It's the Season to get Painting


nice. and against some Battlemasters Wolf riders ^_^ I really need to get to sort my set out.. not just painting but just sorting out better storage and stuff..


nice. and against some Battlemasters Wolf riders ^_^ I really need to get to sort my set out.. not just painting but just sorting out better storage and stuff..
Battle Master is awesome for boosting an army, a frinds used various bits as lockdown projects and they look great

Fimm McCool

Crazy prices for Battlemasters now though. They always used to be the cheap cheerful option, now they're the expensive cheerful option! No happier wolf than a Battlemasters wolf!


Great greens and the slug centaur is epic , I must steel the idea for my Nurglies.
Tbh the basics of all the Nurgle minis is a dark undercoat, a lot of drybrushing (starting with darker shades and getting lighter) then Plaguebearer contrast paint. The colour of the undercoast sets the tone for the shade of green. Rest is picking out bit of detail.


Love the Chaos Dwarfs and Chaos mutants. Speaking of the latter, the slug centaur knight is from Ral Partha Europe, if I'm not mistaken. How does it scale with classic chaos warriors? Do you know if the RPE Chaos dwarfs match the scale of the classic citadel ones?