BOYL 2019 - Realms of Chaos Sandbox


If I can come, I am definitely signing up for this, 100%. However, as I've only been to 3 out of 6 so far, only time will tell whether this year is going to be my year...
(I agree with the point made above that it's probably best if they don't tessellate exactly, just make sure they're based the same colour as the table and then you can leave space between them as necessary.)


Sadly, unless there is a sudden surge of interested parties, I suspect the answer is no it's not at least not on the scale originally imagined. Perhaps we need a roll call of who is in and what they are willing to make.


Whereas earlier I wasn't sure I was going to get to BOYL, I'm now pretty much 100% sure I'll be there. I'm definitely up for some RoC warband gaming, I loved this initial idea and am happy to adapt to whatever form it takes.


Unfortunately for me, due to an assortment of issues, it's looking like I won't be at BOYL this year. I reckon maybe a 5% chance. Now if I could only find my lucky d20!

Fimm McCool

Lenihan- That's wonderful news, it will be great to see you again.
Leromides- We'll try and give you as many positive modifiers as we can.

As to the sandbox, I'm still up for having an involvement but might need to revise what I can offer terrain-wise. Well up for a day of jump-in-jump-out warbands campaigning. Maybe we need a conversion station to hand so people can adjust their models on the spot? :grin: Do you think Marcus could arrange us a little tray of conversion bits?


Sorry to hear that you might not be able to make it, Leromides... but good to see there's still life in this, in some way shape or form! Chaos warbands are one of the easiest things for people to muster, so it would be good to have a table for it, and while I'm not in the same modelmaking league as others, getting Chaos terrain/objectives/NPCs onto the table seem like something that one could be quite creative about, and should be fairly enjoyable.
I am up for playing for sure. I suggest we all try to bring some scenery, I intend to make a 1 x 1 foot section.

Also has anyone booked a table yet?
Hello. I would like to join this.
I have various small terrain pieces which can be added to a table, or I could make a 1 x 1 tile if that is still the plan.
Ha, lets juist all rock up with some chaos warbands and play! I dont think Erny can stop us? Im joking by the way if that is not clear (but we can still play)


Sorry, I've been in the way lderness for a few months there.

Ok, what size table do we book, maybe a 6x6 will suffice?
I think so, sound sgood to me. I ordered some bits off the internet to make a really crazy bit of terrain! Im pretty hyped about playing this game ;)


I've booked a 6x6 all day for Saturday. Bear in mind this means it's not a blank canvas so any terrain made will need to keep this in mind when basing it.

If we get enough extra interest then we could possibly shift to one of the 12ft tables if they don't get booked up.
Hello everyone, I've been looking forward to this but I'm still not clear what's expected in terms of terrain. Maybe there would be more uptake if people knew what the criteria were? Everyone I've spoken to loves the tile idea.

If I could make some suggestions:

  • Use the Sally 4th tiles to establish a common height and ensure everything fits together; if possible arrange a discount for players.
  • Select a brand of cheap terracotta(?) acrylic paint available online and provide a link, for edges and 'blank' tiles.
  • Make a bunch of 'blank' desert tiles, to fill in the gaps and allow placement of non-tile terrain pieces.
  • Update the first post of the thread with the criteria so we can all share it around and get people excited and building.
  • Maybe make a formal signup sheet in Google Forms or similar, to keep track of who is definitely in.
Does that seem sensible, Erny? I'd be happy to help make arrangements and contribute some funds toward costs such as producing the blank filler tiles.


Ok, looking at the Terra Forma tiles these look great but a lot of work so I'm erring on the no no for this particular project.

To work out numbers and what is needed please can all parties genuinely interested in taking part on the Saturday inbox me? I'll then update the first post with names.
As I said I think people will be more happy to sign up once they know what they're signing up for. Personally I'm more excited about the grid idea than loose terrain on a tablecloth, and more importantly, if we have clear criteria we can tell people about it and rope them in. Most everyone I've talked to has been excited about the idea but then I have to tell them the details haven't been worked out yet.

Regarding the tiles, one of the reasons I liked the idea was that having a pre-made base allows each contributor to add as little or as much scenery as they like and still produce a full tile - one tile could be an ornate shrine, another could just have a few gravestones or meagre shrubs, a third could be a gaping maw. I'm not sure what you mean about them being more work? Except for whoever has to make the blank ones, which seems like something a few of us could pitch in with.


Part of the reason I'm saying no to the tiles is that if we are working with the 6x6 then these are not flat tables.

If I can get an idea of numbers then we can work out kind of table we can go with.

Erny, your input here would be helpful.


Hi all

I'm just going through all the gaming threads on the forum to see which table bookings correlate to which threads. I can see that a 6x6 has been booked for this, so the game is 'safe' from that perspective, but I need to emphasise what has already been said - the 6x6 tables are already textured nd have features like hills and river embedded in them (in the style of the quant English countryside).

Given that this is the case, I suspect the tile concept Is unlikely to work, as the surface is unlikely to allow two tiles to line up next to each other (let alone a whole table). The tables will tolerate smaller pieces like houses or hills or temples and so on, but be mindful when planning for these to connect.

Also, regarding the choice of other tables, note that the 12x6s are fully booked, as are most of the 6x4s. I have a feeling you'll not be able to move just yet, but keep an eye on the bookings in case that changes.

Just a heads up!

