Assorted Minis

Count Von Bruno":1j80d8bt said:
phreedh":1j80d8bt said:
Nice to see those cultists, it's one of (very) few modern releases that tempt me. Good job, Bruno! How were they to put together?

Yes I'm the same, generally impervious to modern Citadel minis but the cultists are an exception- first 40K release in zog knows how long to make me sit up and take notice.
They are two part snap fits, so unfortunately they're stuck in that pose unless you're converting.
These 5 are the booster pack, another point in their favour is that they are about the cheapest miniatures you can buy from them.

littleleadperson":1j80d8bt said:
Favourite miniatures of mine as you know Bruno. As I bring them to every game of 40K we play….. lol.

Nothing wrong with that, they're awesome!
Never got why it took them so long to make them, really ( discounting scavvies, muties etc)
I bought 4 of the booster packs to make a unit of 20, it's a shame they don't sell the ones from the Dark Vengeance set separately as ideally I would have liked to avoid the sculpt repetition.
I even tried to not paint them so bright!

Yes they're a bit mono pose but with a bit of chopping I think something unique can be done with them. I've seen a lot conversions in the past, some pretty neat ones too. I picked up my set via eBay and they are the set that came in Dark Vengeance. From a logistics point if view it was always strange that the one in the five set they sell has different weapon-hand weapon combos while I don't think you can play a 7th ed unit that way. I got my 10 (all autoguns) for about the same price they sell the five set for.

Out of curiosity, what models did people use for brood brothers back in the day? Did they have their own release or was another unit used as a substitute? Eg. Imperial guard etc


Count Von Bruno":1wodhji5 said:
it's a shame they don't sell the ones from the Dark Vengeance set separately as ideally I would have liked to avoid the sculpt repetition.
I just picked up the Dark Vengeance set of 20. :oops: I'll try to paint mine, period. :roll:
No progress on the 'stealers, I've struggled to get much of anything done until recently as it happens.

Not Kev Adams or very old, but still pretty cool

Mate I'm determined to get stuck into them and get some Fantasy games against those pointy eared gits in this year, for sure.

I do need to stop painting personalities and get into the rank and file and trolls though.
I'm painting some goblins this year too so maybe we should compare notes and if we both get units done, they can at least be different unit types. Then you can borrow my gobboes like i borrow your Squats, hehe :grin:
Count Von Bruno":55r0qxlz said:
Sounds great.

I hope that would be that impressive haul of Forest Gobbos I saw in your treasure room?

That's certainly an option :grin: but archers or handweapons?? And what about the common goblins?? Or the night goblins?? Or the wolfriders or the spider riders or arrrrrgh! *burst*
Gotta say.. after finishing my orc army - I have a swathe of goblins AND dwarfs to complete now.

Skitt has challenged me with Skaven - O! Skaven!

I shall have to rise to the challenge, but sooooooo many goblins beg to be painted.....
I think I only have about 50-60 Night Gobbos (mostly archers) to do, then a six strong mob of Stone Trolls (with one 85% done) and the same of River Trolls (metals) a Giant, but he's not essential.

I hope to and think I will get all the NG's and at least the Stone Trolls done this year.

Come on Bluey, let's race! (still need to paint up Mad Donna BTW!)
Boss for one of the big spear blocks

Yet another fanatic

Metal dude- I have a handful of this mini to stick in the front row of the two spear units to give them more of that Oldhammer (well, 4th edition/middlehammer?) flavour

I don't have any of the small, old shields so I'm using the modern plastic ones, which I like just fine



Shields go well. Not being much of a WFB guy, I had no idea they weren't contemporary with the model. Matches up.
Cheers mate :ugeek:

I've painted this modern Ork trukk that our very own Captain Crooks has let me use in our Gorkamorka games (which included littleleadperson until he had to go back to the Mother Country), driver not yet finished.




I think that's the first time I see a Bad moon truck like this. I love it. How well did it play against the Killdozer ? ;)
It's not 'let you use', it's 'built especially for you' :grin: vroom vroooom! I love it! Next thing to cross my painting table are my own Gorkamorka gang!
A-man: It hasn't gone up against the Killdozer yet unfortunately, just other Orkses :razz:

I have a hankering they will meet in the Death Race playtests though, at least I hope so.

Pleased to see you identify it as a Bad Moon vehicle, I cheekily killed tow birds with the one stone and tested out the colours for my own Bad Moons :twisted:

CC: ha, now I know ;)


Good good :grin: after posting I had second thoughts like "gosh, I hope it's nt meant to be a death skulls vehicle" (that blue got me confused). Oh and I only realise you've taken your shot under the rain ! That's another first time for me !