The Age of the Imperium


I am wondering if the Auction house might be able to tell me. Easier for them just to say "nope" of course, but they could contact the seller to enquire. They were very friendly when I picked them up, but obviously very busy (never seen so much Lego!) so it does feel a bit of an imposition to ask.

Anyhow they are certainly too nice to strip and when realistically am I going to repaint them anyway, let alone better. So I'm just rather enjoying looking at them in the cabinet and will scratch my Eldar painting itch with the new (old) models!


What a delight to preserve these models and share them here.

And if you decide to add to the army as well, there’s some charm in a collaborative project with an unknown originator.

Maybe they could use some exodites …

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True, I do lack fantasy elves as well for the most part! Never really did any elves bar the units you got with 4th Ed WFB and one I painted for Golden Demon one year.

So next up, Wraithguard. Which if my memory serves were based off some earlier much smaller minis which I have half a memory as being sold as Eldar Robots at one point, but I'll have to go and compare the fuzzy grey cells with WD to make sure I'm remembering correctly.

Anyhow I think these were essentially mini dreadnoughts in-game. Again just to be clear not my painting on these lovely models.


EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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Well I think in a break from sequence so far and do two updates in a day! So rather some more of the specialist troops lets look at the rank and file of Eldar armies, the guardians.

The guardians are possibly the only models I might do a little more work on, other than a few (~six) with missing arms a few others could perhaps do with some refinement of the black armour. Not alas that painting black is my strong point. Still I have about ten "new" old guardians to paint and add to this army so I'd better start practicing!

So without further do here are some more models I didn't paint! :)


Classic use of a needle for the banner pole there.


I also pinged off a quick email to see if the auction house could enquire for me the name of the painter, so you never know I might get a name.

EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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Ah ha! Thats helped me alot.. I haven't taken photos cause I was waiting till the group was done, But with some Eldar basic monopose plastics I got a while back, I decided I might as well paint up a nice little warband. Adding a couple of Metal 'space Elves' (aka not GW) I had made it into a nice group which is mostly painted.. problem with the monoposes is they are just that.. all the same. I wanted to give a tiny bit of variety as it's only a group of 6. One, I was able to cut off the head and rotate it a bit, which is very noticeable as being different.. but the other two.. not sure.. I was wondering about removing the helmet and having a bare head but wasn't sure as that seamed more a leader only thing to me.. But seeing them with a few like that, makes me think I can get away with it pretty well. (also, is one of them painted up like Lobo? (old DC character).

sure, they might be a couple of different units but with how you arranged them, having more then just a leader without helmet doesn't look too bad (plus mine are what I'm technically classing as mercenary's)


I find my feelings about monopose have changed. Originally I wasn't keen on duplicate miniatures. These days I find they tickle my nostalgia enough that I almost quite like them! :) I think with a few tweaks on a paint job such as with these Eldar they work just fine.

Anyhow I've two more photographs of Guardians (I didn't photograph the ones in need of repair, I guess they will appear on my WIP thread at some point).

So here are the rest of the Guardians (love the one with the red Rambo headband!). Again just a reminder that I did not paint these.


EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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^_^ I got some, so might as well paint them up and use them. plus trying to fill out some armies with only unique models can be pricey or impossible these days.

Geroak II

They are nicely painted indeed. Good on you for keeping them that way instead stripping them!

These are not my style so do I try to match them or just do my thing or find some middle ground I wonder?

Personally I find it nearly impossible to replicate someone else's work so I'd go for that golden middle ground here. But perhaps studying them a bit closer might give some insight on how to paint somewhat similar looking eldar to join them?


I suspect middle ground is the only way, not sure I'd be good enough to emulate anyway! :) I think maybe starting with a black primer is the key.

So next some Dire Avengers. These are some (along with the forthcoming scouts) that I do think might benefit from a little bit of extra love. The chap with the banner is a conversion and my lack of elder knowledge means I don't know exactly what they are supposed to be, but they are blue so for now they are sat on the shelf with the Dire Avengers! Whilst the skulls look like those from the Dark Reaper Exarch they don't quite matches I wonder where they are from.

So here is the next batch of "stuff I didn't paint"™


I think maybe a little edge highlighting and maybe a glaze or two on the armour to improve the colour depth would help these out.
I think I have the Dire Avengers Exarch in my leadpile.

EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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Actually since they are the other set of models that need a bit of TLC I shall post the Scouts today. They look less polished and are a bit chipped in places so will need some work.

So here are some more models I didn't paint, but in this case will need to rebase the squares to rounds and probably do a bit of my own painting on them!


EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is a friend of the original owner of the Eldar, which presumably explains the different style and bases. Mystery solved!
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Another day another aspect warrior, or three. So we have a trio of Warp Spiders next. Quite chunky models these. Again not my painting!


Since it seems mean to only give you three model here are three Dark Reapers to keep them company. I've actually just finished rebasing these, although the ballast I had isn't a great match so I might need to have a hunt in the model shop for some other options. So we're nearing the end of "stuff I didn't paint"™, but I've a few things left to show.


EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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twisted moon

i love you're painting on all these.
(wanted to get in there before you started touch ups, adding figures, and the like).


They are overall nice. I don't think I'll be doing much tweaking - a few bits of cleanup for the most part. The first real task will be to repair the half dozen Guardians who were missing arms. After that I need to decide if I do cleanup or work on the "fresh lead".

Anyhow the last of the Aspect warriors in this quest through "stuff I didn't paint"™ are the Fire Dragons...


That leaves just the Dreadnought from this set...

EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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Actually lets just post the Dread and finish things up! So the last (bar those that need repair) was a rather lovely Dreadnought.

The auction house has kindly said they will contact the original owner and painter to ask if I can name them. So watch this space. Lest it need saying again not my painting!


So I'll throw the "new old lead" I've got to add to this lovely lot and the Guardians in need of repair up on my WIP thread at some point. I did buy a War Walker on eBay that until it arrived I assumed I would repaint, but it's rather nice it's just Biel-tan rather than Ulthwé. So I might just see if I can tweak it in some way.

Anyhow maybe when I've patched up the Guardians I'll do a whole army photograph. If I find out the talent who did paint these I'll credit them. For the curious here is the auction catalogue entry where there are a few more photographs. There were some lovely models in that auction, including these Harlequins which if I'd won the lottery I'd probably also now be posting :) The Harlequins were in the cabinet when I picked up my lot and they were a treat. There were also some lovely Chaos Dwarves that I did bid on, but they got a bit pricy.

EDIT: Credit where credit is due, the painter is Robin Ewbank.
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So the last model in this quest of showing other people's models that I now own is an Eldar War Walker. This was not part of the auction lot, but one I picked up on ebay. So once more not my painting!

Now I was assuming I'd strip it and repaint (ebay photo was quite poor), but it's actually rather nicely painted. I'm wondering if I can perhaps repaint the green sections in black and yellow to make it Ulthwé rather than Biel-tan. That way I don't loose the nice white (and I'm rubbish at white). Thoughts?


And so ends "my" (ahem) painted Eldar models, until I finish cleaning up my lead and actually try painting my first Eldar! Yikes!
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tricky.. you would probebly have to paint the green black and put a yellow wash over the white.. so better off to leave it as a 'rented' unit. I can't remember if Eldar do that.. I'm sure sure one of the craftworlds could borrow or rent some troops if needed for a common goal or something..

Geroak II

If the other option is to strip it, then there's nothing (except time) to lose in trying, right? :)
I'd say go for it, after all there's not that many green parts and they're mostly big, relatively flat areas. If you want to try and emulate that yellow of the other eldars then finding matching recipe for it would probably be the tricky part?


If the other option is to strip it, then there's nothing (except time) to lose in trying, right?
That's a good point!
Ulthwé is nominally supposed to be black with white helms (although don't quote me!) although a lot of illustrations seem to use a lot of yellow - as evidenced by the guardians and dread in this set. Hence thinking maybe keep the white, although could be interesting tinting it.