Mount Silence at Night

Finally, I was allowed to open the first door. It revealed an empty slot... :( I saw the tip of a bag just visible and pulled on it, seems the Gnome's bag slid down into the compartment below. But no problem, I was able to pull it up. Nice little fellow.


view full sized image [3639x2047]

I also thought about how I would store this mini game, and the artwork of the calendar's front seemed a good idea for that - storing the models in the mount itself would also make for a very representative storage solution.

So I got a wooden picture frame. The plan is to model the mount inside of it. For the floor levels I will use wooden strips, into which I will insert magnets. In combination with the metal bases I will use for the minis, this should provide a nice and secure storage solution. Current idea is to glue the board to the frames back, so turning the frame around will provide the playing surface... let's see how this idea will turn out.



reminds me of how the original Monsters in my Pocket had a storage mountain.. damn, I need to get back into trying to complete my set.. well, series 1 atleast (wonder why the rest of Europe liked to advertise the fact of being able to paint them but the UK never did.. I'll only paint doubles though..

Fimm McCool

I'm reliably informed you can eat so much lead and be ok.
Framing idea sounds great, really taking it to the next level. I wouldn't mount it just yet though... You'll see why sometime in the next couple of weeks.


someone didn't check the QR code ^_^
"Now turn over your calendar to the back. Here you will find the board on which adventures will be played. Keep the board mounted on the back of the calendar until instructed otherwise."


Nice. I kinda gave up with trying to get a figure painted in one day cause.. I just don't really do that ^_^; Gnome 1 is half painted up, Gobbo is primed.


Since I already made some 3D doors, today's advent gift will have to find another use. As it is the plastic stands for the card doors. However, I did learn that I also need some archways, so I quickly put some together this evening.


So along with the melee rules yesterday. I reckon we must be ready to start playing game?