Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...

The farmhouse belonging to Johannes and Hansine Pertwee is the largest of the farms in Heiligsheld.

The farmhouse used to belong to the Wechsler family, however several years ago on a particularly foreboding Geheimnisnacht’s eve the farmhouse was attacked by some mutated ones who wore the skins of wolves.
As fate would have it, Johannes was staying with the family helping with the harvest in exchange for coin and lodging.

Johannes being a former soldier was lucky enough to survive the terrible ordeal.
Alas the 3 members of the Wechsler family were all killed in a terrible fire that consumed the barn in which they were hiding.

Now the farmhouse is home to the Pertwee’s and Uli the Dwarf who is their hired helped.

The farm is surrounded by fields of crops and grazing land for the sheep.

Despite being from other parts and being new to the village, the locals have for the most part taken them in as their own, though a few whisper about the night of the werewolf attack and comment on how Johannes survived but the werewolves bodies were never found, only the bodies of the previous owners, burnt in the barn fire.

Still what would a village be without some idle gossip eh.









This is my third attempt at scratch-building one of Warhammer Townscape buildings and I am quite pleased with this.

It is of course based on the townscape Farmhouse.
But the astute may notice a few differences, the major one being the placement of the main doors.
They are on the other side in my version.

Well sort of an accident, I have Terror of the Lichemaster and in there is a floorplan of the farmhouse which I was looking at whilst I made the shell.
On that floorplan the doors are as I made them here, so I just copied the floorplan rather than copy the card model.


It was a sort of accident, but at the same time I preferred this layout as it gives me a sort of porch / entry area in which to add bits and bobs. Had the door been on the other side, I feel this would have been harder.

So yeah here it is with added set dressing.
Big thanks to “Slaves to Darkness” who gifted me the farming implements you see dotted around.

The inn is going to be called The Painted Lady. (Probably)

This is because when we moved into our house 2 years ago the previous owners left a massive framed painting on the wall of some woman.
We have no idea who she is, but we like it and we kept it.
She is our spiritual guardian.

The plan is to take a photo of the painting and print it out small and have that as the sign that hangs above the inns entrance.

Because the Inn is named after the painting in our house, the inn will be run by Mikael Stockhausen and Sabine Stockhausen.
Though I am worried about finding a model that looks like me...

Geroak II

Amazing job with the farmhouse! Trying to spot all the small details make me feel like searching for Waldo. :lol:
Vegetation on ground, moss growing on roof and walls and fallen leaves work like a dream to give feeling of nature surrounding this building.
I think Pertwees might want to keep an eye on the rat population though; that creature is so big, next thing residents know it'll be walking on two legs and demanding cheese... or maybe warpstone.

Can't lie; after reading 'Painted Lady' I thought story behind the name was going in a different direction than it did... :shock:


^_^; Painted lady.. old English term for a tart.. you see alot of them on TV these days.. make up applied in nice 2 inch thick coats.. wonder what it means elsewhere in the world..

Geroak II

It was a labour of love.
And that shows. You can be proud of these buildings you've made.
Just looking at them wakes up the supressed architect in me and makes me want to give it a go myself. Maybe one day...

Yeah, ManicMan did catch my drift. Although my very first though, just after reading the name and before getting to reasons behind it, was actually this EP:

Painted Lady.jpg

The inn is going to be called The Painted Lady. (Probably)

This is because when we moved into our house 2 years ago the previous owners left a massive framed painting on the wall of some woman.
We have no idea who she is, but we like it and we kept it.
She is our spiritual guardian.

The plan is to take a photo of the painting and print it out small and have that as the sign that hangs above the inns entrance.

Because the Inn is named after the painting in our house, the inn will be run by Mikael Stockhausen and Sabine Stockhausen.
Though I am worried about finding a model that looks like me...
Genius. Curious to see the painting as well.