Thanks Paul, bit of a way to go to catch up with Erny, but always good to have something to aspire to. Production might slow next month as my army travels to Lustria (Berlin really) to make war with Pygmy Witch Doctor. As well as his frogs there will be many of his dark elves to battle too which, so far, he has not revealed here. Will be sure to document some fighting though, looks likely it’ll mainly be 4th ed, with maybe some 3rd too and and an escape from pygmy village skirmish that I’m being kept in the dark about. I think I’ll top out at around 6000pts of green invading forces.
Thanks Dazza, good to see your Ruglud’s coming on, they look great.
Gerner, thanks too. A few people have admired my basing, there is a quick guide on the second page of the thread. Additionally I have expeimented with starting the bases with a mix of sawdust bound with pva rather than sand on a few units for a rougher initial texture. Have used this technique on the old plastic warhammer regiment orcs and the orc archers too. I think in general I just use a wider variety of the usual basing components on than some, and maybe more of them than most. Hope that helps, let me know if more detail is required.