Mount Silence at Night


@Fimm McCool

The finale revealed a Hengeton. What is Huldraugur? Is it its name? Or just a different term? Wasn't clear for me from the day's webpage.

Anyways, the advent calendar was a great joy :) Thank you very much for the experience.
In "the Woods", Huldraugur are males counterparts to the Huldra who went into the void between realms and went mad and insane. I'm gonna say, picture a mixture of dark elves and chaos (to a degree)


missing one ^_^ well, now that you have found the wings.

Good job.
I'm on.. erm.. 3 Goblins and 1 Gnome done.. with 2 Gnomes about 50% or more done and more goblins on the way. the rest are just primed right now. Have to take some photos soon anyway
Finally I am done with my minis as well:


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