World Building


Well I have finally made it back to the painting desk! Hopefully this will mark the end to the hiatus that has been moving house and painting walls and other larger scale "scratch building" (apparently colloquially known as "DIY"!). A return to painting proper sized things would be nice!

So this is the scatter terrain I did manage to make at the tail end of Deadcember, and had a base layer of paint on.





I opted for a slightly different approach with these pieces and just worked the base layer up with progressive dry brushes to near white in places having done some washes first. Thought I might see what they would look like with more contrast on than many of my pieces. They turned out okay, a little uniform in the grey compared to my older graveyard scatter, but then again they were painted in one evening this way!

Lot of scatter and flock and a little bit of weathering with inks and so forth just to make them a little more interesting. Overall worth experimenting and I'm quite happy with them alongside the others, but will probably return to trying to have more variation in my greys again if I ever do any more.

Loose Loser

Funny thing. I bought few brushes the other day thinking they're drybrush brushes but as start working with one I said to myself "Oh, cat tongue brush more less" ( As I had plenty of those few years ago ) and I look at name of Citadel brush and it was Shade brush hehe ( They misplace it in the shop and since I don't know how brushes look I bought "wrong" one ) It's really nice brush tip so to say. Got army painter one also ( this one is for drybrush ) and it's nice but I found it, maybe little to stiff. It's synthetic one as, more less, synthetic brushes are stiff.

EDIT : I've also bought that brush for makeup appliance. Even smaller ones are impossible to handle on miniature and not to mention appetite for paint. They're ideal for scenery. Specially rocks and all that sort.

Beautiful scenery you did there really, grass is also very nice. Bricks and all. Highlights are gorgeous.


Morr must be satisfied to contemplate all these magnificent remains.
It's very realistic, immersive. Very good work.


Having realised I've not posted anything for a while, so here is a Chaos Portal, from MOM miniatures. They don't seem to sell it anymore (typical!), but do have a quite cool empty floating portal. Like their other stuff I found the casting to be a little lacking and it required quite a bit of green stuff to tidy things up and get rid of steps and so forth.


I painted the stone and metal first by brush, then airbrushed the daemon for the most part just finishing up with the edges using a brush again. The plan being that any overspray would just look like OSL! I did add a bit of intentional overspray as well. I think were I redoing it I'd have reprimed the daemon in white prior to the first pass in yellow - I'd done the entire model in a light grey (etch primer) and the yellow layers are not quite as bright as I'd have liked them to be, probably because of the grey. Overall for a couple of evenings painting I'm quite pleased with it. Certainly more of a narrative play piece of terrain, so I'll have to think up something suitable given it's quite a balrog/khorne type daemon and most of my Chaos forces are Nurgle ones maybe it could be more indirect - "Marines sent in to destroy the portal and are waylaid by some orcs, will they make it in time to place the melta bombs" type game?


nice work. I've seen some companies who can have.. slightly sub-par casting, but sometimes, I think it depends on the price. The odd air bubbles and stuff is fine if the price is good ^_^ like the odd company that sell 'imperfect' castings for a decen t discount.. or some companies that give out imperfect resin for free ^_^


Well since you've had a load of boring "forum posting" from me for the last few weeks I thought I should actually post some old miniatures. More Scotia Grendel. Still made of course - 10038 - Treasure Piles and 10065 - Treasure Piles 2

This time round some treasure chests and piles of loot. Not newly painted, but I've not posted the pictures before, so that, err counts.




Each photo has the front/back in the same shot - ie two photos stitched together.

And one shot of most of the piles of resin loot my dragons horde.

Well actually right now it's serving as a backdrop to Asiago Jones and a large bolder in one of my display cabinets. But my dragons in the other cabinet look on enviously!


The treasure piles are classic models, and you've painted them with "classical" restraint - nothing too gaudy or loud, earthy tones and subdued gold, and some very nice shading. The word I'd use overall is "handsome," and they're well-suited to be objectives on the table that won't visually compete with the adventurers pursuing them. I particularly like the terracotta pot full of silver and that ornate brass shield in the treasure pile on the far left in your last post.


Poor dragon died around it's gold pile! (At some point I decided, based on Tolkien's description of Smaug, that he must have had dogs. My last dog treated her treasure very much that way: pile it up and sleep on top. It was old bones. scraps of cloth, and chew toys mind, not gold. But as far as she was concerned it was gold.)

Love it Eric! Glad to see some new miniatures. I need to get off my own duff and do some of that. Well done! :)


Thank you. I was quite pleased with how the treasures came out. I do have another set from a different company which I must take some photos of.
I think I might have to pop Smaug down as a future dog name should we ever expand our pack!

So since I have been out with the camera today lets move onto some fences and walls. Granted a more contemporary piece of GW terrain (they may even still sell it!), but useful on the battlefield. I always fancied making some out of little blobs of putty like those from white dwarf, but alas that is still on my todo list. So for now you'll have to make do with plastic sprues!







I do have about twice the number of walls, but thought that might get even more boring! Nothing too exciting here, but it's part of the terrain collection so goes in the thread as an offering to the forum gods!


Thank you for the kind words. They did turn out well and as you've said staples of any battlefield. They also fit nicely behind my models in the display cases on my wall - making for a slightly more scenic (but not too over the top) look.

Now someone with a better memory can jump in with the date (we're probably properly 3rd or 4th edition 40k I would guess), but GW did a range of "hard foam" cast terrain. I remember thinking back in the day it was pretty neat, but for some reason never owned any. A year or so back I managed to pick up two slightly battered bunkers off eBay. They needed some patching up and repair, but they were unpainted which is what I wanted. Well after some airbushing and TLC they are all looking shiny and new now. So shiny and new that I might have to break out the weathering pigments before they get their final coat of varnish! Still for your pristine viewing pleasure we have the first bunker.



One cute thing is the masters for this was made from the actual tank pieces and you can even find things like the sprue ejection marks that were not cleaned up on the master before it was molded. Whoops.

And a couple of the inside:



Like all hard foam terrain it suffered a bit from air bubbles caught at the surface causing pitting and these had been bashed around in someone's terrain box for years so had some chips and dings that needed green stuffing back to the right shape. Still I was chuffed to get them into the collection even if they are not old oldhammer, they feel like an extension of the old polystyrene Mighty Fortress spirt that lived on into that somewhat more commercial GW phase.

I'll sort out some photos of the other one in due course.
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nice work. I wanna say.... early 2000s GW did them. I think MicroArt Studio ( are still making Hard foam terrain.. they are based in Poland and seam to have something against prices in GBP ^_^; USD, EUR or PLN only.