A Poor Mans Crusade

My next unit. 10 Chevaliers De Notre Dame De Bataille
They're made from Knights templars from Fireforge games.

I made this unit to be a specific order of highly disciplined knights who have forsaken all aspirations of property and titles. They are dedicated to the eradication of undead and all unholy things.

As custom is, the eldest son usually inherits his fathers lands and riches.
The younger sons, may then continue to serve their older brother and dwell in the family castle, until such times that a lowly lord, serving their brother, dies. At which time one of the younger sons may be granted the dead lords lands and castle and receive proper titles that go with defending their new lands. But not all are granted such privileges or have the patience to wait.
Many such knights seek to test their luck elsewhere. Some of them seek to join a knightly order such as the Order of the Blessed Lady

The Order of the Blessed Lady Is dedicated to the eradication of all things unholy in the name of the Lady of Battle.
Their castle is located northeast of Mousillon. alongside the river Grismerie. The area surrounding Mousillon is said to be cursed and many foul things creep around the muddy river banks and the nearby swamp lands. Thus the muddy river banks are frequently patrolled by the order.

Upon joining the order, the knights swear oaths of poverty and humility, forsaking any titles that connect them to nobility. Much of their gear is donated by nearby noble estates who feel safer with them keeping the undead at bay.
Most of the nobility however, sees them as lazy beggar knights who take advantage of the superstitious nature of gullible nobles.

Guy de Lombard is the current grand master of the order.
He's a converted knights hospitaller from Perry Miniatures.

The banner of the lady.
I originally intended to paint it freehand, but then I remember I'd have to mirror it, so I scrapped the idea and painted it digitally. I used some medieval images as reference points to get the style right.
It got a bit fuzzy and muted when I printed it. And I forgot to paint the cross, so I thought I could just use a transfer decal. The problem with this however was that I had to dry most of the water off it so it wouldn't ruin the ink on the banner. So I couldn't manage to get it smooth enough to make it look seamless. I thought I could cover it with varnish.
But I might just make another banner, The colour of the cross also has a much richer colour.

I've been wondering if I made them look to much like the actual templars. but according to the picture above, they're pretty accurate.
And the 5th edition does state that the cross is a sign of having fought undead. I guess I didn't have to make them white, but it was the best for making them look dirty from riding around the swamps and river banks.
Also they can't afford to colour their robes, being poor and all.
This unit is not a permanent addition to the army, but more of an elite unit I intend to use when fighting undead or chaos.
That's all for now.