twisted moon's 2021

twisted moon

thanks sp. i think the slann should be amongst (if not the) most technologically advanced species, and their grav vehicles is a representation of that when everyone else (so far) is stuck on the ground. in renegade scout i'm arming them with gauss weapons to reflect this, but i think the rogue trader spirit requires they just have las weapons in wh40k.
here are another couple of civilians for spanglish town:

these are the tech traders pack from colony 87.

that's the extent of my colony 87 miniatures so far, but i intend to get more.


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Love the camo and great use of a pencil rubber to achieve the circles great thinking outside the box on that one :grin: :grin:

twisted moon

thanks dazza.

i've been working on my putative entry for the cdo artisan's contest (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9021&start=10), the rules of which prevent me from posting it at the moment. however, here's something i've been painting around the theme:

i've had this set pretty much since it was released, so it's good to finally get some paint on it.

i'm not sure if i'll keep going with dwarf related painting or return to sci-fi for a bit to finish off the things i was already planning.


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twisted moon

i had this part-completed before starting on my cdo artisan's competition contribution.

the big satellite dish is from tt combat: the rooftop accessories kit if i recall correctly.

the fan and roof hatch are from blotz. the ladder is from a plasticville kit and has been cut in two to fit the space as a fire escape.

spanglish town continues to grow. i should have included the grenadier film crew for scale, but i think you can get the idea from the doors.


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twisted moon

i found myself with some unexpected painting time over the weekend, and managed to get these pistol-wielding dwarves done.

the middle one is a '90's citadel thunderer (possibly champion) whilst the others are uncharted lands dwarves, specifically uld005 dwarf explorers with pistols.

these are mark sims sculpts and were originally sold through his own company, crusader miniatures, where i got these. when he decided crusader should focus on historical figures the rights were sold to black hat miniatures and have subsequently passed to bridge miniatures (, who are currently selling them.


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The purple on the dwarves with the rocket launcher is particularly nice. And I look forward to seeing what mischief will surround STB. Great stuff! :)

twisted moon

thanks symphonic.
i forgot to say, the bazooka and pistol dwarves are both joining the kaiserzwerge.

symphonicpoet":iwkx3i70 said:
... I look forward to seeing what mischief will surround STB.

not sure when that will be.

here are another five handgunners for the ranks of the anschlusszwerge.

on the left are two gw thunderers from 1999 (according to their tabs, in the middle a second of the tabletop games sculpts i've painted before (one more to go, i think), and to his right two marauder miniatures figures from 1992 (again according to tabs)

i've sort of reversed the order here to accommodate the one holding his gun to the side - he didn't want to rank up otherwise.
the gw and marauder were all acquired at various shows over the years, when it was still possible to pick them up for not much money.


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The bald headed fellow's gun looks similar enough to a standard issue space laser that you could just about drop him in a squat army and call it a day. :)

twisted moon

dazza36":5n708b6u said:
More lovely dwarfs

thank you very much.

symphonicpoet":5n708b6u said:
The bald headed fellow's gun looks similar enough to a standard issue space laser that you could just about drop him in a squat army and call it a day.

good spot. yes, with a different paint job (especially on the chainmail), i think you'd get away with it.

dazza36":5n708b6u said:
any chance of an army shot ?

a small chance, once they're finished.
in the meantime, here are some more kaiserzwerge weapon teams.

the chaos dwarf swivel gun i've had since shortly after it's release. the flamehrower is a much more recent acquisition, bought at a show (i think, but possibly ebay) when i spotted it for a price i couldn't refuse.

like most people on here, the barrel was missing from the back of the second figure. my solution was to use an action man hand grenade as a substitute.
i do wonder who is hoarding all these barrels; is it steve casey, or will golfag one day prepare a few hundred for a future boyl?


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twisted moon

another four handgunners and a flamethrower for the anshlusszwerge.

the flamethrower (on the left) is in fact a steam powered blunderbuss from rackham's confrontation line. i bought a few confrontation figures on sale when they were ceasing production, these came in a pack of three and i painted the others quite some time ago. you'll have also seen some confrontation figures in the company of the yellow boot. i still have an ogre to paint.
the next two figures are ral partha fantasy dwarf arquebusiers; i got mine from spirit games. you've seen the sculpts before, and will once more.
finally, on the right are two more uncharted lands dwarves, this time bought from black hat miniatures and comprising half of the sdw6 pack.

i realised i'd failed to photograph and post these irregular miniatures ladders, i painted a few weeks ago.

these have already featured in my strange grogge battle report 'spike the gun'.


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twisted moon

some more anschlusszwerge.

the standard bearer is citadel or possibly marauder, the musician is from lancer miniatures (, they are both for the handgun unit. then we have three magicians, the first is heartbreaker 2016 dwarf wizard, and the next two are trent miniatures (

in my head the hhg one is the apprentice of the one in white robes. the one with the white pointy hat will be the apprentice of another (yet to be painted) member of the pack who has a druidy / shamanic vibe; i think this will tie in nicely with the owl familiar.
here's the whole anschlusszwerge handgun unit:

voting for the current cdo artisan's contest ends today, so i hope to post my entry for that on here tomorrow.


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twisted moon

as threatened, here's what i made and painted for the cdo artisan's contest. i'll start with the armament:

this mortar is the second half of the chaos dwarf bazooka and petard set.

these swivel guns came two to the pack; you've already seen the other. i only used the crewman on the left in my entry.


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twisted moon

it will be properly deployed as a second kaiserzwerge swivel gun in my games.

another magician from the trent miniatures pack.

i've cut the ones i've painted so far from their integral bases to bring their height more in line wit my other dwarf figures.


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twisted moon

and here's some rank and file.

more uncharted lands dwarves frm black hat miniatures. at each end are the other half of the sdw6 pack, whilst the three in the middle are the entirety of sdw1.

i only used the two sdw6 in my entry in the end.


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twisted moon

finally here's the main event, the war machine itself.

the wasserkafer, sister ship to the voltsvagn.
the basis is the voltsvagn plan from 'the magnificent sven' in wfb2, but upscaled to fit the piece of insulation foam i had available, so slightly longer and significantly wider.

she's entirely scratch built apart from the ship's wheel, which was left over from my kitbash of the blotz luftsturmwagen.

thanks to dr. monkeyface for the tip about soaking coffee stirrers on his fly galleon thread..
pictures of it with the crew can be found at
i'd like to add a small submarine to my fleet. there was a plethora of such things 15-20 years ago, but they seem to be out of fashion now. can anyone suggest where i might find one?


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Loose Loser

Lovely miniatures you got there and the ship looks nice ( specially chimney ). Names are appropriate for setting hehe very nice.
I knew I recognized the colour scheme from somewhere, but I couldn't place it. Good project log as ever, nice to see you steaming on here. :)

Excellent entry, to make any shipwright and engineer proud. Love the scratchbuilt boat!

twisted moon

thanks everyone.
there are more dwarves on the paint table, but in the meantime i have refreshed my mojo with a star bastard.

the basis is the dark elf dragon-horse and one of the chainsaw warrior sculpts from the triple blister. the right arm is a rtb1 space marine power fist and the head is from an rtb10 squat. the base is a mdf bike base from ttcombat. i cut the slotta tabs down to pegs and drilled corresponding holes.

roughly contemporaneous with it's release, i got two chainsaw warrior blisters for my birthday or christmas (i can't remember which) and to the horror of my family took myself up to my bedroom with a junior hacksaw to convert one. the initial result had a much wonkier powerfist and the original head repositioned with a skeleton horde helmet added.

unusually for me, i've stripped the original paint job (one the rider, i just added to the paint on the mount), as i knew i wanted to rework the conversion. i was thinking of going with a head from the frostgrave barbarian sprue, but this looked better.
i have no idea where i got the dragon-horse or the plastic squat from; but the latter is missing it's arms. it's (single piece) body and legs forms one of the dwarves i'm currently painting.
he needs a name, if anyone has suggestions.


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