BOYL 2019 - Realms of Chaos Sandbox


Ka2lu":3u70unn8 said:
Could I be added to this event?
I don't see why not - I think the more the merrier! Probably a good idea to send a message to Snickit as the organiser?

And in the meantime, tell us all about your warband!


I came across a nice excel spreadsheet random warband generator. I sit and hit the generate warband until I came across a warband that I could build with the miniatures I own…
Human wizard leading
5 Humans
6 Beastmen
4 Chaos dwarves
6 Harpies.
I don’t know if this is too much so I’m bring a mix of stuff to make changes if needed.
On a side note, I cant figure out how to send a private message to Snickit…am I daft or something???


Ka2lu":bi749qsa said:
I came across a nice excel spreadsheet random warband generator. I sit and hit the generate warband until I came across a warband that I could build with the miniatures I own…
Human wizard leading
5 Humans
6 Beastmen
4 Chaos dwarves
6 Harpies.
I don’t know if this is too much so I’m bring a mix of stuff to make changes if needed.
On a side note, I cant figure out how to send a private message to Snickit…am I daft or something???

Doesn't look far off to me, sounds like a cool warband, though those harpies will wreak havoc! Guess a lot depends on what level the wizard is, I've always gone with the rule of thumb here: ... n-and.html - 4 rolls on the followers table for level 5, 3 rolls for level 10, 2 rolls for level 15. But hey, it's chaos, it's not meant to be balanced!!

You can find the "private message" option as a drop down if you hover over the person's name above their avatar on the right hand side.


Guys, tbh I have NOTHING planned for this, life commitments and my other BOYL project are taking up all my time. My original thinking was that I was keeping the seat warm for Erny to take the lead on this but as he's got other stuff on life's radar he too has not been able to sort anything out.

So, let's do this.

A 6x6 has been booked all day Saturday.

Anyone that wants to play Warbands can play - it's a 6x6 table so there is plenty of room. My comments about messaging me to get into the game were to ensure there were enough players to make the game worthwhile and I think that is now covered.

A bit of logical thinking should get you through stuff on this, maybe use playing cards or dice to determine who goes first, second, third etc.........

I'll happily adjudicate any disagreements if they crop up but I won't have time to put together any special rules let alone paint a Warband myself (too busy painting 3000 points of Empire before BOYL).

My suggestion is to use a "bottling out rule" like Necromunda. When you get down to say 50% of your Warband left you have to take a Leadership test. Failing it means your Warband withdraws (either running or summoned away by the Gods of Chaos) with the last Warband standing taking that game. Do yourselves post battle rolls/adances and then play again. Keep going until either everyone has had enough or the day ends. If you want an overall winner then either say that's the person that has won the most games or the last person still wanting to play when everyone else has had enough.

I do apologise about this but life and work has a nasty habit of throwing up more important stuff than BOYL, I truly am very sorry. If everyone wants someone else to take charge of this then talk amongst yourselves and make that call, no hard feelings at all will be felt from me (more like relief if anything!!!!).


I’m happy to take over if it’s a simple process.
How about…
Everyone bring a piece of terrain, the more chaos themed the better.
We randomly determine warband deployment.
Use cards to decide initiative order.
Warbands take a bottle out test based on the highest leadership when a warband reaches 50% (or loses its leader) with another roll every round thereafter until the current game is complete.
Post Battle rolls/advancements at the end of the game.
Repeat until the decided upon time…maybe 5:00PM??
Let me know what you think.


Ka2lu":29disir4 said:
I’m happy to take over if it’s a simple process.
How about…
Everyone bring a piece of terrain, the more chaos themed the better.
We randomly determine warband deployment.
Use cards to decide initiative order.
Warbands take a bottle out test based on the highest leadership when a warband reaches 50% (or loses its leader) with another roll every round thereafter until the current game is complete.
Post Battle rolls/advancements at the end of the game.
Repeat until the decided upon time…maybe 5:00PM??
Let me know what you think.

I like the sound of that. Terrain deployment could be randomised also. Any suggestions for starting size / strength of warbands? I dont have my ROC books here but recall a neat random generation process, which would need to be tweaked to match available figures. EDIT: I just saw the thread above for the 2013 modifications of ROC method so will try that.

We could add some randomised objectives too - Frostgrave Ulterior Motives (which I could bring along) could be used to generate some in absence of a more old school option.


As listed above...

Here is a link to a very good method for generating a starting warband.

Good idea re the terrain location being randomly generated.



I rather liked the initial idea of bringing a chaotic piece of terrain as the "home base" for your warband but I recognise that not everyone may have the opportunity to happy to use the terrain I'm bringing just as a generic piece (though I may come up with special rules for those coming into contact with it)

The rules that are being discussed above all sound great to me, and I think using the warband generating guidelines at ... n-and.html as a starting point should mean we're all more or less on the same page - though it's chaos, no point in expecting it to be too balanced!

I like the idea of randomised objectives. I might take a look at the Frostgrave Ulterior Motives, perhaps we could expand those with chaotic-flavoured stuff? People could also bring side quests for warbands to pursue, associated with a particular terrain piece or NPC (e.g. in a warbands game we played in the past we had a "raid the burial mound" quest that I could bring the burial mounds for)?


All very good ideas mate.
I think we can carry this through with fun to be had by all.
I think it is best for all the warbands to be fresh so we all start at a pretty much even base.


Ka2lu":3cwv30v1 said:
All very good ideas mate.
I think we can carry this through with fun to be had by all.
I think it is best for all the warbands to be fresh so we all start at a pretty much even base.

Don't mind reverting mine to starting condition, good idea for people to bring additional miniatures to cover additional rolls on the followers table though.

Temple Dog

I've gone completely 'purist' as per the rules as written and completely randomised champion with one role on followers table as want to start with a champion who has just turned chaos. His fortune will be determined by the chaos gods and forged in battle. Blood for the blood god!
I did the same, but I gave her a reward as well, so basically is a 1st level character rather than a just starting one. 4 beast men, 5 thugs and 3 chaos spawn plus the champ. I also made 6 more men to add later maybe?



Ka2lu":ndlrs73f said:
I came across a nice excel spreadsheet random warband generator.

That's my toy most likely and I'm glad to see people still using it. My favourite warband from there was an Undivided 20th level Lizardman Wizard and a single Cold One.

I'm planning to bring one traditionally generated warband along, and one warband entirely of centaurs. Will be interesting. :)


Good to see some updates on this.

I like Snickit's suggestion about the bottling out rule, it sounds like a good way to ensure that several games are resolved so we can then do subsequent rounds and see the warbands develop. One other thing I'd say along those lines is that we don't all want all to go one after another (i.e. a turn per the number of players) as that would take ages. Perhaps 2 or 4 sides or groups (purely from a turns perspective), perhaps by drawing from a pack of cards (either colours or suits)?

One other thing that's bothering me is that the size of the table might make resolution of each game difficult - I'm having flashbacks from the game at the first BOYL where my dwarf moved very slowly around the enormous table, often watching others battle from afar... Deploying at different points on the table will make things more interesting but doesn't necessarily solve the problem (e.g. if the warband you're wanting to fight is itself trying to fight a warband that's further away from you). Objectives (although in themselves something that add to games) might also exacerbate that problem.

One last thing... there seem to be two approaches being discussed on warband generation, either by the book (average of 1, maximum of 2 groups of followers) or the method from 2013 based on the level of the champion. I haven't got much stuff painted so currently I've gone for the former, but the latter might be more interesting as a game to play (as more followers means more things to do each turn).

See you in a few weeks!

Paul / Grumdril


Grumdril":3u4yqdv4 said:
One last thing... there seem to be two approaches being discussed on warband generation, either by the book (average of 1, maximum of 2 groups of followers) or the method from 2013 based on the level of the champion. I haven't got much stuff painted so currently I've gone for the former, but the latter might be more interesting as a game to play (as more followers means more things to do each turn).

While I definitely respect the decision to go "by the book", I think by the looks of it people have painted up warbands that are closer to the "2013 method" and it would be a shame if that work was to go unused. I also reckon more things to move around could create more interest in the game, though that's a debatable point. Perhaps the best way would be to go through what we intend to bring to start with and come to a suitable compromise.

Me: "The Poison Dwarf and the children of stench", Nurgle warband. Dwarf champion, 5 chaos dwarves, 5 beastmen, 1 Minotaur (the last is something I have on the painting table and am keen to add to the warband for aesthetic reasons (!) but could leave out if we were downscaling).


To be honest I'm happy with either of the two methods or bring what you consider a reasonable force. Some people may want to bring what they have painted or what they would like to play.

We can all make a decision at the onset of the first game.

The average of what Im seeing people having seems to be champion, 10ish troops and a monster of the orge, minotaur or chaos spawn variety. I randomly generated my chamion an then gave her 1 "reward", and followed the rules for that, so she had 2 set of followers plus her reward was 3 chaos spawn.

As for movement, I suggest buying horses! When I generate my warband, I usually sell my unwanted equipment and buy other stuff worth the same points. THere is a table of points costs at the back of LotD. Dropping light armour from your goons can mean horses for your champion or other key characters. I bought horses for my 4 beastmen!