OK, so with a 12 x 8 table you've effectively have 4 - 4 x 6 tables one for each of the main powers, what are the plans for undivided and unaligned? I've already stated I'll produce a teleport feature for each of the powers (designs already done and materials obtained) a fifth isn't going to be too much of a problem. If, the undivided were to be used - I'd suggest placing their section of the table in the dead centre of the table where the quarters abut each another, say about two feet round/square (small, but perfectly formed).
Would suggest ports work in a totally random way, apart from player can always return to his/hers powers sector, after that it's on the roll of a dice - suggestion: 1 always takes player to main enemy sector

, two get you an umpires choice, 3,4&5 send to neutral sector

and a 6 is the players choice

, appears straight forward. Also, ports allows for removal of a warband by either the player or umpire for a period of time (tea/coffee break, food or toilet or let other players catch up).
Are we having random events occurring and various chaotic creatures/demon wandering across the table? Allows the umpire to introduce things into the quieter sectors of the table for players to gain XP!

, Also, how much role-playing are players thinking of allowing - i.e. temporary alliances etc.
Just throwing ideas on to the water to see what other people think?