Thank you, that's very kind.
Most of my Scotia Grendel stuff I bought when I first got into wargaming from a wonderful old model school model shop which had a gaming corner full of blisters and books (I still have a few bits - mostly terrain unpainted). I've recently been tempted to get some of their SciFi terrain pieces as they have such a nostalgic look (ala the plaster & sand casting suggested in the Rogue Trader rulebook), mostly because of course they are all old models! So I suppose technically they had a contemporary look
I did find all mine needed a good scrub to get the release agent off, but otherwise they've been a pleasure to paint.
Most of my Scotia Grendel stuff I bought when I first got into wargaming from a wonderful old model school model shop which had a gaming corner full of blisters and books (I still have a few bits - mostly terrain unpainted). I've recently been tempted to get some of their SciFi terrain pieces as they have such a nostalgic look (ala the plaster & sand casting suggested in the Rogue Trader rulebook), mostly because of course they are all old models! So I suppose technically they had a contemporary look