twisted moon's 2022

twisted moon

symphonicpoet":2jfzrw6t said:
Those look nice! :)

thank you.

symphonicpoet":2jfzrw6t said:
The newspaper apparently gives good texture.

despite my efforts to get it on flat, it adds some wrinkles, which the sand then smooths out a bit.
i've finished this batch of straight sections.

this is half a pack of tiles. i have two packs.

on to junctions and bends.


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twisted moon

a t-junction:

i free-handed the yellow lines around the corner, since that seemed easier than trying to mask them. i think they've turned out okay. i also did a base coat of white followed by a top coat of yellow, rather than two of yellow as per the straight sections.

i spent a bit of time thinking through the markings on this side to make it useable as both single-track contraflow and dual carriageway. i think this is a reasonable compromise, but now think i might need to build some flyovers for the dual carriageway! that won't be happening anytime soon through.


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twisted moon

a couple of bends. one steeper than the other, which is good as it somewhat emulates the two curves that came with dark future. those were also different angle bends.

i managed to get both of these from one tile. i plan the use the excess to make vehicle bases.

i didn't have any tools big enough for the curves, so had to fall back on a pin and piece of string. they're a bit rough as a result, but acceptable enough for my needs.
all being well i'll get the final section made form the last tile in the first pack. i won't be getting to the second pack anytime soon, though. i need to touch up the yellow paint a little.


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twisted moon

KingOfTheLeadPile":10hfb37l said:
Looking good.

thank you.

KingOfTheLeadPile":10hfb37l said:
Can you show a picture of the streets layed out on a table?

yes. i'm hoping to get the last one (from the first pack of tiles) finished before the end of the month, and will then look to post some 'action' shots.

twisted moon

managed to finish off this crossroads yesterday.

for some reason the paint on this side didn't adhere so well as previously and started to peel off with the masking tape. i think i've managed to save it.

i'll try and get some shots of it set up with other scenery, vehicles and miniatures, shortly.


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twisted moon

... and here are the scenic shots for scale and context:

my current plans for expansion are another six straight sections, four bends and a t-junction, but would be interested in hearing your thoughts on what would add the most utility.


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twisted moon

finally brought some deadcember painting to fruition.

continuing with the cavalry unit, the start of which closed off last year.

more of the ral partha 'lord soth's charge' set, some from citadel's skeleton army, deathdart riding fallen flesh c21 undead cavalry converted to hold a lance, and a black tree design miniature.
the citadel figures were already mostly painted, apart from shields and hooves, and i'd done nothing with their bases.
i'm hoping to get this unit finished before the end of the month.


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twisted moon

KingOfTheLeadPile":1kpp3vwl said:
I like your street layout, really looking good.

thank you.

KingOfTheLeadPile":1kpp3vwl said:
Those Undead remind me of another part of my lead pile...

'tis the season to be turning that part of the pile.
i've managed to complete another ten.

lord soth is leading the unit. i didn't bother adding his cloak, since i didn't think it added much.
i think the flag bearer might be a grim reaper castings figure, but can't really remember. i got him from travelling man in leeds, when it was located at hyde park corner. i painted it a while ago, but replaced the scythe with a full length pike as flag pole as part of the current effort.

sorry about the blurry photo. here. the rest of the figures are the same as before, though.
with the five i completed for deadcember '21, this unit is complete.

a sight to strike fear into the hearts of the living, i hope.


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twisted moon

KingOfTheLeadPile":3nhl6n9t said:
Good work! You make me want to pull out my half-finished Undead force from the pile of shame and complete them...

thank you, there is no higher praise. do it before deadcember draws to a close.
back to the zombie substitute scarecrows.

in this case a straw man from crooked dice, who will play the role of a zombie giant.

this is probably the last big thing i'll get painted this year, so here's a picture of him alongside the first.

hopefully i'll manage to get a few more undead finished before the end of the month, but time will be scarce, so this may be it for 2022.


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twisted moon

lenihan":1m588r3a said:
Ah some proper folk horror there, nice work

thank you.
last figures of the year: my kitbashed entry for the necropolis(28) challenge

here he is painted up alongside a giant toad from irongate scenery (which was a christmas present from my beloved).

i've also painted up the toad for necropolis, but i think it will do nicely in many settings, possibly even in my undead wfb army. the skeleton will certainly see action there.

the necropolis challenge is open until 1st feb., if anyone is interested, and information can be found at under the announcements thread, or here:


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twisted moon

thank you. i'm not too hopeful about the challenge having seen the standard of the other entries so far.
tally for this year = 129 figures, including 8 big things, and 15 pieces of terrain / scenery compared to 213 figures and 6 pieces of terrain / scenery in 2021. This year did involve a couple of significant conversion / kitbash projects though (the jokaero and star bastards) which definitely slowed me down. Still a significant reduction in output from the previous year; we'll see if i can improve in 2023.