World Building


Air bubbles like that can be incredibly frustrating. But as you say, they're scatter terrain and at some point you just declare it good enough. You figure something like that is probably "value engineered" five ways 'til Sunday anyway. And it gets banged around a lot in use. Same reason I wouldn't worry too much about a broken ladder or bent grab iron on a truck or rail car model. The real things get beat to crap and back anyway. Nobody's dainty with them.


Thank you.

Wise words on the realities of 'good enough'. I've certainly learned to batch paint things much better to a reasonable standard over the last few years and actually now occasionally finish a unit, unlike in my youth when I spent ages trying to paint each miniature individually as well as I could.

And speaking of finishing things... I did finish up one model the night before I did the new batch of photos. We have a Black Cauldron from Fenris Games. It's a totally huge cauldron (about two old minis high), but rather cool. I guess it may play the roll of an objective in a game one day, but until then it'll just have to look cute in the display cabinet.



Painting was quick on this one, I'd primed the cauldron black and the base and "gunk" grey. A few different greys to give the stonework some interest. Bones were the normal bone colour with wash and highlight, the base highlight being drybrushing with some glazes for the finishing off. The cauldron was painted with a metallic black from Warcolours and then drybrushed with a bronze. The gunk was painted with a dark blue/green and then highlighted up mostly with glazes/layers. I then glazed the tentacles with pinks/purples until they had some colour on them, but hopefully with a hint of the green still. Then some highlight on those. Nice and quick to paint and a way of avoiding finishing the goblins I have on the slow burner!



The Fat Git

Some great work on here, the air bubbles probably are a pain but as far as the cargo containers go, they are usually battered to hell after their first trip. I also got the impression that the keypad would be worn as various Sci-Fi people would be constantly trying to get them open with their stubby fingers/claws/tentacles and wear and tear would be inevitable. :grin:


I love the narrative solution for modelling woes! Very oldhammer.

So the final bit of hard foam terrain from Micro Art studio in my collection. These are the Outpost - Vents.

I did them in the same green as the Outpost Processing Plant. Like the other pieces there was some fixing of bubbles, although these pieces had far fewer. To compensate some of the flat surfaces are a little distorted :) Quite which member of the pantheon I annoyed at some point remains up for debate! Anyhow shading was mostly with pigments on this one and highlighting was a case of progressively finer edge highlights. Then because I thought it would contrast nicely I added some dirt around the bottom with various pigments.


And some detailed shots under better lighting, the colours are more true in these.




And I'll throw an action shot over on the Age of the Imperium thread.


The graffiti was from some transfers from Antenocitis Workshop. One of those bits I added to make up an order thinking it might come in handy one day! I keep meaning to print out some of the Imperial propaganda posters people have done for 40k and stick those on a few terrain pieces. My only criticism of the transfers is they are quite 'tough' and most transfer solutions don't soften them that well.


So another piece from the last outing of the camera. This is the Orc Totem from MOM miniatures. I've found MOM castings to be a little hit and miss, this one wasn't bad, it just needed basing and a bit of tidying up. Not much to say about the painting really, the rust and verdigris were all done with Model Mates (no longer produced alas).






Right lets jump back to SciFi terrain, this time we have the Craters from GaleForce nine's Battle field in a box range. I see for some reason this set has been discontinued which seems odd as they are very nice.


Anyhow these come pre-painted so all I had to do was add a black wash around the finer rubble edges to provide a little contrast. Then some pin washing in the cracks to make them show up more and a lighter drybrush to bring out some of the edges a little. I also did the odd thin wash on a few of the stones to break up the mono colour look.


I also repainted the rusted metal sections and added a few tufts.


My only criticism of the pieces is that the bases are quite thick - there is a good mm or two where they meet the table top. That's a practical requirement of having something that will stand up to general gaming wear and tear so it's not unexpected. If I'd wanted a fine edge I should have made my own! I think I did have some of the GW plastic vacuum formed craters at one point, but I have no idea where they are.


So these were bought since I thought I'd not get round to making some decent craters and they looked rather good.


You can see a few more shots of the craters in my Squats post. I think we might have to break out a bit of scratch building for the next post...


Looks good. I love my battlefield in a box piece. They’re serviceable out of the box and are amenable to looking very good with tweaks like you have done.

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Yes, that crater does look like it would make a great little piece of scatter terrain. To bad they are no longer available.



I guess some stores might still have stock. I was rather surprised they have discontinued them - they'd fit perfectly neatly with their newer "40k" terrain and they were a good "why not" price. Seems to be a bit of a running theme with my terrain acquisitions!


For today we explore the architecture of the humble battlefield barricade! We have here an assortment of GW plastic barrels and tyres that I came across in a random Orc buggy box, so what better use for them than knocking out a barricade.



The base was an MDF base I had lying around and beyond adding a bit of a lip and some surface texture I didn't do much more than plonk the stuff down in a rough line!


The cartridge casings were just pieces of plastic dowel that I scored and snapped off - which is both the easiest way to do it and leaves a small mark on the end which has the advantage of looking rather like the primer.



Painting was simple and dirty on this piece. A good amount of wash and rust effects along with some sponge applied chipping on the barrels. The 'water' was some clear construction adhesive I had left over. I think you'll have to put up with more off the shelf terrain for the next few posts and I've got the next batch of bits ready to take some photos off soon.


Back to a very "off the shelf" piece. This is the Wizards Tower from Pegasus Hobbies, I expect with the continuing theme it's probably no longer available anywhere :)

So this is a prepainted ready to go out of the box bit of terrain and I bought it on a total whim years ago - probably so I actually had something with paint on it! It's quite fun with its spiral stair giving it a rather older RPG vibe. Other than adding a few tufts and a bit of flock I've not yet done anything to it, feels almost shameful posting a picture! I might go and tidy up the paintwork in a few places, but it's not like I don't have stuff to paint! Still it's in the terrain collection so in the name of posting everything here it is!




It looks great.

I have one of the pre painted Pegasus hobbies pieces (a witches house that I use as a farm house) that I repainted. Love it. Great models, should have bought more, especially on seeing yours.

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They are nice models. I should at least add a few washes to the metallic bits on mine I think - now I'm looking at the photos (funny how stuff jumps out in a photo, but not when the model is sat in front of you!)

Quick post for the day... since that wizard's tower has such a small square footage, I suspect unless magical means are employed our occupant could do with an outhouse nearby...



This one is from Mini Monsters. Speaking of which, interestingly I've just seen a painting guide for the Mini Monsters cathedral I posted a while back. Ends up with quite a nice colour, mine ended up somewhere between the two in colours, although the photos I did I think are a little cool and it looks a touch too grey in them.


Ah! I love that detail - its something so often missing from our entertainment industry (try to find a toilet in any elder scrolls game post daggerfall), but adds so much character to a battlefield. You know what - I'm stealing this, also going to make an outhouse.