Michaels 25mm WFB Stuff...

Added some hinges and bits and bobs.


Also filled the windows.
I use plastic mesh / granny grating but I find that used as is, the gaps are too deep, so I fill them with plasticine and this helps make them look less rubbish.

I use plasticine as it is cheap and I use it loads for other stuff.
Jam in it:


Use a moist brush to round them off, they look a bottle glass maybe, then drop some superglue onto each bit to set it solid.



Priming today, then once done, I need to ponder what to base it on.
Stand alone model or on a bigger base with other outbuildings...
Busy painting and this has me thinking about what the farm will be for.
Obviously a place to defend when the Lichemaster finally brings his horde, but until that day (sometime 2026 probably) I want to do the background to Johannes Pertwee as seen here:

So, what can people suggest for oldhammer looking werewolves, ideally in human form.
Your werewolves are proper man by day werewolf by full moon types rather than mutants or beast men or nutters who think they are wolves, right? And you’re looking for them in their totally untransformed human form, correct?
There are a few in the C18 Night Horrors line. Also an early Blood Bowl player called Wilhelm Chaney though his pads are probably a dealbreaker.
Thank you, I can't take credit for it, looking around online at stuff as is my want, there are plenty of people using it.
Not sure about the filling though. :)


Oh, I use the plastic needlepoint grating myself; for fences and catwalks and such. Just never thought to use it for windows, and the filling is, I think, what makes it work. :) It's really very useful stuff. Your filling makes it even more useful!


I can think of a few wolfmen but... it depends on taste and style really..



I've built a unit of 3 werewolves - yet to paint - using the C18 Night Horror "Giant Werewolf" (easily my favourite but not that easy to find), the Oakbound Wulver, and the Heresy one. I definitely think the Heresy one is a pretty stylistically modern sculpt and for in-production ones I massively prefer the Wulver.
Thanks for the replies. In other news...

How do the RPE undead compare size wise to citadel?

Well after about 40 hours of making and painting, the building itself is done.
But set dressing, what should it have on the base?

I have a barrel, a pile of firewood* and of course a cart wheel leaning against a wall, what else would you expect to see next to a farmhouse?

* I know...
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Geroak II

what else would you expect to see next to a farmhouse?
Sacks? Rats, cat(s) and dog(s)? A doghouse? Bird's nest on the roof? Chicken coop? Ladders and generic tools like rakes, hammers, scythes etc. resting against the wall? Chopping block and an axe stuck to it? A coil of rope hanging from a nail on the wall?

I find especially animals to be very underused in scenery though small creatures like rats/mice would fit so many settings.