Space Minotaur any one??!

Asslessman":fvdjhkp1 said:
yep, forgot to say I'm dying to see how the gun-horns turned out... (insert heavy salivating here)

Well.....keep dying pal , because I'm first doing a regular horns , and cast it , and then I'll make a variant with horns.
Mostly because like 60% people love the gun/horns and 40% seems to hate that idea.


Obscure Creator":188vnph1 said:
Asslessman":188vnph1 said:
yep, forgot to say I'm dying to see how the gun-horns turned out... (insert heavy salivating here)

Well.....keep dying pal , because I'm first doing a regular horns , and cast it , and then I'll make a variant with horns.
Mostly because like 60% people love the gun/horns and 40% seems to hate that idea.
I'm dying everyday a little bit already...
This just means 40% don't REALLY love space minotaurs. GENUINE connoisseurs have their space minos with gun-horns :ugeek:
That said if the gun-horns come as a variant, I guess it will be perfect for the leader...
Now show us the pics!


I love gun-horns, that is one of the things which REALLY make them sci-fi, in my opinion... Well, your bionic leg is helping too, but the old Rogue Trader minotaurs would just be minotaurs with bolters if they did not have the bionics and gun-horns.
Amen my gun-horny herd-brother! I would advocate for a modular gun horn system. The organic looking gun horns would just work best rather than us crudely bolting on heavy bolters or Tau weapons. There is a nice organic feel to the bionics so far so carrying this through to the guns would be awesome.


Alleluyah! Reason prevails!

Thinking about organic guns leads me to the master : Jes "awesome genius from hell" Goodwin


Or to some Cronenberg goodness too :

Yeah that's the right kind of source material. Bob Olley did some great guns also over the years with his organic style of sculpts. A little bit of the HR Giger styling would hit the spot also.
Ok ok , I got it :)
There will be organic+bone horns...sigh :| Just first pic with "regular" horns , anyway he will look "space" enough , you'll see :mrgreen:


Yes, people love Steve :grin: The same minotaur sold for 35£ just a few days ago, only difference is that Steve has so many fans.
Here here are the ALMOST finished pics , it's 99% done , just need to add the ribbets and adjust some of the cuts for molding and the connection of the chain blade.
I've choose to put a big chain blade on the gun because I want something similar as the ogryns about the fact that they carry heavy and hard guns wich can be used to smash the enemies in close combat once they reach them after
a furious roaming charge!! :twisted: :twisted:
This particular head have a respirator mask , as I like the idea of this guys are primitive beings and their breeding organs are not ready to high levels of pollution.
Anyway for the second guy I can guy with no mask ;)
As I've stated before there will be gun horns , but I'll add them later on an extra head.
Also I want to say that all of the old citadel minotaur heads fit VERY well on this guy too with just some small greenstuff work, so many variants are possible! :roll:
It feets perfect on 40mm round or squared base.
*Cables on the head are not perfectly posed because it needs to be glued for that*
Ok , the pics now!





Consider you have one sold to me :grin:

I understand their Breathing organs are fragile, I guess their breeding ones are just as delicate as ours :grin:
The gun is just perfect to represent a generic shooting weapon.

Can't wait to paint it now.
Glad you like it guys!
I'll post it in the market place in a couple days with totally finished pics and price.
Also I will post it on facebook-oldhammer section soon , I have to ask you guys to click "like" on it and share it as much as you want/can , because I need to sell at least 25-30 to cover all the hours of work invested , and be able to
jump on all the other projects like Zoats , more Minos , piscean , etc.


25 to 30 seems not a lot, It seems to me they will sell rapidly, I'll make some advertisment on my blog the little attention I can with my humble view figures. ;)


I would think 25-30 pieces would sell on this forum alone :grin: So hopefully things will work out and much more great minis will be done!