The Lost and the Damned


Thank you, that's very kind.

Most of my Scotia Grendel stuff I bought when I first got into wargaming from a wonderful old model school model shop which had a gaming corner full of blisters and books (I still have a few bits - mostly terrain unpainted). I've recently been tempted to get some of their SciFi terrain pieces as they have such a nostalgic look (ala the plaster & sand casting suggested in the Rogue Trader rulebook), mostly because of course they are all old models! So I suppose technically they had a contemporary look :) I did find all mine needed a good scrub to get the release agent off, but otherwise they've been a pleasure to paint.


I think in a way, I was lucky with some of what I got back in the day. Some was just what was out at the time, but others were kinda 'these are old, there fore not worth much and you can have them'. while I ended up with alot of Fantasy Regiment Skaven, AHQ Skaven, lot of RT plastic marines, even got things like some of Kev Adams' Ruglud's Armoured Orcs (Regiments of Renown).. though at the time, When I got my Death master, it was like £3.99 which was a bit of a fancy buy not but too high at the time for me.

Scotia Grendel still have a lot of there old stuff in production and do new stuff in the same (ish) style.