BOYL 2019 - Realms of Chaos Sandbox


Hi Curtis, with all due respect whilst your input is very much appreciated this is not the Hellsreach table. As Scalene has stated, this is an idea a group of have brought to the table and wish to run so control will be retained by us who had the original idea.

Our idea is that people bring Warbands they have built over the year. Some will indeed be more powerful than others but that is where a GM's scheming evens things up.
Great! Im not trying to butt in or tell anyone what to do Im just really excited! Please disregard anything I say that you dont like. I assume Im still allowed to make suggestions though? ;)

As I said, I played this game so many times growing up, it was pretty much THE warhammer experience for me. I reckon I know it inside out, and so just want to help make it really good, in any way I can.

I remember when it got played last year and one person had like 5 guys in their warband, which is a total pooper to game with when everyone else has 15 or so figures. Balance and fun is hard to do in such a chaotic game. As was said, coming up with some specific goals based on what people roll up is a great idea too, but will be tricky if some people show up wanting to play but dont post here or let you know they are coming, which will probably happen! Having a sort of flexible build that is easy to do means that its easy to incorporate players who just drop in.


No problems at all with suggestions and you are very welcome to play, just trying to retain control over our idea is all.

If anyone is too powerful then alliances will be hinted towards but it is part and parcel of the nature of Chaos, plus the Gods can always intervene.

We have a whole year to iron out the "bugs".

There are others on the shady panel of organisers that will bring ideas to the plain of immaterial existence.

All ideas are welcome but not set in stone and no offence should be taken should ideas not be used this time around.


Is this going to be every mutant for itself? I'm interested in the idea, but having run multiple team games before, the idea of up to 20 people taking turns one at a time could make this a very slow burn session. Perhaps chuck in a random table of turn order, such as:

1: Chaos! Everyone take their turn simultaneously
2: All left handed players take their turn
3: Anyone without a beard skips their turn
4: All right handed players take their turn
5: Take a beer break
6: All 3-armed players take their turn
13: All warbands with Skaven take a turn


That's not a bad shout but we just do everyone does movement, then every one does shooting etc............


Given the number of people already involved in the project perhaps we could have multiple games running at once on different sections of the table. That would help to speed things up if there were a couple games running with say no more than three warbands fighting at a time.


Leromides":3askozqk said:
Given the number of people already involved in the project perhaps we could have multiple games running at once on different sections of the table. That would help to speed things up if there were a couple games running with say no more than three warbands fighting at a time.

That could certainly work.

We should also bare in mind that we only need to use battle rules for interactions between Warbands where it's needed, other times rational "Roleplay" logic can be used.
I wonder if instead of thinking of them as different games, just allow sections of the table to run at different speeds, with warbands able to move between sections. LIke, if I leave a part of the table where the players are going fast and into a game where they are a few turns "behind" it should work out fine (with some GM judgements). SO I think what Im saying is it would be bad if each "game" is isolated. TIme warp chaos fun!


OK, so with a 12 x 8 table you've effectively have 4 - 4 x 6 tables one for each of the main powers, what are the plans for undivided and unaligned? I've already stated I'll produce a teleport feature for each of the powers (designs already done and materials obtained) a fifth isn't going to be too much of a problem. If, the undivided were to be used - I'd suggest placing their section of the table in the dead centre of the table where the quarters abut each another, say about two feet round/square (small, but perfectly formed).

Would suggest ports work in a totally random way, apart from player can always return to his/hers powers sector, after that it's on the roll of a dice - suggestion: 1 always takes player to main enemy sector :shock: , two get you an umpires choice, 3,4&5 send to neutral sector :lol: and a 6 is the players choice 8-) , appears straight forward. Also, ports allows for removal of a warband by either the player or umpire for a period of time (tea/coffee break, food or toilet or let other players catch up).

Are we having random events occurring and various chaotic creatures/demon wandering across the table? Allows the umpire to introduce things into the quieter sectors of the table for players to gain XP! 8-), Also, how much role-playing are players thinking of allowing - i.e. temporary alliances etc. :lol:

Just throwing ideas on to the water to see what other people think?



ramshackle_curtis":1afvsycj said:
Its 12 x 6 the board.

And, that makes such a big difference, how? Apart from diminishing the original calculation of requiring 96 squares to 72. It's still a lot of terrain to produce and a long way to move figures across during a game.



I like the idea that the teleports could be a way on and off the board. I don’t think anyone’s arguing with the fact that it’s a lot of table to cover with terrain and to walk across. My back of envelope says a warband on foot is going to take at least an hour of real time to travel 4’


If real time is used when no engagement is in action.

I really see it as one table, whether it's divided up into areas per power is not out the window but seems a little conform not chaos.

We've run a similar kind of part WFB and part WFRP thing before and yeah it took all night but if you have plenty of people around for a scrap and enough objectives I don't see a huge issue, remember time, nor the land scape, has to be linear, it's the ROC after all.
Golgfag1":165e9zyh said:
ramshackle_curtis":165e9zyh said:
Its 12 x 6 the board.

And, that makes such a big difference, how? Apart from diminishing the original calculation of requiring 96 squares to 72. It's still a lot of terrain to produce and a long way to move figures across during a game.


Sorry Golfag, Im not trolling honest! I just pointed it out because thats the size of the board! Accuracy can SOMETIMES be important ;)

Im inclined to do a Pratchet-esque used-magic-item emporuim......
IM just going through the books at the moment and wanting to generate my chaos warband. Can we please work out an "official" proceedure, as its a bit muddyin the books. They mix up Reward, Gift and Attribute quite a bit!

1. Generate the Champion Starting Profile.
2. Give it the Mark of its god (this includes 1 Attribute [mutation], more if you pick Tzeench or choose a basic thug or wizard)
3. Give it a Reward, so a roll on the rewards table. Or is this the Mark of Chaos? DO they get both a mark and a reward?
4. Roll for followers, for each 2 rewards you have.

Ok, so Im not sure how many rolls you get for followers?If I had a tzeench champion with 3 Attributes and another as his reward, does this mean I get to roll twice for followers? Also that All basic champions get to roll to see if they get followers once, as they should have 2 rewards (an attribute and whatever they get as a reward?), right?

Although, in LatD it simply says "roll once for followers", page 47.

We used to house rule this part as it is very muddy! I would prefer some house rules to be in place here too ;) I do love house rules ;)


I believe they laid it out in the Lost and the Damned where they state they have tweaked the process from StD:

1) Roll up Base Character
2) Apply Mark
3) Roll Starting Attribute (no rewards yet as you haven't done anything to earn a reward)
4) Roll for your equipment points
5) Roll for number of rolls in the followers table which can either be 0, 1 or 2 (unless you choose a Beastman/Minotaur/Centaur Warband)
6) Roll for followers

Very happy to be corrected though.
OK, but in the lost and the damned it says to "roll once on the followers table", page 47. Are we using the rules as written in StD or LotD or can we mix? SO we roll to see if we get no followers(as in StD) OR just choose to roll once(as it says in LotD)?

And a second question. If we get followers with equipment we dont want, can we sell it to get points to but other stuff with? LIke, the first entry is beastmen, and on the roll of a 5 or 6 they can have bows. Can we sell the bows to buy them better armour, or pool the points to get a banner or something?


I think we should just let people take what they think looks cool as a starting war band. We're all grown ups and if players choose to try and give themselves some kind of advantage to crush all before them then they have come to the wrong event. After all the idea of trying to enforce a strict set of rules on chaos is surely missing the point. I would rather see some beautifully presented minis than worry about whether they really rolled this or that particular bonus honestly. I say let people use whichever version of the rules they are most comfortable with or simply pick what seems right from their collections.