Marauder Giant apparently makes a return


yay.. mine turned up today too.. tiny bit confused.. Giant is all there, looks good the Wyvern.. well.. nothing wrong with it but.. comes with instructions? huh? I can understand if they want to add some but then, not for the giant? seams confusing to me which one they decided to add it to.. (also a pair of kinda useless paper banners.. in fact.. 2 sheets, which each has 4 banners (2 being very dark versions based on the original art shown for the figure, and then the same two again.. so.. 4 sets of the same way too dark paper banners..) still, very nice. fears of some of the 'updating' would be a bit too much on the 'modern look' style being unfounded as they should have been ^_^


The only difference I can see is whoever did the mold believed in venting and then venting some more! I've just trimmed off a million little spikes, from my trolls. I see the giant just says ©Maurader 1990 on the foot, nothing else to indicate it's a fresh casting. Then again I'm sure the second hand market isn't really something that will keep the execs at GW awake at night :)

Interesting about the banners. I suspect the boxed one probably had some printed banners on the box backs (presumably to photocopy), so presumably GW felt they should supply something. Speaking of box banners am I correctly remembering some banner on the inside box tabs on some of the older Citadel boxes?

I guess it'd be hard to assemble the giant wrong, but then again I can't imagine that wyvern is exactly complicated!?! :)


Don't remember the box having some banners and pictures I've seen don't show but yes, some sets did come with banners.. but these are sooo dark.. and yeah, noticed alot of spiking but that's fine ^_^ Not sure when ill get to build and paint them..

I do think the instructions are.. weird.. it says about .. using your Citadel modelling knife and Citadel clippers (¬_¬) but what I think is weird is.. there is a paragraph on test fitting before gluing, then to file your model before gluing, then glue, then use Citadel Liquid Green Stuff to fill... and then on the little picograph of all the tools that help, it shows a drill.. yes, the Wyvern, more then the giant (though the giant too) should have some pinning work but.. it doesn't say a THING about drilling or anything, just gluing, and then the picture shows a drill.. weird.. why not atleast comment on drilling?

though I will say, I have a problem with pinning... trying to line up and drill the hole in the right place on both sides of the model ¬_¬


I have a problem with pinning... trying to line up and drill the hole in the right place on both sides of the model
Occasionally I've drilled through from the outside so to speak through both pieces and then filed down and smoothed off the surface afterwards when it's been tricky to get good alignment. Otherwise popping in a shorter pin and pressing into the other piece to produce a mark is generally how I've done it. Assuming your pinhole is big enough for glue you should be able to extract the short marking pin.

I'd think from test fitting the giant won't need any pinning - it's a pretty well keyed model.


yeah, I'm just more thinking for strength, though should be fine. the Wyvern is one that I think will more need a bit of pinning

Fimm McCool

I haven't pinned the giant, epoxy holds him fine. I see the trolls are one piece with no necks. They used to have separate heads (so you could swap them around and put heads at more animated angles to make the models look less samey). Was that a 2000s adaptation of have they done that just for this release?


three of the Stone trolls didn't have swappable heads.
Stone Troll with Stone Hammer, Stone Troll with Axe and Stone Troll with Bone Club. Which looking at the new release, is Set 2, where as the next three (Stone Troll Body 1 with Rock, Body 2 with 2 handed axe and body 3 with Stone Axe and Bone club) had separate heads. Code wise, the one-piece ones came first but.. why Micheal Perry did 3 one pieces and 3 with swappable heads which were released at the same time I have no clue.

(and by the way, link to the 1992 Catalogue showing this)
though I will say, I have a problem with pinning... trying to line up and drill the hole in the right place on both sides of the model ¬_¬
One way is to drill a hole and glue the pin in on one side, then drill a way larger hole (like 3mm for a 1mm pin) on the other side at the approximate position; stuff it with miliput, apply superglue on the pin, and part A, and then press the the two parts together. The pin will then sit snuggly in the miliput bed, without any need for precise drilling on the second part.

Fimm McCool

three of the Stone trolls didn't have swappable heads.

Ta. That would be the three I didn't have previously and ordered then. Definitely prefer the separate heads, the lack of neck makes them look distorted in a bad way. Ah well, full house now. :)


interesting.. the Giant is labelled as Orc and Goblins (also interesting they are trying to undo the crap renames so they have special trademarked named, for Old world atleast) but I always took the Marauder giant as more Bretonnian, or atleast the Empire (technically Bretonnian doesn't quite make sense if they are meant to be very noble and virtues and giants are known for being drunkards)
although I suppose GW may have tweaked the molds to put some differences/labels in when they remastered them?

From when I have ordered MTO before, they are the exact same, with old dates tagged etc. but, you never know.


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Yes it looked to be exactly the same to my eye - not that I had an original to compare to, but I couldn't see any obvious modifications.

Still waiting on my replacement barrel alas, so I'm obviously in the "we'll eventually make it" window now! Still the order somewhat implies they might just send an entire new giant so I might get lucky and they won't ask for the partial one back (which if they are going to take months to cast a barrel you think they would have already told me so I put it safely to one side). So with a bit of luck and conversion I might end up with twins.


One way is to drill a hole and glue the pin in on one side, then drill a way larger hole (like 3mm for a 1mm pin) on the other side at the approximate position; stuff it with miliput, apply superglue on the pin, and part A, and then press the the two parts together. The pin will then sit snuggly in the miliput bed, without any need for precise drilling on the second part.

Great tip!

Another tip for pinning that I usually did is to drill part A, insert a small pin into it, and then paint the pin with a light colour (red o blue work well). Next, try to align part A with part B, and the paint will indicate where to drill in part B.

I'm still waiting for the giant and trolls. I'm located in the south of Spain, so I suppose it will take longer!
My giant and wyvern arrived today, so not even 60 days from the 190 of the order confirmation, but still a lot longer than some of your delivery times reported before. Weird communication style...

Looking forward to get some paint on the giant, especially 8-)
Probably 30 more days to go, before I could pick up my giant from the local GW store. I'm now setting aside funds for the re-release of Prince Ulther's Dragon Company - need 40.


Gosh dwarves next. Not bugman's then? I guess phew, my copy of bugmans complete with the "three mini's per base" bases can still fund my retirement via ebay then! Although retirement will take a hit with the purchase of some Dwarves I don't need I expect!

Still waiting on my Giant's new barrel alas, not that I've exactly got nothing to paint, ahem.
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mm? they have a list of new ones? (Skaven aren't "officially supported" for old world.. so no re-issues but oh well)