army when young, I think I have a good chunk of the orcs now back with me.
  • Ruglud's x2 (my originals - youthful painting, and a set I bought to strip, but have actually left in their original okay paint)
  • Harboth's x2 (my originals -finally painted, and a set I bought to strip, but have actually left in their original reasonable paint)
  • Some black orcs (older models)
  • These Fantasy Regiments orcs
  • Marauder Boar Boyz
  • 2x Man Manglers
  • 1x Wyvern (DRAG6)
  • A smattering of crew and odd standards and the like (hopefully enough to form a command for the big unit!)
Then a smattering of night goblins, the majority of which I think are still with my brother - but the bulk of those were the 4th edition mono-pose. I certainly also had quite few of the 4th edition mono-pose orc warriors and archers, but I'm less fussed about retrieving them.

Geroak II

Thanks for the recipe. I’ve been moving from GW paints to Vallejo for the past few years and so far haven’t regretted the choice.
Worst GW paints I’ve ever had the ”pleasure” to work with have been metals; their consistence seems to be all over the place, or maybe I’ve just had bad luck and got paint pots from the monday batch. Haven’t tried Vallejo’s Mecha range but might have to give them a go at some point.


Model Air Steel is also very nice to paint normally (as opposed to airbrushing) with.