Buggy Bugman’s…

Possibly a little subtle to make out on the photo, but have done all the leathers and browns, dry brushed the bases and some unifying drybrush highlights on the minis themselves.

Final steps will the painting small details and finishing off the bases. Then onto painting all the shields…


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They are such lovely models, enjoyable to paint?
They are fun to paint, despite some of mine being wonkily cast they have sharp details and textures so washes and contrast paint take well. Sure a more skilled painter could go to town on them!
It is a little bit of a slog painting 19 of them, but means they should be unified and am sure final result will be satisfying!
Was away last weekend, so didn’t have opportunity to paint, but can report details are now painted and bases are done!
Have started on the shields, then a banner and am considering a movement tray for them all.


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Mission complete!
Shoutout to @Eric for printing off the shields for me!
Plan to make a movement tray for them, but not sure of the optimum rank size? Perhaps another trooper or filer would help to bulk up to a neat 7x3?
Also the cart is waiting for a base and lick of paint, so this thread will roll for a little longer me thinks!


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A nice bunch that all look good together. Kinda have to look real hard and know what you are looking for to see your fixed ones.. in fact.. from that image, I can't say I notice..


Excellent stuff and good save on those badly cast ones.
the cart is waiting for a base and lick of paint,
Treated myself to one in the end since I had some voucher from GW that needed spending. So that's sat waiting in the Bugmans box along with some rangers until they eventually get to the front of the queue.
A nice bunch that all look good together. Kinda have to look real hard and know what you are looking for to see your fixed ones.. in fact.. from that image, I can't say I notice..
Thanks! They stick out a little IRL, but benefit of units merges them in fairly well…
Excellent stuff and good save on those badly cast ones.

Treated myself to one in the end since I had some voucher from GW that needed spending. So that's sat waiting in the Bugmans box along with some rangers until they eventually get to the front of the queue.
Got a pretty good deal on mine, somewhat cheaper than GW are flogging that old sculpt…

Dredded Led

Mission complete!
Shoutout to @Eric for printing off the shields for me!
Plan to make a movement tray for them, but not sure of the optimum rank size? Perhaps another trooper or filer would help to bulk up to a neat 7x3?
Also the cart is waiting for a base and lick of paint, so this thread will roll for a little longer me thinks!
Great makes me wanna paint mine!….soon.
I think you’d have to be very keen to get that model now or loaded to pay what that skid mark of a seller wants for it. That said, I can understand casualty models being a little thin on the ground as people like me and my mates avoided blisters with them back in the day.

FWIW, I recently bagged a few Dwarf casualties on eBay for a little under a tenner a pop after some friendly back & forth with the seller.