Paying debts, paying debts!
Loong time ago Whiskey Priest organised a giveaway over his blog and I was fortunate enough, not only to be granted a mini, but two BOYL14 gaming tables:
Thank you, man!
What I thought I could do was... an arcade room!

. And then the generosity from this community came up again. Cheetor sent me even more tables! Yay!
Thank you too! Guys, you made this possible, thank you very much
What I hadn't found was a proper facility. I was thinking about building something up out of foam board, but then I saw this from LaserCutCard:
I finally had everything I needed! So let's go for it!
I decided to add some more flavour to the arcade room with these other beauties from Resinaplanet, from their Euphoria ranges:
(Oh, come on, you know it was needed!)
I guess everyone over here has played this pinball...
For the two arcade machines I had some inner struggle. So many options! I finally paid tribute to Tron:
And the latest version available of Street Figther

I also scratchbuilt this simple dejarik board:
So this is the final result:
With a couple of minis for scale purposes:
I called it 'Flynn's' after the arcade from the Tron 2 movie.
This is it! You can see it all on the blog: ... e.html?m=0