Metal Nostalgia Force painted models

I got Slambo and his matching Marauder Chaos Dwarf done today!


Back photos/closer pics here for anyone who wants more detail.


What an update, those weapons are awesome - very atmospheric. Lovely. The 1988 Khorne Champion looks great, really really rich colour on that armour.
Cheers guys. Three and a half months later and I have managed to get just one mini painted... darn work getting in the way. Regardless, here it is - a Rhino marine:



I wanted his raised hand to make sense in the context of him not being attached to the side of a Rhino, and out of that grew a little background diorama to have the U beam make more sense:

Cheers guys! I am hoping to get the two Christmas Marines painted by Christmas... they're base coated so far. I had plans for a whole snowy diorama for them with additional minis but I think I need to get the Marines done first - if I then don't have time to finish the diorama at least I will have something completed!
Well... the Christmas Marines didn't work out, and I only got them about halfway done before Christmas so I shelved that for next year. I did find more painting time than I expected since then, though, and managed to both start and finish a mini which was most surprising!

Old World Jack, a 1987 Bob Naismith sculpt.



I have one of the other mercenaries/pirates to do next... they're certainly a varied bunch, many are very visually different from each other!


Love the freehanded ID number on the back and the red/orange coveralls are spot on, such a rich colour.

At least you've got a year to finish the Christmas marines now! I'm in the same conundrum - not quite sure the skeleton I have on the go will be done in the next day or two for this year's Deadcember!
Cheers! I have had a half dozen attempts at a colour scheme for my mercs/Imperial Army guys that makes sense for when they're co-opted into fighting alongside my Marines but going for blue to make them Ultramar Auxilia or similar just didn't sit right, and the camo patterns I tried failed dismally. In the end I came into possession of a few Penal guys and some Human Bombs and thought that maybe an orange jump suit would work with some blue accents to tie them in somewhat.

This guy is the first test of that colour scheme and I like it better than any of my previous attempts, but I then also came into possession of one of the old Rough Riders with a very Australian looking slouch hat so I'm pondering having a go at a WWI Australian scheme for some of the Army figures... ehhh. We'll see. I may end up with orange for the mercs/adventurers/penal guys and something else for the army guys, will have to have a go and see how it sits.

I did have fun trying to get the little snowy diorama done but there was just no way I was going to be happy with the Christmas guys or the diorama if I tried to get it done in the time I had pre-Christmas... so I just have a good headstart on next year, I guess!