The obligatory "plans for the New Year" thread


Re: The obligatory "plans for the New Year" thread

bug16":2b67ar3k said:
1. Paint 2k of Dark Elves for Oldhammer 2014. I'm still procrastinating on how I'm going to paint their skin. Classic blue? Pale? Pale with hints of blue or purple? Very dark black? Very dark brown? Nope, I've got no idea and the skin colour will dictate the colourscheme for the rest of the models.

I wrestled with that for a long time. I finally made a decision, but I think I will always second guess matter which option I had chosen. Good luck deciding.


Re: The obligatory "plans for the New Year" thread

bug16":25m0d8gn said:
Cheers, I really like what you did with your DE's. :)
Thanks, couldn't have done it without your generosity!
Started to paint some Goblins today.Had them cleaned off and based for ages.Got them painted black so far.They are based on 25mm round bases for skirmish gaming.Hope to try to get a decent size force sorted this Year.I can wish ;).

Ti Pouchon

1) Get well. Pull myself together and get over it.

2) Get a Necromunda campaign going with the nice fellas I've met.
2a) That entails getting a Necromunda gang painted up in a hurry so I don't have to proxy.
2b) Try and coax the nice fellas into a game or two of Blood Bowl.

3.) Try and attend at least one BB tourney this year
3a) with a team I've never played before.

4) Fill the remaining gaps in the collection.

5) Complete at least one of the projects that have been languishing for far too long.

6) The adamant rule is still in effect: Only purchase one new mini once another one has been painted this year. Trades are OK (this will automatically streamline the collection).

7) [optional] Branch out. Find a theme or topic which allows for the collection of some human fighters. No more mutated monster monstrosities, just some regular human guys with weapons.
Of course, I'd have to find a theme first. Something to get this collection going as a collection.

Perhaps I should shut up about new year plans. I didn't do too well with them last year. But at least I managed to snag Bob Olley Troll 3 (Thanks again, Axiom!).


I suppose it should really just go under the heading of 'not being a lazy get, and actually doing something this year', but my specific aims are:

1. Paint up an army of Bretonnians or Imperial Guard (got lots of both in the lead pile).
2. Join the ranks of Oldhammer bloggers, in the hope of keeping me focussed.
3. Arrange to take part in a game at 'Bring out your lead' and have some sort of army/force/warband/gang painted up for it.
4. Inspire/persuade/cajole/badger/mither/bully/emotionally blackmail some of the people I normally game with to come back to the old editions.

And, finally

5. Make a 28mm scale ship of some variety (was looking at the 'all the dwarves love a sailor' article the other day and it seems a nice way to go back to where my lead addiction started last millenium - Man O' War) :grin: