twisted moon's 2025

twisted moon

there's nothing adult about toy soldiers.
some fresh recruits for my punk gang. a colony 87 street punk (i picked up the blister at vapnartak) and the necromunda hive scum box with the most suitable heads.


i had another go at tartan trousers, which i think was a little more successful than last time. i might try a base of white with red and black lines next time, rather than black and white over red.


i need to come up with some names for them.


for some reason.. the 5th one along just seams to make me wanna say 'There is a Harkonnen among you" not sure why


The rat's tail looks very . . . interesting . . . in that particular context. And yeah, spot on about the tartan trousers. Lovely challenge at that scale and well done. I need to paint that miniature. I . . . uh . . . it may have to be plaid. Said it elsewhere, but well done!

twisted moon

it's all in your mind! and thank you.

here's the crew, along with a diehard miniatures droid, from the goliath truck reimagined as a space wreck salvage team.

Salvage Crew1a.jpg

the turret gunner has been given a new lease of life with some prosthetic legs; presumably he's had a run in with a genestealer. it's lucky the medic was close by.
given the symbols they're wearing, there might have been some mental, as well as physical, trauma from that particular encounter.

Salvage Crew1b.jpg

they all have stargrave heads; the middle one has arms from the underhive scum box; the left arm with first aid kit on the rightmost is also from a stargrave kit.