2021 Legacy Nurgle/Zombie Signup

Wot bases shall we use!

  • Round

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Square

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Hexagonal

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Paisley

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The horde arrived safe and sound today much to my delight, photos to follow. Meantime in view of the fact that they arrived on the birthday of our national bard the immortal Rabbie Burns, I submit my poor attempts at a revision of his work "Tae a moose"

Tae a Nurgling

Wee sleekit gurgling beastie
Oh what a poisons in thy breastie
Thou need na chuckle over cheerie
wi spittle sae vile
I widnae want tae club in squash thee
An bring Old Pap's ire.

My skills don't extend to greater length but thansk again all for participating.


^My word they arrived quickly! I only just sent 'em last Thursday. Glad to hear they're safe and sound running about the braes and pou'n the gowans fine. Next time I'm over that way I'll try to look you up and hopefully we can sit down for a pint-stoup. (Though I'll beg mercy as my Scots doesn't really extend any further than a particular bit of seasonal Burns.) Cheers!


They did arrive quickly perhaps US Mail wanted them out the country before they caused more infections. do drop in if you make it over here.