Metal Nostalgia Force painted models

Got one of the Rogue Trader Pirates done as the second member of the Penal Legion squad. I kinda wish I had done the lines on the moustache tapering more towards the ends as in my head that's how I was going to do it but then for whatever reason I did it the way it's shown here and that's how it stayed.


Haha no it was quite a few tries getting a little brush in there and making it remotely work. It was some white, then some diluted paint in the darker skin tone (I tried the lighter and it didn't look right) and then a dot in the middle... it was a small area to just start over with a coat of white, so I just kept at it until it looked better. I don't have any other pics of him painted - maybe one from before he was painted? You can see it's just a recess:

Ah cool. It is a great job, I did think it was flat and you had painted it to look like a recess, still very very cool though.
Thanks for the reply.