Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress thread

Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Asslessman":3tctgtvu said:
Count Von Bruno":3tctgtvu said:
What a nice touch :lol:

So cool to see how they all blend in together so nicely, perhaps with the exception of the attention whore Heroquest Wiz's red pants and crotch :?

Until now, it had not struck me more than this but now I only see his trousers, and god they're tight...

I forgot to say but Big Kudos for the potions !

The Heroquest Wiz looks a lot like a human catcher I think.

Warband is coming along most satisfactorily indeed. I am looking forward to adding some Otto to the mix. :)
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

The warband's looking increasingly excellent! I've almost finished my halfing, just trying to decide on what shield design to go with!


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Now that I'm all settled in my new place and the Half Orc is unpacked I shoul get round to posting him I guess hehe


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Fimm McCool's barbarian has joined the ranks:



Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Thanks a lot Fimm for your FREE participation, I really appreciate your gesture of giving a model without wanting anything in return, especially not the opportunity of earning a fantastic warband !

Just as a reminder, some quotes from the project alchemy thread ;)

Fimm McCool":tqergos2 said:
Congratulations and well done!

Well I really hope I don't win a painted mini, it'd be such a shame to see such beautiful paint jobs go into the dettol! 8-)

Fimm McCool":tqergos2 said:
I totally agree. That's why it would be a shame to have to dunk them. But there's no option. Have something painted by someone else in my collection? Never I tell you. ;)

Thanks a lot mate 8-)
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Asslessman":bvfj39dd said:
Thanks a lot Fimm for your FREE participation, I really appreciate your gesture of giving a model without wanting anything in return, especially not the opportunity of earning a fantastic warband !

Just as a reminder, some quotes from the project alchemy thread ;)

Fimm McCool":bvfj39dd said:
Congratulations and well done!

Well I really hope I don't win a painted mini, it'd be such a shame to see such beautiful paint jobs go into the dettol! 8-)

Fimm McCool":bvfj39dd said:
I totally agree. That's why it would be a shame to have to dunk them. But there's no option. Have something painted by someone else in my collection? Never I tell you. ;)

Thanks a lot mate 8-)

You damn dirty rules lawyer JB!

Fimm McCool

Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Asslessman":23gsa7qr said:
Thanks a lot Fimm for your FREE participation, I really appreciate your gesture of giving a model without wanting anything in return, especially not the opportunity of earning a fantastic warband !

You're welcome. 8-) Law's not my thing anyhow. :razz:


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Oh now I see clear in your game, it's the same thing as when you say "anything but a one" and you inevitably end up with a one... you do it the other way though, good move ;)

@Sean : Rules lawyer me ? nah never, law ruler yes :twisted:

Blue in VT

Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

This is really starting to look like a fantastic warband. I'll pull my thumb out and get my figure done after Oldhammer NW Day this month....though I may be thinking of painting a human archer instead of the dwarf I promised... :oops:




Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

No dwarf?

Some stats (so far) :

Race :

- 73% humans
- 18% elves
- 9% dwarves


- 9% female
- 91% male

Style :

- 27% magic users
- 9% archers/rangers
- 55% fighters
- 9% knights


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Stats are based on the received models JB? We know there's a half-orc on its way ;)


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Yep it was posted yesterday 1st Class, so should be with the rest in the next day or so.


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Bane's elven archer and Chico's half-orc have safely arrived. I'll try and sort out a pic later :)
Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Ah woot and Hray! Coming along. Skit wants to paint up a 3 man cannon crew now. Gonna have to find bitz.


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

So much for feminine representation...
but the more the merrier, can't wait to see the warband in its "lucky 13" version :grin:


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

The Oldhammer Legacy Warband picks it's way through the ruins of a Chapel of Law. No doubt a rampaging Chaos warband has wreaked this destruction. The agents of Law will have their revenge!





Any suggestions for names? Stick them in this thread


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Thats it, stick the Half Orc next to the Dorf... could end messy that hehe


Re: Oldhammer Legacy Warband 2014 - sign up & progress threa

Looking great! They're going to need a strong leader to keep that disparate bunch working together.