Urban scenery


Subedai":128rmt38 said:
This is going to give me nightmares. Good job!


Wasn't my intention, the awful general aspect was just a (happy) accident due to my lack of skills glueing the piece :grin:


The thing I was needing now was a few more shipping containers. I knew of LaserCutCard, but never placed an order (till now!)
I'm totally satisfied with ther product. This is what you get:


I decided to make them all in a row; I think it's less mind harmful :roll:



When finished, they look like this:


But that was the easy part, hehe, now you have to paint them! (now it's when I miss an airbrush or something like that...)



You can find it all here:

http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... y.html?m=0

I cannot but recommend these. They are cool pieces and the price is unbeatable. I also have a couple of buildings, will have to put my hands on them ;)


More stuff from the same manufacturer, this time a building:


Though I painted the locks, I later realized I was going to spray the whole building all over, so please ignore the blue windows there, just my scattering lack of planification.


It's a two storey building. I didn't glue these pieces for storage reasons:



Grey primer spray and then let's begin with the rest:


It definitely needs some dirt...


For the signs I tried the same style I've already used for other buildings. Blame Google Translator if they are not accurate :razz:


The whole set looks this way, once I added some simple grafitti and stuff:




You can find it all over here :):

http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... g.html?m=0

Once again, card is surprisingly good stuff, better than I imagined. I still have another building, but I need some stuff for it before I start it. Soon, soon...


Paying debts, paying debts!

Loong time ago Whiskey Priest organised a giveaway over his blog and I was fortunate enough, not only to be granted a mini, but two BOYL14 gaming tables:


Thank you, man!

What I thought I could do was... an arcade room! ;). And then the generosity from this community came up again. Cheetor sent me even more tables! Yay!


Thank you too! Guys, you made this possible, thank you very much :)

What I hadn't found was a proper facility. I was thinking about building something up out of foam board, but then I saw this from LaserCutCard:



I finally had everything I needed! So let's go for it!



I decided to add some more flavour to the arcade room with these other beauties from Resinaplanet, from their Euphoria ranges:



(Oh, come on, you know it was needed!)

I guess everyone over here has played this pinball...


For the two arcade machines I had some inner struggle. So many options! I finally paid tribute to Tron:


And the latest version available of Street Figther :grin::


I also scratchbuilt this simple dejarik board:


So this is the final result:


With a couple of minis for scale purposes:


I called it 'Flynn's' after the arcade from the Tron 2 movie.



This is it! You can see it all on the blog:

http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... e.html?m=0


This piece may require some prior explanation, as is quite a local issue...

Beyond all the topic regarding Spain and bulls, it is true that the animal itself has become quite a recognizable icon all over the country. In fact, if you ever make a road trip over Spain, you most probably will get the chance to spot one of these at some point:

Former ads for a brand, the ad themselves were removed about twenty years ago or so, but the 14m tall bulls remained as 'artistic heritage'.
Well, anyway, this was just for you to know then how irreverent and cool this looks to me:

Coming from Surus Creations, this post-apoc piece is terribly sweet. Simple in its design, that is what makes it so nice.

This company produces some nice scenery and they are planning to turn on the post-apoc side, so it is worth of keeping an eye on them. Here you have a size comparison shot:

Here you have it on the blog:

http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... l.html?m=0


Some excellent stuff on this thread.

Those cardboard buildings look good.
How tough are they as I would worry about warping over time.
Did you seal them first?

And that gaming hall is just great.
I have to get me some of those bits, especially the old sthyle arcade games, they are so good for so may uses.


Thank you! :)

The cardboard is pretty nice, much harder than what I expected. This second building, the arcade room, is perhaps a little bit weaker due to the big surface, but I haven't observed any warping problem so far. But the other card building and the shipping crates are amazingly strong. No seal at all, just glued the pieces and crossed fingers. It happened to work!


Back again with scenery after a shamefully long hiatus. I still have plenty of MDF stuff to build, but I have recently felt the urge of doing something different. I've got some foamboard and plan to use it, but for the moment I'm risking to do some really unexpensive, so you can expect some scenery on a budget ::).

The other day I just had this follow-on milk can in my hands...

This could be a huge oil tank for my port, that makes sense... But a building makes more sense! (Seriously? That makes sense?)

I used one of Roebeast's Doors, really gives this the touch it needs :)

I only added a handmade sign on the top, as it was way too flat:

The Chinese stuff also allows me to use it for any Firefly setting (that in time will come. One day...)

You can find it all here:
http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... lding.html

In time I guess I can build a full neighbourhood of these :grin:


Back to the buildings!
I have quite a number of MDF buildings (and yet more in their boxes, glups!). But, being amazing as they are, they lack the... chunky entropy look I am aiming to for my board :grin: I mean, I'm not looking for a shanty town, but more for a medieval-like uncontrolled urban growth. Houses are just built wherever they are and streets and alleys simply happen to be those tiny hollow spaces in between, some of them maybe even being buried under more houses.



So, take the pics above, add some retro sci-fi to the mix, shake it at will aaand... let's see what happens. I started with some basic shapes:


I think this second building is too bulky. Anyway, it was already built! I needed it to be that way as I made some inner stairs:

I thought of a walkway between the two buildings, but the roof looks more medieval-appealing:

That red box is an (empty) air refreshener :razz:

Once I got the volumes, it needed some details!

This is pretty much it all. I may add some more details, but for the moment it's ready for painting. Here's the blog post:
http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... nning.html

Let's see how it turns out!


Wow such amazing scenery, the ideas you have and the creative way you go about realising them are stunning. So much inspiration!