The Penitent man
So finally here are my foot knights.
While there's an abundance of corrupt and cruel aristocrats ruling the fair lands of Bretonnia, there are also some noble truly virtuous knights.
But even the most noble may fail in his tasks and get a sense of being dishonoured.
There is a band of gathered knights roaming the lands as of late, which have become the gossip of many a tavern
They are those who have failed their high standards of honour and chivalry, and been driven to the brink of despair.
By fair chance a few of them met and decided to redeem themselves. And as they grew in fame, many likeminded knights sought them out and joined them
They call themselves the penitent man. They humble themselves by fighting on foot like the peasants and they have no squires serving them, but like a true brotherhood serve each other.
These are mostly foot knights from foundry, the original bretonnian foot knights from way back.
I've added some Agincourt knights from Perry miniatures.
The penitent man is humble, the penitent man kneels.
I decided to save a lot of time by using modelling paste to even out the bases instead of carefully clipping the bases free of the feet and then glue them onto GW bases.
I suppose this is what they call frosting. Some unfortunate side effects from the varnish, it's mostly around the transfer decals, but oddly only on these blue painted ones...

I carefully painted blue on top of the "frosting". I think I got away with it...