Axiom's Workbench - WIP stuff


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Got the paints again and made some good progress with the 5th Brat. This time he's one of the unreleased Brats with a lasgun. Here he is with one of his pistol-toting compadres:


You'll notice that I've changed the colours around, while at the same time keeping to the colour palette of white, orange and jade green. This is to avoid the impression of a uniform - these guys stick to the gang colours, but they choose their own threads! Pink and the bright blue are still present as spot colours; the only new addition are is the tan for the gloves and boots, but as it's a neutral colour, I don't think it's too obtrusive.


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Lovely. I really like the pinkish floppy fringe. No uniform, just a consistent palette is definitely the way to go I think

The Dandys are getting better as you proceed too, great work.
Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

He looks great, I love the colour choices, can't wait to see these figures on the table. My hive gang are going to be quite muted and the tech gangers are going to be in greys so the bright colour son these guys will really make them stand out.


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Thanks guys!

Cheetor - I think I'm improving as I go...partly due to feedback, partly due to mote regular painting.

whiskey priest - sounds like there's going to be a real contrast between the gaudiness of the Brats and more utilitarian Underhive natives :) I wonder how JB will paint the Venators?


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

LImited releases and unreleased refernces - CHECK
Splendid paintjob - CHECK
Good visual coherence and clever colourscheme - CHECK

The tan addition looks really nice. It does not interfere with the other colours and adds some diversity. I like it a lot.

axiom":1jfe8q9p said:
I wonder how JB will paint the Venators?

Leather and white with black weapons. Painting will only occur when I have all the heads (wink wink nudge nudge) I have some for every crew now but the blanche inspired leader needs his head...
Oh and the more I build them the more I want to build new ones, I have too mch ideas and I have wasted some bodies on tests (yeah I know I should have tested with blue-tack before gluing...)
Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

I have never seen pink fringe guy model before, he is a cool sculpt.

Looking really great Axoim.

JB your Venator gang leader looks like a giant anthropomorphic frog now ;)


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

And work progresses on the Bratmobile - custom paint job completed, just need the driver and passenger to be painted:





Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project


How did you get such a high gloss on the bodywork (am I on the right forum asking questions like that?).


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

The orange is a Tamiya Color spray "for plastics" - I used brilliant orange. I'm not entirely sure what the intended use is, but it gives a pretty good high gloss finish. The downside is that it's very resistent to acrylic paints, making repainting all of the rest of the details an absolute nightmare, and highlighting an impossibility. I did discover that a wash stayed in the recesses, which was a relief!
Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

That car looks brilliant, the orange will really stand out on the battlefield (and probably catch the eye of a certain manic dozer-driving Frenchman ;) ). I'll make the data sheet when I get home tonight - how does The Bratmobile, 'weaponised luxury roadster' sound? Also, is that a mounted weapon on the back, or part of it's engines etc?


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Captain Crooks":3chchb6l said:
how does The Bratmobile, 'weaponised luxury roadster' sound?

Perfect! I love the idea of a luxury weapon ;)

The thruster on the rear is most definitely some sort of booster engine - this thing is designed to go fast!


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Here are the results of this evening's work:

One driver ready to roll

And the gang all look suitably impressed!:



Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project


I will not comment the first picture above but the second is a sight of wonder ! At last we have an ace Bratt gang ready for action ! They look the business and I have synth riffs coming to my ears, Looking at them, I somehow get the will to make my hair as ig as posible and dye them white and purple... Oh and I'm even sure make-up is good for men too. (puts on an Adam Ant track and leaves, making weird duckfaces).


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Ooooh, sir, this is so wonderful! I love the overwhelming aspect they have! These are really, really nice :)
Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

I think it's telling Jon that the best figures in that gang are the ones you converted yourself 8-)


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Thanks so much guys. I can honestly say this project has been the most enjoyable one I've ever worked on. It makes me glad I never got round to buying them in the 1990s, its kept it all fresh and new ;)


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

After being set the challenge to build a Brat with a chainsword and carrying a bag by Lasgunpacker (winner of the Brat Giveaway competition on my blog), I've build this guy:




I still need to polish a few areas, and the left hand isn't really as big as it appears, but I think he looks OK ;)

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