TheOttoVonBismark's Oldhammer Slann WIP


theottovonbismark":36jqes30 said:
I am not sure about the guy you mention as to the sculptor, all the other ones are Olley according to the base tabs. It doesn't look like an Olley sculpt so it probably is not. He is on the small side by comparison with the others so I tend to think of him a a young prince-ling of the Lizardmen fulfilling his tribal obligation to their Slann masters. Kind of suits the model as I think there is a touch of the noble dragon about his handsome (by Lustrian standards anyway) features.

Definitely. Born to lead and possibly voiced by Channing Tatum in the Disney movie (where he might eventually turn in to a human). Its a cool figure.


theottovonbismark":36jqes30 said:
They are generally around the same size as the Slann but I will get some comparison shots done of them beside the other models when I get them to the next stage of lovleynesssssssssss.

Cool, Im looking forward to it.


Great stuff Sean. Having discussed these slann with you for the last fifteen years its great to see them ready to rock :)

The mounted guy is a standout (appropriately enough). I live the little leaping frog on the base.


Damn the rider is awesome ! You've perefectly integrated the elder power glove to the miniature and the bright yellow of the chief offers a very nice contrast with the cold blue of the cold one. The work on the saddle is very good with just the texture needed without taking the eye from the important parts. The jet black eyes are also really great for giving a sinister look where the sculpt is a bit more neutral.

Did I say I love this?


Awesome looking as usual. :)
I agree the rider looks good, I like the Eldar arm/glove. Nice yellow on the flesh too, gives him that waxy Poison frog look very nicely.
Tempted to bring out my Slann soon for the re-dux after seeing your lovely Slann :)


Gorgeous! Nice take on the driving mechanism for the Cold One. Solid build & the paint+details really make the model exceptional.
Thanks for comments everyone!

@ Naagruz - it's the kind of control mechanism I would opt for if I had to go into battle on the back of a small dinosaur! ;)

@ Goblinlee - you should totally get on the bandwagon, Slann re-duxing is all the rage these days 8-)

@ Asslessman - indeed you have a good grasp of the colour planning on this fellow. The black eyes are his "warp" eyes, intended to look a bit sinister. They are intended to be the antithesis of the Warrior priests milky white drugged up frenzy eyes.

At the moment I am busy working on the human slaves (wash, worm, lobotomize, geld and fit with a festive collar) for this force, basing them off the Perry Mahadhist's:

I will post the test model this evening.
These are looking great!

My long-hoarded (and huge, even if I say so myself) Slann army is next on the List after I've got the Dark Elves out of the way!
dieselmonkey":1whk8al8 said:
These are looking great!

My long-hoarded (and huge, even if I say so myself) Slann army is next on the List after I've got the Dark Elves out of the way!

Thanks for the feedback. Huge you say? I am intrigued to see this treasure horde. You will have to have enough lead to re-roof the churches of London if you want to hold a candle to Goblinlee's horde :razz:

Fresh frogs legs for the grinder, 2014 is the year of the Slannaisance ;)


Lovely stuff, good idea using those Madhists, if there's one thing harder to get than slann, it's the lobotimised human slaves.
Been knocking a few Slann out myself, due to some very lucky/unlucky rolls for RoC warbands, including work on a Slann leader with Pseudo-demonhood as his very first chaos attribute

You may know of these already, but in case you dont
save you making the same mistake I did and buying foundry aztecs just to get the shields and banners
much cheaper here


theottovonbismark":3gje0drt said:
At the moment I am busy working on the human slaves (wash, worm, lobotomize, geld and fit with a festive collar)


Im still in the "post-starfaring-Slann-society-should-use-creepy-alien-rain-forest-parasite-mind-control-rather-than-surgical-lobotomisation" camp for those (plus they would fit in better with our RT-verse games then too). But they are your models I guess (grumble, grumble) ;)
Aiteal":3l8tpbrr said:
Lovely stuff, good idea using those Madhists, if there's one thing harder to get than slann, it's the lobotimised human slaves.
Been knocking a few Slann out myself, due to some very lucky/unlucky rolls for RoC warbands, including work on a Slann leader with Pseudo-demonhood as his very first chaos attribute

You may know of these already, but in case you dont
save you making the same mistake I did and buying foundry aztecs just to get the shields and banners
much cheaper here

Those Aztec weapons are a good option but I think I will probably just sculpt and cast stuff as I need it rather than buying in this kind of thing as it allows me greatest control to custom fit the weapons as I go.

Wow, you live long enough and sooner or later you get to see all the all the Realm of Chaos table rolls enacted with painted models! Chaos Slann offer some fairly unique modeling opportunities - I always wanted to roll some myself but the one time I played RoC I ended up with a Dark Elf Champion and a Jabberwock with a mutation that transfered its mouth to it's groin, ho-hum.

@ Cheetor: The mind slug is a fun concept which I might revisit at a later time for the more advanced Slann. I think it's more apt to take a variety of species in their normal kit for mind slugging rather than have them as captive human's. I am thinking 5 hapless guardsmen, guardians, orks or the like with vacant expressions and the large Futurama head slug would be a winner here - perhaps even a purestrain genestealer for comic value. The fantasy slaves need to be somewhat less humorous (black humour as they will have brightly coloured leads, like from the pet shop) and a bit more gritty to fit with the inscrutably menacing atmosphere I am going for.

A niggle about the Slaves I have is that the handler for the Slaves is going to need to be based on a 20mm base so that they fit ranked up in the unit - that kind of mixing of base sizes in units has always bugged me! Perhaps the Hypnotoad colour scheme should be used on the handler....I got to get it in there somewhere :razz:


Dave King over here, is going to release some toads, you may fit this on the side of a palanquin or even on a 20 mm base to serve as a handler so that "normal" slanns stay based the same...


theottovonbismark":2damhk0b said:
A niggle about the Slaves I have is that the handler for the Slaves is going to need to be based on a 20mm base so that they fit ranked up in the unit - that kind of mixing of base sizes in units has always bugged me! Perhaps the Hypnotoad colour scheme should be used on the handler....I got to get it in there somewhere :razz:

side effect of going from 20 to 25mm bases from 2nd to 3rd edition.
Aiteal":2zgeiyzq said:
theottovonbismark":2zgeiyzq said:
A niggle about the Slaves I have is that the handler for the Slaves is going to need to be based on a 20mm base so that they fit ranked up in the unit - that kind of mixing of base sizes in units has always bugged me! Perhaps the Hypnotoad colour scheme should be used on the handler....I got to get it in there somewhere :razz:

side effect of going from 20 to 25mm bases from 2nd to 3rd edition.

Ah now I see, thanks! Well no point complaining about historical hang ups around here ;)

@ Asslessman - a Hypnotoad on a 20mm base might be a good option. Dave King's stuff is excellent so I will be keeping an eye on Darklight for sure. Giant frogs are one of the things I will have a go at sculpting later in the year. Ever since I saw those mutant forge world ones I have had an urge to make some (especially when I read the price tag :grin: ). The opportunity to field Giant Frogs has long been one of my hobby ambitions.

Giant Frogs in WHFB 3rd Ed:

Base Size: 25 x 25mm

1. Giant Frogs will only attack creatures they can eat, or creatures that attack them. A Giant Frog will not charge or use its sticky tongue against any creature over 10 feet long or any creature it fears.

2. The Giant Frog's skin is poisoned. Any animal which attempts to bite a Giant Frog automatically suffers a strength 7 hit with no saving throw. The bite attack is only resolved if the attacker is unharmed.

3. Giant Frogs may use their long sticky tongues to make a single strike during the shooting phase. This hits automatically up to a range of 6" and causes a strength 3 hit. Any models suffering damage are killed. There is no armour saving throw, the victim is plucked from his unit, dragged into the Frog's maw and swallowed.


I hope JJ makes sure to bring enough garlic and parsley with his halflings...

Anyway, I belive updating my bretonnians with some added giant frogs could be a good thing considering the fun they must be on the tabletop :twisted: