Right a thread for my chaotic and more monster-like stuff is long overdue and to kick it off lets start with what has only taken something like thirty five years to get across my painting table, some Dungeon Crawlers from Scotia Grendel that were mentioned back in this post.
I'm still wondering if I might do more with the bases, I don't want them to be too out of place in most environments so opted to just do a browny/grey and a few tufts rather than flock them properly or anything. They still need a coat of varnish (with a bit of gloss thrown in for the slime of course), but otherwise I'm calling them done and off the lead (resin in this case) pile!
Once I've taken some photos (hopefully a bit better than the camera phone snap above!) of my Nurgle daemons I'll add those to the thread, but until then you can see one of them over on the Papa save us! thread.

I'm still wondering if I might do more with the bases, I don't want them to be too out of place in most environments so opted to just do a browny/grey and a few tufts rather than flock them properly or anything. They still need a coat of varnish (with a bit of gloss thrown in for the slime of course), but otherwise I'm calling them done and off the lead (resin in this case) pile!
Once I've taken some photos (hopefully a bit better than the camera phone snap above!) of my Nurgle daemons I'll add those to the thread, but until then you can see one of them over on the Papa save us! thread.