Axiom's Workbench - WIP stuff


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Fimm McCool":3a8zfbqo said:
The torso is a harlequin, right? Now where'd those fine buckled trews come from?

Correct - from the 2006 leaping versions. Here's a handy hint - all the parts are from Jes Goodwin models


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Asslessman":1a5eopkx said:
Trousers from wardancers? left arm and lasgun form an eldar pirate.
In the right sort of ball park, but sadly no!

I did a bit of greenstuff work over lunch. Not entirely happy with the lace cuff, but I'm sure it will be fine when painted:


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Did a few small bits and pieces over the weekend:


I attempted to make the dog a bit more like a bull terrier - hopefully the paint job will make it work. He just needs a lead adding and then I can start painting him.


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Realy good, this one realy looks tough as nail. I'm a bit disappointed the dog doesn't have a fancy hairdo like his masters though... Maybe he'll get make up :grin:
Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Brilliant stuff, and I'm rather envious of your conversions. I always played Bratts back in the day and my old models are sitting stripped and waiting for the day I figure out what to do with them.


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

stone cold lead":1bwlquop said:
Brilliant stuff, and I'm rather envious of your conversions. I always played Bratts back in the day and my old models are sitting stripped and waiting for the day I figure out what to do with them.

Ever considered donation to people in need ?... :roll: :roll: :grin:


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

stone cold lead":25o1jykm said:
Brilliant stuff, and I'm rather envious of your conversions. I always played Bratts back in the day and my old models are sitting stripped and waiting for the day I figure out what to do with them.

I'll just encourage you to paint them up in a superb paint job - if you're envious of my conversions, I think it's probably a small fraction of how green-eyed I am about your painting ability ;)

Anyway, here's the dog handler Bratt now with lead (I just need to do a little tidying up on his hand):

And a Bratt toting a heavy weapon:

I've still got to attach the gun, but seeing as it annoyingly conceals all the neat repair work, I thought I'd take a pic to show the details underneath! I know heavy weapons aren't very Bratt-ish, but making one allows me the flexibility to use the gang in various different settings.

BTW, I realise I never got round to clarifying, but Dandy Bratt is made from the following components:
- Head: 1997 Space Marine Scout
- Torso (including right arm & hand): 2006 Eldar Harlequin
- Left arm & legs: 1988 Eldar Harlequin

Something appeals to me to have a figure created from several different models by the same sculptor over a 20 year period :grin:


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

This time I know for sure the muscled Bratt's head is that of a chaos thug.
A muscled Bratt spending a lot of time at the gym (and looking at himself in the mirrors) seems fitting to me. I can also quite easily imagine his joy to shoot at poor/mutant/different/outfashioned people...

Said it before but this gang is gonna be ace, one of the projects I'm most looking forward to.


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Chico":3axc44ks said:
Lovely dog handler :) wheres the doggy from?
He's from the GW Lord of the Rings Farmer Maggott set - there's one tiny Hobbit farmer and 3 nice dogs.

Asslessman":3axc44ks said:
This time I know for sure the muscled Bratt's head is that of a chaos thug.
Yep - the hair and mask combination seemed to fit. I can just see him now lining up the next shot..."Jack boots? So last season" BANG


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

axiom":xxq1frhb said:
I can just see him now lining up the next shot..."Jack boots? So last season" BANG

Ok you just made me wet my pants in laughter.

Now I'm thinking about it, you also have plenty of spacewolves heads (all by Jes of course) with just the right hairdo (but you must already have thougt about that). Mixing eldars AND spacewolves, now that is a hit. There's also this necromunda mercenary


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Asslessman":1a1z587n said:
Ok you just made me wet my pants in laughter.
That doesn't do anything for your street cred you realise. You'll have to bouffant your hair to compensate! :grin:

Asslessman":1a1z587n said:
Now I'm thinking about it, you also have plenty of spacewolves heads (all by Jes of course) with just the right hairdo (but you must already have thougt about that). There's also this necromunda mercenary
Yep - I've already checked out a variety of Space Wolves. The plastics are just too big, but there's a couple from the earlier mid-90s Space Wolves which work nicely. I've got a Wolf Scout sergeant ready to donate his head and a few other plans.

Asslessman":1a1z587n said:
Yeah, I discounted this guy - there's something about the face I just don't like. I think he's too much Wolverine and not enough dandy for my liking ;)


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

I understand, these lads must have the swag turned on ALL the time.

It's clearly not all about big hair though, you're right.

I'm building a few different gangs a the moment but would love to increase my green stuff skills to start a venator crew (that's even more padded clothing to add everywhere...) The John blanche picture of the guy with the uzi is just so gooood


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

After all the chopping, I thought I needed to break out the paints again, and painted up the 2nd limited edition Bratt. I will be doing some painted faces on some of the other Bratts, but probably the more senior/flamboyant members of the gang. This guy just gets a little pink heart instead!


I still need to work out the basing - I'm considering a simple grey bases so I can use them in a variety of settings.


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

And I thought you had a ver y good hand at sculpting... Awesome level on the very effective face shading/highlighting and just... WOW... in the heart freehand.
It's funny to see this guy has a less arrogant feeling that others tend to have. Looking forward to seeing the chiefs and high ranks with some little 'attitude".

Excellent, hope I can have some nice gang to throw at them for the next oldhammer day....


Re: Brattish Behaviour - my Bratt gang project

Thanks guys. The heart was OK to do - it's quite a brush friendly shape. I'd rather do a heart than a square!