Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project
Sorry to get all Karloth Valois on this thread but... actually Im not sorry. These are fantastic. Orange and white is one of those great combos and the turquoise sets them off really well. Im working on some Tau auxiliaries with a very similar palette at the moment in fact: I love it.
In the interests of constructive criticism I think that there is one area on these upstarts with room for improvement however. I hope that you dont mind me mentioning it axiom - I dont really know you after all - but it is intended as a positive thing rather than a bash.
I like that you have kept the hair colour part of the existing palette rather than getting carried away with other bright colours, but it looks a bit chalky and "drybrushy" to me. To me it looks like the contrast between the hair strands is too severe anywhere but at the point where the hair meets the head. A graduation of grey through white beginning just a millimetre or two above the scalp that fills he gaps between the hair strands would look much better in my opinion. I dont think there should be any black visible in the hair - just grey and white - from about a third of the way "Up" the style.
Im struggling to find decent images to illustrate what I mean, but this image sort of shows what I am talking about. Sort of
Its hard not to sound like a dick when saying things like this on the internet, but hopefully you will take it as intended. Those Bratts look fantastic as is, its just that I think that bit lets it down slightly and that a painter of your skill level should be able to sort it out with ease if so inclined. YMMV, IMO etc, etc.
Did I mention that your collection of obscure Bratt models makes me want to puke with envy?
Sorry to get all Karloth Valois on this thread but... actually Im not sorry. These are fantastic. Orange and white is one of those great combos and the turquoise sets them off really well. Im working on some Tau auxiliaries with a very similar palette at the moment in fact: I love it.
In the interests of constructive criticism I think that there is one area on these upstarts with room for improvement however. I hope that you dont mind me mentioning it axiom - I dont really know you after all - but it is intended as a positive thing rather than a bash.
I like that you have kept the hair colour part of the existing palette rather than getting carried away with other bright colours, but it looks a bit chalky and "drybrushy" to me. To me it looks like the contrast between the hair strands is too severe anywhere but at the point where the hair meets the head. A graduation of grey through white beginning just a millimetre or two above the scalp that fills he gaps between the hair strands would look much better in my opinion. I dont think there should be any black visible in the hair - just grey and white - from about a third of the way "Up" the style.
Im struggling to find decent images to illustrate what I mean, but this image sort of shows what I am talking about. Sort of

Its hard not to sound like a dick when saying things like this on the internet, but hopefully you will take it as intended. Those Bratts look fantastic as is, its just that I think that bit lets it down slightly and that a painter of your skill level should be able to sort it out with ease if so inclined. YMMV, IMO etc, etc.
Did I mention that your collection of obscure Bratt models makes me want to puke with envy?