OK, dollhouse finished! I've finally found a solution. Not perfect indeed, but well, the chunky aspect is part of its charm

. Our tenants will have a shower of their own, but it will also be used as latrine (they may want to use a grid over the hole when using the shower...

?). Using more MDF bits I made some TVs and shelves:
Central rooms will be the common areas. First floor will have a couple of microwave ovens (or whatever they use in 40K):
I've placed a washing machine on the second floor:
OK, enough of the inside! Let's get some dirt on the outside! Some posters and signs on one side...
And some grafitti on the other:
You can spot a classic
quis custodiet ipsos custodes?, not much explanation needed. The
Lux Mundi was a funny idea that came to mind as I was painting the very letters. They are considered a subversive heretic cult accountable for several recent riots. The word is that they even have attracted attention from a misterious Outworlder who has recently come with a bunch of lookalike thugs...

Bottom left you can see... a Golden Throne

and well, several other stuff all over the wall. Some experiments for future grafitti
This is how the building looks:
You can find all the specifics here

http://oldschoolworkshop.blogspot.com.e ... 2.html?m=0
Truly enjoyable, but if I've ever want to see this board finished, I must begin to build regular buildings with no inside performance, I cannot afford a dollhouses city!