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The obligatory "plans for the New Year" thread

So, what are people's Oldhammer hopes and aspirations for 2014? Mine are simple: do more painting, do more gaming. Given the base I'm building on this shouldn't be too difficult :grin:


ardyer":2ugyymmf said:
I hope to finally buy less than I paint!

I didn't realise the replies needed to be comedic! :grin:

My plans are:

1) Finish my Dark Elf Blood Bowl team
2) Finish my Oldhammer group project model
3) Finish my Bratt gang
4) Complete my Eternal Champion collection

Realistic I hope!
Main generic plans are to paint more, and game more.


1. Work on painting up my Citadel/Foundry 3rd Ed Empire Army.

2. Finish painting my Horus Heresy RT Death Guard army.

3. Finish building the 'Altheim' table I've started working on. (Think of a cross between Mordheim, a freeform Space Hulk and 3rd Ed WFB.)

4. Finish painting my Dark Elf Army. (That was meant to be finished by last xmas! :lol: )
Citadel Collector":f1n53ye0 said:
ardyer":f1n53ye0 said:
I hope to finally buy less than I paint!

Errr....yeah. Sorry, I should have said "what are your realistic plans"... ;)

Heheh. :) Realistically, mine is just to get around posting some of my models on here. Buying less than I paint would is another I will try to achieve...

Fimm McCool

New year? Haven't finished my plans for this year yet!

Hopefully next year will see the snot army complete in all its glory, my AdMech finally get their titan and a whole bunch more sculpts get themselves off to Birmingham to be duplicated in lovely lead.

If there's time I've still got a Space Crusade set, chaos dwarf warband, mordheim witch hunters, mordheim air pirate orcs....
Figure out what miniatures to keep and what to let go of.Need to try to whittle down my collection to what I really want to game with eventually ;).

Start to paint again too.


I think I do get stuff painted so I don't think I'll get more painted this year (especially if I consider my son to be born in january :grin:)

The main thing I could do which could benefit to me is to rationalise what I paint in order to get playable war bands, gangs, armies quicker instead of painting whatever I feel like, and starting new projects whenever I get the chance. this could also mean more targeted buys (which could be a good thing for me too)

The other main point is that I haven't had a game in 3 years now and it's really itching bad now... This has to be fixed this year.


Paint my hobgoblins
Paint a Nurgle warband
Goto the oldhammer day
Make a nice playing board
Finish my Saga battle boards for my warhammer factions

buy less stuff on ebay


The thing is, I tend to plan for specific events, so I may well end up picking up an additional project depending on what I choose to do at the Oldhammer weekend. But these are the projects I'm committed to right now:
- Paint a chaos warband for the next OGRE meeting
- Paint an Imperial Dalek force to fight Thantsants' Renegades
- Make my fimir army a real force to be reckoned with - I'm thinking 3 more units, more fen demons, and all the trimmings
- Put together a fimir marshland settlement, and using some of the above army, fight Warlord Paul in a sequel to "Trouble at Nobridge"
Mcdeath, in two parts:
By the end of June, I want to play the Glen Woe scenario from WD. I'll be using a mix of Gripping Beast Saxons, Irish, and old Citadel Norse in place of Orcs, and I'll need subs for the insanely expensive Lord and Lady too, unless the lead gods smile upon me before then! :roll:

Then in December, start the big game, hopefully w/ the correct minis, all painted, subbing as necessary.

All this while teaching a new group of gamers that "historical" does not necessarily mean "boring", with my continuing Trojan War project.

And then Fistful of Kung-Fu! Busy, busy...


Planning on painting more.. on the list to do is
Undead - continue painting to get a full army up and running for oldhammer in August
RT marines - redo to new scheme for oldhammer in august
Necromunda - Tech gangers and Escher first then onto the rest
Also want to paint my squat and orcs but they are not a priority and will most likely be done sporadically when I am bored painting the above
I also want to get enough scenery sorted to game with and play a few games.

I am planning:

- to paint regularly
- complete all already started units and half painted stuff
- to complete my Marauder Goblin collection
- to complete my Iron Claw Goblin collection
- get more terrain ready for action
- plan a campaign

Looks like a busy year :lol:
Nice to read that most people have very similar problems/goals...


LeadAsbestos":7cpvsk4i said:
Mcdeath, in two parts:
By the end of June, I want to play the Glen Woe scenario from WD. I'll be using a mix of Gripping Beast Saxons, Irish, and old Citadel Norse in place of Orcs, and I'll need subs for the insanely expensive Lord and Lady too, unless the lead gods smile upon me before then! :roll:

Then in December, start the big game, hopefully w/ the correct minis, all painted, subbing as necessary.

All this while teaching a new group of gamers that "historical" does not necessarily mean "boring", with my continuing Trojan War project.

And then Fistful of Kung-Fu! Busy, busy...

I'm also have a long-term McDeath goal! Just not sure I'm going to do it this year. It's never going to be all 'correct' minis though.


Re: The obligatory "plans for the New Year" thread

lenihan":30u81fp9 said:
I'm also have a long-term McDeath goal! Just not sure I'm going to do it this year. It's never going to be all 'correct' minis though.

Pffft...Not with an attitude like that, you won't ;)


Re: The obligatory

ardyer":2q3ctv4y said:
lenihan":2q3ctv4y said:
I'm also have a long-term McDeath goal! Just not sure I'm going to do it this year. It's never going to be all 'correct' minis though.

Pffft...Not with an attitude like that, you won't ;)

Fair point! Although I think even if I did have access to a huge sum of money and was able to get every correct mini, I'd still want to mix it up a bit, especially when it comes to the caledonian clans.


I am simply gonna continue my ever-quest to paint more and more. I have nearly completed the 36 Tilean militia pike I bought at Oldhammer. Next I have the 10 weird heavy horse I got at the same (with armour that never seems to have been worn by anyone in history - I wonder who sculpted such oddities - yet because it's a fantasy world I reckon 'all the better'!).

I have nearly finished my new goblin/orc war machine crew. I want to convert some Perry mercs to artillery crew too. I have skeletons to paint, including the odd new horse figures, which I have old plastic horses for so I can turn the 5 in the pack into 10 - 5 black knights and 5 wraith-things). And more zombies (you never can have enough). And a whole army of old plastic greenskins I am supposed to paint so my boys can use them when they're older.

And the new year will see me play many more Tilean campaign games. And thus see my friends more.
