Space Minotaur any one??!


Aye, If you want OC you can have a banner ad on my Blog. Just send me a Banner and I'll stick it up linking to where ever you like. I get 4.5/5k Views a month so it may help alittle.

Hehehe if it helps you can always send me a free mino as a thank you lol
Obscure Creator":hrcez30l said:
Glad you like it guys!
I'll post it in the market place in a couple days with totally finished pics and price.
Also I will post it on facebook-oldhammer section soon , I have to ask you guys to click "like" on it and share it as much as you want/can , because I need to sell at least 25-30 to cover all the hours of work invested , and be able to
jump on all the other projects like Zoats , more Minos , piscean , etc.

Happy to plug this on my blog. You'll have no trouble shifting 25-30. I can see me wanting more than 1...


This is going to be expensive for him. Everyone on Oldhammer Forum with a blog is posting a link in return for a free mini. Who is left to buy then? And all models will be send to bloggers instead of selling any.

:lol: Just kidding.

I would be happy to post on my blog too, but probably first when I have painted one. Which I will do as soon as I have one I hope.

Blue in VT

I'm happy to plug these guys on my blog as well. Of course I'm also happy to pay for one to support such terrific effort.



Fimm McCool

Very very cool. The originality of this sculpt should steer it well past GW's legal team and I expect you'll sell a fair number of them. :)
Is people like you who really make this hobby live forever , no matter if we are playing 6th edition , or the 80's books, THANKS again!

Oh , and be sure that if it gets 30 or more sold , I'll be nice with all of you :roll:

Fimm McCool

I love this, seeing what people are making and saying "yeah that's great can I have one?", getting a few cast up, everyone gets the models they like, sculptors get heir stuff done in metal. Nobody makes a fortune but it makes the hobby so much more exciting and home-grown.


It looks amazing :) I'm definately in on this, I have to be in order to encourage you to sculpt more!


I've wanted a squad of fishmen for several I'm excited to see it might well be a reality. Bring on the scales!