twisted moon's 2021

twisted moon

i managed to pick up the last c30 to complete my amazon auxiliaries, started last year, from ebay, albeit for more than i would have preferred to pay. here she is with the remaining see thirty's:

i only had three punk heads remaining for the see thirty amazons, although i have plenty of bald heads and another cast of the feathered headdress. since i thought a single bald head would look incongruous, and the headdress too distinctive to be used twice the same force, the figure second from left is sporting a cut down warhammer regiments dark elf head; i think it works pretty well.

i'm pleased to have this small force complete, so i'll just forget breaking my self-imposed maximum purchase price, whilst simultaneously trying not to do it again.


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twisted moon

my beloved bought me another couple of dwarven engineers / sappers to work the mine.

the one on the left is the figure as originally intended. the previous owner of the one on the right had removed the mallet and seemed to have considered also removing the helmet since there is a cut across the eyes and the bridge of his nose. i tidied up the right leg to remove the remainder of the mallet and sculpted a pickaxe head from milliput for a cocktail stick handle, as well as a candle for his helmet.

i think they make nice additions.


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twisted moon":2yqsbz6p said:
i think they make nice additions.
I like the stripey colours on their padded armour (I guess that's the best way to describe what they're wearing?), I didn't try anything like that on mine but I think it looks great

twisted moon

thanks lenihan. yes, i'd say it's padded or quilted armour. i went with the stripes as a further way of slightly differentiating between the two figures and using the colours common to my dwarves without tying them too closely to either the anschluss- or kaiserzwerge. i'm glad you like it.
here's a 3d printed storage tank from culverin models ( who i discovered when they advertised their january sale on the wargames website. i've painted it to complement the mdf one from ttcombat i posted last year.

also in the picture are a couple of scatter pieces which came with the ainsty casting mine sets. one's obviously planks but i'm not sure what the cylinders are intended to be. i've painted them as sticks of dynamite for the very lax dwarven explosives expert.


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twisted moon

another culverin models 3d printed storage tank, in the same colour scheme.


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twisted moon

some more sci-fi flora, mostly on 50mm diameter mdf bases.

the big one in the middle is from a dinosaur play set, as were the flats and the shortest double palm tree. the double palms with raised earth around their roots are cake decorations; they were 75p for a double pack when i got them over a decade ago. i'm sure you recognise the gw 40k plastic tree; i have four of these in a complete(ish) state which i don't recall getting, and a broken (now fixed) one i do remember buying at a show.

the tall (oil) palms are from are from minibits (

the big one in the middle is on a 60mm diameter pizza card base.
the foliage on all of these started out various shades of green. i managed to take the fronds off the three big palms but not the smaller ones. i then undercoated with an oxide auto primer and dipped the trunks (the bare trunks in the case of those which had been defoliated), before painting the leaves with acrylics. when the weather permits they will all get a coat of gloss varnish.
i have more, but had run out of mdf bases. more arrived today, so i'll try and get them finished off soon.


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^Play sets and aquarium plants make for some classic sci-fi flora. :) The storage tanks look great. Some fantastic stuff, all around. :)

twisted moon

here's the last batch of trees,at least for the time being, this time with added rocks.

the rocks are plastic and from the same play sets as some of the trees. the big orange one on the right is a painted aquarium plant.

hese are all the same components as previous examples, plus the rocks.

the big purple plant on the left and the central orange one are again aquarium supplies. the dark pink one on the right is a britains farm toys tree.


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twisted moon

some wind turbines from blotz.

these are mdf. they can be constructed to be able to spin, but if that's a feature you want i advise you paint them before putting them together.


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twisted moon

i'm working on another sci-fi terrain piece but have stalled a bit. in the meantime i've painted up some fantasy tents from scotia grendel, which i've had for at least a decade.

here's five sixths of the goblin encampment set. i also have the goblin stronghold set and will paint the outstanding hut at the same time as that.

here's half the adventurer's campsite. i'm anticipating using the fallen tree with packs on a forest terrain tile.

here's everything together.
although fantasy pieces, i'm planning on using some of these in the next instalment of my renegade scout solo campaign so look out for them in the battle reports subforum sometime in the next few months.


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twisted moon

twisted moon":1daitw6c said:
i'm working on another sci-fi terrain piece but have stalled a bit.

here it is, at last.

not wishing to rely on wind power alone here is a photovoltaic panel array including control terminal (although i may use that for other purposes).

this is a 3d printed piece which i first saw on etsy. however, i ended up getting this one from ebay, where the prices were lower.

it's quite a big beastie, as you can see here.
i think it will make a nice addition to my sci-fi table and make the place look (even) more lived in.


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^Yes! That would be a nice addition to any sun soaked frontier world. :) I might have to look around for that. Excellent choice!

twisted moon

thanks both.
i've got my iron grumbler painted over the course of the week.

i've had this a few years and started the clean up last summer (or possibly the one before). it needed so much work however, that i got disheartened and the bad weather closed in again. being resin i had no desire to file and grind away at it indoors. anyway, i went back to it a couple of weekends ago and got it to an acceptable state. last weekend i pinned and glued it together and then filled the (many, large) gaps.

i'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. hopefully, being based, it is sturdy enough for rough handling so long as i can avoid dropping it from any height.

i've painted it up as a rh1 n0 tracked exploration and multi-defence armoured carrier for my (currently half) squad of imperial army; the dot camo. on the troopers i did with a cocktail stick and upscaled it on the apc by using the eraser on the end of a pencil. i may add some decals, but need to decide on an identity for my imperial occupying forces first, likely something of my own invention.
working on this finally gave me the impetuous to order the second half of the squad - grenadier figures from forlorn hope games. they'll probably go to the head of the queue when they arrive, unless my attention has passed to something else by then.


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twisted moon

lenihan":2ac09dcw said:
I'm glad to see in the grim future that there is, at the very least, renewable energy.

only in non-imperial space.

twisted moon":2ac09dcw said:
working on this finally gave me the impetuous to order the second half of the squad.

they arrived on saturday, and i worked on them over the weekend.

the chap on the left is armed with a light laser. there's no obvious direct equivalent in rogue trader (given that i'm calling the military assault rifles lasguns), so i'm intending to class it as a lasgun with the following fire type.

here's the whole imperial army squad with transport and barracks.

the previously painted models are from copplestone castings.


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That all works out very well together. :) Always glad to see a nice Ramshackle vehicle painted up and in play. And with company no less!

twisted moon

here's a transport vehicle for my space slann / eru-kin and their amazonian auxilliaries.

it's a lightly modified prussian luftsturmwagen from blotz.

i got it from my birthday. as i was putting it together i was a little worried it wouldn't have enough deck space for all the troops, but i needn't have feared.

hopefully the pictures will be okay; the light hasn't been great.


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^It's a space LCVP! GCVP? (Anti)Grav Craft Vehicle Personnel? (Of course it does beg the question of what manner of mothership requires such ancillaries. Maybe the Slann attack from some kind of airship.) Neat!