Manic's Gaming Boards build - A long log of events


well.. I have even commented about wanting to get my boards done for a while and Quidamcorvus shows his fantastic work for his Mordheim boards and others have too of course.. So I have started some in the past but never got far.. lets more try another attempt.

I ordered some stuff to start working on them, and while I was waiting for it, Fimm started to show his work on some new boards so.. I kinda got some big shoes to match up to eh? (which is funny as.. I wear UK size 13 boots myself which is.. erm.. EU size 47, and US size 14 or thereabouts).

So.. well.. While I'm still doing.. way too many things, I do have some time if I can get the energy and hopefully going 'public' like this also helps give me a push ^_^ so lets start with Part 1

I have 9 1foot by 1foot MDF boards to make up a 3 x 3 gaming board. I had tried to do something with them a while back but wasn't happy with it at all. I even made up a couple of River sections which you lay on top of the boards and really not impressed.. So.. got some foam slabs (call themselves diorama foam but oh well, good enough. The boards aren't quite one foot I think, they are more 300mm which is just a shy under1 foot (304.8mm).

By getting some foam, I could put that on top of the boards as a base to allow easy dips and stuff in the landscape. Fine.. 2 problems.. the only cutter I got for cutting such stuff isn't that great and for me to cut a straight line300mm long? Forget that.. so had to get some foam the right size.. the one I ended up getting were in fact, 300mm x 100mm x 40mm.. well, no problem cause 100x3 is 300, so I just need to put three slabs together for each board.. so that's 3x9, 27 slabs.. they were sold in packs of 5s so got 30.. fair enough. Useful stuff. Price wasn't too bad either.. not fantastic but not too bad. The second of the problems was the height.. 40mm.. that's 4cm tall.. its.. a bit big but.. oh well.. it'll have to do.

So.. first thing first, well.. a mixture of planning out the boards and foaming up some boards. sadly as things are never 100 exact, the first board I foamed, the foam very slightly overhangs on end, and slightly ends a bit early another end (but not opposite ends so it's not just me not lining them up right. Oh well, that can be dealt with.

So, going onto the first thing which requires any real work, Planning the boards!

I had already some idea when I tried this before so I knew what SOME of the features I wanted were. The Boards kinda need to be able to be re-arranged to a degree so that gives some limits.

First, I wanted 3 of them to be a Cliff. I had tried to do that one before but was really not impressed with how it was turning out after 2 boards were started. Of them three, the idea was kinda half-half with the cliff. It would be some height and give two levels, as in you could play on the ground level, or have some area of the top of the cliff which could be moved on. I had planned one to have a kinda step way to getup. I think ideally, I would need to have two forms of steps cause only having one way up a cliff? That's pretty good for defence, hard for anything else. Was thinking one to be kinda natural and the other probably man (or other creature) made, so some wood steps for figures to climb up and move on. Also gives some nice creation options there.. Also, also, Possible the wood steps aren't build into the board so could be placed depending on the map.. fair enough.

Next, I want some river. So 3 boards are going to be river sections. Want to work out abit more but it'll probebly be fairly grid like since the three boards need to have the river ends matching up. No problem though. I'm not as against 'grid river' as some people are.. you would be surprise how much river way of England alone is not totally natural. You had some farm land or settlement, you would build near a river, or divert the course of the river to get it where you wanted it.

For the final three, One is gonna be part of the River going as a feeder into a small lake, which has an island in the middle. I say small lake but. Taking up most of the 1 foot tile so, work out that scale.. oh.. there is a calculator for that.. it's about 60 foot.. so.. between 40-50 foot of that is lake. Is that a small lake? Not sure ^_^; the other two are as well probebly be grassy plains. Not completely flat. Maybe one will have a bit of a bare patch for a bit of a small settlement.

Right.. made up a little grid of 3x3 so I can sketch it out and did that as a first draft, the river section will be one kinda straight (in that it enters the left side, exits the right, but there is some movement and shaping to the course), the middle one is a T shape which for this set up, runs to the lake in the middle of the grid. The third part is a L shape. This gives three different river sections which can be re-arranged in a number of different ways. Adding a bit more detail to the sketch, I think one of the river sections will have some stepping stones, allowing easy access across and I might make are moveable wood bridge which can be placed when required more the none set into the board, like with the cliff.

Very rough sketch as you can see but that's fine. Alot of detailing will come out when making it or just added a bit later as I fill in details more.

Now, one thing I wanted to think about was Edging. Do I leave the boards with the foam edges or add some more solid edging? Well.. first problem.. in 2023, I got a small 'portable' laser cutter. A low-ish power home deal which has been fun and useful to me making card trays, figure boxes, movement trays etc, as well as some stuff for others like little wood statues and bits. But it's a Diode laser which is limited in cutting power(it seams to strain on 2mm thick MDF, but plywood is fine and that's okay with me, though I can just about cut 2MM MDF.. but personally, plywood is more then good enough for me.) but it's cutting size is I think 220x250.. these boards are 300x300.. that makes a problem. And cause it's a portable model, it's pretty tricky for me to line up something so I could cut the wood, 250mm long, move it along a bit and tell it to cut the other 50mm to get a straight line. So laser cut edging is kinda out. Even with a jigsaw, cutting straight lines is not a real skill I have so that's out too. Basically, don't bother with thick material like most woods. I do have a digital die cutter so it's possible I can cut some card and that cutter does do 300mm so that's possible.. but it's just as easy to use scissors for some cut as I can get that cut straight enough.. problem is, If I'm gonna use thin card like that, it's a bit pointless I think.. Cereal box card is a maybe as that is a bit stronger and can be cut easily but... not sure.. I do have some foam board which is.. about 5mm thickness so that's even more a possible too.. in fact, my die cutter might be able to cut that but.. not worth setting it up for that, but not amazingly hard to cut.

I don't really have the space to have much of a 'work bench' so for now, I'll only do one board at a time for the basics anyway. This means I've glued 3 pieces of foam to the first board and probebly won't get the next one ready just yet. I can probably have a couple on the go at a time but.. soo much stuff, soo much to tidy up..

Fimm McCool

Looks like a solid starting point.

Do you have a hot wire cutter? Even a basic hand held 'wand' will be useful for cutting the river and cliffs in the foam (provided it's expanded polystyrene not extruded polyurethane). You can laser cut yourself a plywood template and cut along it to ensure each end of the river matches up to every other segment.

Speaking as someone who has made a board in 1' tiles before, it's very easy to put too much on there and end up with no playing space. Especially on a small 3'x3' overall area. Realistically you're losing a third of your playing area there with cliffs and a lake. You'll know what games you want to play on there and how much space you'll need. It may be worth sketching it out full size and playing a few games on the sketch map first to make sure it will do what you want.

Looking forward to seeing your progress!

Oh, and you've definitely got bigger shoes than me! My size 10s would be rather a tight fit I feel!
I kinda got some big shoes to match up to eh? (which is funny as.. I wear UK size 13 boots myself which is.. erm.. EU size 47, and US size 14 or thereabouts).


I have a basic hand held hot wire cutter, not quite gotten the hang of it fully but good enough for the little I use it (cheap thing ^_^) so that should help with the cutting.

It's just labelled as 'high density foam board' which i believe is polystyrene and I probably could have tried to find something a bit better (a few bumps in places but I don't really think that's much out of the norm).

yeah, I know its quite easy to go overboard with too much stuff but kinda wanna try a bit of a bunch of things to give some range but I am hoping to use some cheap paper I got to do a full sized sketch which will at least help with laying out stuff

Fimm McCool

Maybe do a test cut with the hot wire. If it doesn't cut cleanly (just singes and belches smoke) then it's polyurethane. Good news for spray painting bad news if you're planning to use clear resin in your rivers/lake . Just make sure you cover it thoroughly in PVA, filler or whatever before using the resin.

If it cuts fine and is polystyrene then don't spray paint it (unless you cover it in PVA, filler etc first) but the resin should be fine.


yeah, I should be able to do a quick test tomorrow (partly due to lack of room but.. I think doing it outside might be a safer option.. Not that I get too much bothered by my bedroom often smelling of burnt wood, Resin or some weird mixtures at times. I have some clear resin water mix by.. erm.. whatever the one company that does a fair bit of that kinda stuff.. I used it for part of a diorama I did which.. I haven't worked on in other a year and I need to do more work on (I had a problem with losing a figure which I would have to order a small set to get just that figure.. but it was going okay and I need to finish some improvements cause I had a fair bit done already.. pretty nice for what it was/is. So I have a fair bit of that left still. Though I would seal it before pouring anyway. After getting the boards painted up I'll try to atleast get it all varnished in places that need it and PVA sealed as best I can.


Granting that Fimm's advice is clearly all very good and worth heading, this is a lovely plan and I look forward to seeing where you go with it. :) I'm more and more tempted all the time to move past my blob hills and blankets on books terrain.


I went to test cut using my hand held wire cutter and.. it wouldn't heat up.. ehuh.. So I did what anyone who likes to screw around with some understanding of electronics would do.. I took the thing apart and fixed it.. they are bloody simple things so it was just a matter of tightening a screw inside to hold a contact in place. Foam mostly just got a bit melty and cut pretty well, no smoke of any note. So it's polystyrene. Fair enough. Got a surprisingly straight cut for me..

Decided to stop a bit of a waste of filler and stuff, to have a few boards ready at a time, So I've now got 3 boards all foamed up, but only cut the one so far. fair enough.

After cutting, I really need to work out the edge trim. A few things are kinda coming up with that.. the first is the Foam card I got is 3-5mm thick, that would add a bit of size to the edge of the boards, but fair enough, however, is that really a good choice of material? I am kinda sliding back to the idea that my 2mm plywood is in fact a much better idea. My laser cutter can't do 300mm in one piece, BUT what if I just make it as two pieces which either have a jigsaw like connection to slot two together, OR just kinda have to line up when I glue into place? That would be pretty solid and the accurately would be FAR better then me trying to do it all by hand. So that would be a pretty good idea. Its 2mm thick, so best to add 2mm to the length on both sides, while the foam is 40mm tall, it'll double check and add on I think3mm (again, I'll check) for the size of the MDF board. So cutting two pieces which are roughly 170mm x 43mm... that's fine.

The next issue is the River sections. It would probably be a good idea to work out the cross section of the river, atleast at the edges, so that the edging has the cut out for the river already, which will help for lining each section up. So before I can really do too much on the edging, I need to plan out the cross section for the river. Fair enough.

While I'm still debating this edging, as I think I really need to move on to doing some full size paper tiles for working out how big the river cross section will be. Rough idea kinda meant 100mm thickness, so 1/3rdof the board.. possible.. I mostly use 30mm bases so I want to use that as a good guide line for stuff., so for a decent river.. minimal of 2 bases wide (60mm) to about 3 bases wide (90mm) so.. 100mm is kinda the top end. This will hopefully allow for bridges and steppingstones as ways across.. though it does bring up the question of what do I want the river to be? A blockage? A deep river would block most things from crossing it apart from at certain crossings unless firing or just shooting across, Just difficult? A shallow river would mean halving movement to cross in most systems so you can cross but its much harder as it's difficult terrain. I think... I'm gonna go for Blockage. Making new boards at a later date will hopefully be an option and as I said, I'm hoping to make a Bridge as a removable part.. Maybe I could make up a couple of bridges. The straight river section, I'm hoping to have some stepping stones so it's possible to cross at one point, could these be removable? Probably but maybe not in a decent way. Of course, for stepping stones.. can't really do that for a deep river.. well.. kinda can but.. not really.. so.. Shallow river being difficult terrain. A shallow river would be one where you can walk in, but could be tricky.. I'm not quite sure how it's defined but lets say.. a mini is 28mm, so... damn.. I just tried to look up Shallow vs Deep water... I think it's not worth looking that up again.. in the ocean, 1000meters is shallow water ¬_¬.. US law (its basically the same in English but for some stupid reason, it's in meters.. I don't do height in meters for big things..) says in a swimming pool, it's 5 feet. Great, That'll do. 5 Feet can be walk through for the average person even with a bit of difficulty.28mm figure is... about 5 foot 6.. so say 20mm depth. With 40mm deep foam, that seams fine for the shallow water. I'll sketch it out but start with a drawn curve, then add a bit of detail based on the idea of how the edges would erode and dirt and stuff would pile. Not a totally expert and looking around at River cross sections didn't do a whole lot of good, but the shape I sketched out seams good enough though not perfect at drawing it mirrored right, which I'm pretty sure it being symmetrical is kinda important for the modular nature.


As I've decided to do the laser cut edges, I've did a vector of half of the River Edge with a clean up and rescale of my sketch.


Before I start to cut that, I want to add some fingers for putting bits together. problem is that means instead of needing 1 template like this and just cutting a bunch (the straight river section would need 4, the T would be 6, and the corner would be 4, but If I finger both sides to increase strength, I would need to make 2 different types, a left piece and a right piece.. okay, not a HUGE difference but.. just increases the work.. I'll probably do it, much better and safer idea.


ugh.. Decided to do the laser cutting today.. sigh.. gonna have to redo it a bit later. The problem was due to something I typed..
can't do 300mm in one piece, BUT what if I just make it as two pieces which either have a jigsaw like connection to slot two together, OR just kinda have to line up when I glue into place? That would be pretty solid and the accurately would be FAR better then me trying to do it all by hand. So that would be a pretty good idea. Its 2mm thick, so best to add 2mm to the length on both sides, while the foam is 40mm tall, it'll double check and add on I think3mm (again, I'll check) for the size of the MDF board. So cutting two pieces which are roughly 170mm x 43mm... that's fine.
I'm blaming it on a cold I'm recovering from.. still got a fuzzy head. if you read that you basically see '300mm length. Then cut in half to cut in two pieces and plus 2mm to the length for the wood thickness = 170mm.'
yet 170*2 = 340mm... I put the extra 4 (2 each half) in the wrong place. so I added 40mm instead of 4mm.. sigh.. oh well try again a bit later once I've sorted out the files. Slightly annoyed that I made such a stupid mistake..


Looking forward to seeing this I love a gaming board. If I had room/time I have always loved the idea of making a dwarf castle gaming board.


Have very limited space myself but doing boards which are small so can kinda be stacked helps alot ^_^ while I think making a castle into the board would look great, I think something like that works just as well as a separate feature which can be added to anything. I am kinda just finishing off painting a pretty large piece of scatter terrain I started a year or so ago but then didn't feel I was doing it or anything justice but I feel not only is my skill improving but I'm feeling better about my level, which is all that really matters in the end. Try to improve but feel good about where you are. Today is a pretty good day so I'm happy like that ^_^


Hopefully I'll have a few photos over the weekend (Got some figures to photo too) but got the laser cutting for the edges of the first three boards all done, One board is glued but I'm not 100% sure if I should have used a different glue (Uhu is cheap and fair enough for most things.. though slightly melts polystyrene as I've already learnt a while back, but it's mostly for gluing wood to wood for the edging but might have to try something else.. don't really have any wood glue right now..). I'm wondering about using hot glue to partly 'fill' some of the edges where there are gaps (I said before that there is a bigger gap on one edge) before I use poly to flatten the top and fill bits.. Just using the glue might help hold the edging and kinda save on some poly filler and pva..


wow.. exciting photos!... okay, boring dull photos cause.. I said photos ^_^

Not on the flattest surface cause table isn't usable right this moment but good enough. The first three boards have been foamed and edged. A couple of minor issues on the cutting where I didn't secure the wood quite enough so one has a slight odd but and a couple of minor issues, nothing important. also the MDF boards as the base appear to have very slightly warped which I didn't notice until gluing on the edging and dealt with that mostly. When they line up, it's not 100% perfect but I never do anything perfectly ^_^ When I was doing woodland conservation work and stuff, we called it 'Rustic' .

Anyway... I did try a tiny bit of hot glue to help fill a bit of gap and give more support before I fill but yeah.. not great idea, atleast not how I was trying it. The next stage will probably be to sketch out the River shape on the foam then cut it basically before using some Polyfiller-glue mix to fill in gaps and flatten bits out. I was debating if this should be done before or after I cut the river, but I think after, cause I can then use the filler mix on the river edges too. I need to see if I can find where I have my filler, if I still got some, else buy some new filler and probebly see what the weather is like.. Also got a couple of jobs to do to clean up some space so.. I'll see if it's gonna be done this week or next ^_^
I already wondered with the drawing, perhaps I missed the point in your explanations, why are the tiles so high? I would have ended them 1cm below the river, so after the first finger or so. What is the reason for the extra height?

The lasering looks good and very precisely set up by you, seems there is not gap with the fingers.


main reason for the height is it's the size of the foam I could get ^_^ Could probably have looked around more for what I was looking for but it's a good enough height really and later on might do something like a big crack area a bit like a gorge.

There isn't as much a gap as it might seam but getting stuff lined up perfectly isn't a speciality of mine ^_^