Anyone for an: Oxfordshire Oldhammer Gamers (OGG)?


All sounds fine to me.
What time are you going to be there?
Are you saying the venue is available before 7:00?


Golgfag1":wgdppvpp said:
... if a unit of light cavalry were to tripe move from the start line six inches in from the table edge, they'd travel the length of the table in three moves ...

'Ark at 'im and 'is cavalry! :) Some of us spent BOYL marching a dwarf and his heavily armoured accomplice around the enormous RoC table, and I'm still scarred by the experience! :)

More seriously I think something, like your suggestion, which makes proper use of having a GM is more Oldhammer than the "get the thing in the middle" scenario, and is worth a try. As long as there's fighting involved though, rather than just walking, and against the other players rather than the random creatures (who I feel should be speedbumps rather than the point). We'll hopefully have plenty of opportunities to do both scenarios though.


That was my thought too. Took the whole weekend at BOYL we barely got on the board. :grin:
Moving figures in a straight race is not much fun.
Getting into a scrap with the other players is the fun bit.
Movehammer : Bad ... Warhammer : Good


Look, if you lot think it's going too easy, start fighting amongst yourselves, not a problem - I'm sure that at some stage in the proceedings something WILL turn up and hit you! :lol:

Paul / Golgfag1

:oops: Sorry :oops:


Sorry Harry I didn't answer your questions - I'll be there just after six, just to start setting up ASAP, official start tine for the club is 7:00pm but guy's are there earlier, but that's down to whoever is there!
I'm also now a member of Abingdon Clubs Yahoo group - so will post a message telling them what we're doing.

Have now had a few more thoughts on developing the scenario to give reason for why such a mixed bag of ruffians, scallywags & miscreants might have gathered together, will post more later tonight!

Paul / Golgfag1

Harry":3rlhd6tq said:

Harry":3rlhd6tq said:
All sounds fine to me.
What time are you going to be there?
Are you saying the venue is available before 7:00?


I was thinking of giving my undead a run out ... in preparation for The Night of the Living Lead ... to remind myself of some of the rules.
Does that fit in at all with you ideas or would you prefer me to turn up with the viking /amazon combo I had at BOYL?
I quite like the idea of the undead shuffling along never allowed to take more than single moves ... except for some specific troop types ... ethereals? cvalry? Chariots? Having to split my force between those going for the prize and then get back to the shammbling mass shuffling along in as rienforcements.
Let me know what you think.


Hey Guys,

An old friend of Jimbobodoll's here. I live over in Paris, but I'm hoping to make periodic trips out to London and Oxford for work (and a spot of gaming, of course). In any case, Jimbobodoll mentioned that you guys were getting together next Friday and it just so happens that I'll be in town. I'm a long time WFB player and have been passively painting up a 3rd edition Brettonian army for some time now. I would love to bring along if you guys have the space :) I'm game for whatever is on tap — so long as I can throw back a drink or two and push ill-fated plastic men around the table.

I've just got to get over the shame of bringing my mini case on the Eurostar :roll:


Roll up, roll up, the more the merrier! :)

One for Golgfag1, but I'm wondering whether Brets might more suit the "defender" role (instead of orcs & goblins), as the rest of the warbands are chaotic / evil (chaos, Skaven (I'm assuming), undead)? Although I'm not sure what Gaj is bringing...? On the other hand in 3rd ed Brets aren't necessarily good guys either, so perhaps your warband makes the inhabitants of Moussillon seem like fine, upstanding citizens.



You're not wrong Grumdril! I think I warmed up to 3rd edition Brettonia precisely because of its wildly skewed moral compass. I'm actually running a post-crusade themed force, which is in some ways doubly exploitative. I mean, beyond the soul-crushing mechanics of serfdom (which characterize Brettonian chivalry, in my opinion), the Araby crusade theme gives me the chance to rollplay a force of xenophobic, half-crazed cutthroats. Although I may be taking it a bit too far. My "rascals" aren't serf-levies at all. Rather, they're underfed, completely unequipped Tilean and Arabian slaves. Not that mercenaries, slavers, and turn-cloaks can't play at being the good guys from time to time; if we're fielding mostly chaotic/evil warbands then I might just eek it out on the scale of lesser-of-many-evils.



Em, I'm beginning to have doubts about this venture, but as a great man once said "Play the game for more than you can afford to lose... only then will you learn the game" or words to that effect?

Anyway, no problem with all current applications to join the party, in whatever form you care to; I was considering making this a campaign or force development exercise to give people an excuse to basically hack & hue their way across the table top for various goodies hidden either on the table or with whoever turns up (basically, if the other guys brought something to the party or has found something - he's fair game!) so that players could use their war bands in further games, but hey ho.

As for the premiss, of the game (You want your monies worth) - Your (mercenary) war bands are moving towards a besiege city in front of a relief force - your troops follow you, who you follow - is down to you? Your moving through a ravaged land (think harrowing of the North! etc. etc.) in hope of finding employment and the occasional trinket which may cross your path (be it - treasure, flesh or knowledge) and finds it's way into your swag bag. Hence, you can be of any race or inclination you what to be; your there for whatever you can get!

Currently, considering a punch-up in the middle of the table is a lot easier to organize.

Paul / Golgfag1


Hi all

This is looking more possible.

I'm not that buzzed scenario wise, but it sounds like we need to bring around 500 points? I can do goblins, undead, or some high elves (modern plastics, but painted, so there!). It sounds like there are not enough 'good' armies, which leans me towards the elves? That works, because they're easy to move.



Hi Gaj,

The general idea is 500 point, you turn up when you can and try to get to the other end of the table without losing too much of your initial force to either the your earn-st while allies or anything else that turns up to kick seven bells out of your forces.
Given the more recent posts I'd be more worried about your allies as most of them appear to be turning up to hit something and their not too bothered what it is! :grin:

Hope to see you there

Paul/ Golgfag1

weazil":1lpqdsns said:
Hi all

This is looking more possible.

I'm not that buzzed scenario wise, but it sounds like we need to bring around 500 points? I can do goblins, undead, or some high elves (modern plastics, but painted, so there!). It sounds like there are not enough 'good' armies, which leans me towards the elves? That works, because they're easy to move.



Good Morning All,

Just to keep you all informed - I've joined Abingdon's Yahoo forum and told them we'll be joining them next Friday (God knows, what they'll make of us? don't answer that); and that I play the 'The get to the other side' scenario with a couple of guy's from Maidenhead last night using 8th edition rules :( , I'll give you a brief run down of what happened, when I've editor-ed the pictures; but will say - all were entertained and amused by what happened :lol: .

Post more later

Paul / Golgfag1


I've edited the pictures, so here's a taster, will post again this evening when I've finished the write up.

Paul / Golgfag1


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A brief description of the first run out of this scenario:
The terrain was open rolling hills with lots of dips and hollows to hide-in; the forces moving across the table were Skaven & High Elves. The Skaven entered the table first with a force made up of Slaves on their right, Plague Monks in the centre & Gutter Runners on the left flank; they made a double move and rolled the dice to see if they’d been spotted and scored two, thus failing to hide their presence from the marauding Green skins - they were spotted by five Night Goblins on their left flank, not too much of a worry about you’d think! However, from within the midst of the small mob came two whirling fanatics who crashed into the side of the Gutter Runners taking out half of their number and only just failed to reach the Monks! The Rats shocked by this sudden turn of events - thought discretion as the better part of valor and ran forward another two moves, this time no one spotted their flight, so the remaining Gutter runners took the opportunity to take revenge upon the fanatics, both died under the volley to slingshot.
The third turn saw the Night goblins fade into the background and the arrival of the High Elves Glade Riders, spear men, swordsmen and an eagle, both forces made a double move with only the Skaven being spotted; a mob of 6 Orcs turned up on the flank of the Slaves – the Orcs advanced threateningly, the Slaves turned and charged driving the few orcs back across the table, under such pressure the orcs fled, pursued by the slaves, who ran them down,
The fourth turn saw both forces again making a double move this time the High Elves were spotted and again a mob of Orcs turned up to investigate. However, their looked around them and found the slaves butchering the last of their mates, presenting an inviting flank - which the Orcs duly charged and following a brief combat scattered the slaves across the field of battle.
The next turn saw the remaining Skaven once more advance across the table with elves following their lead, both forces came to a sudden halt when a units of five chariots appeared to the skavens front and four giants arrived on the flank of the elves. The Skaven prepared them selves for the expected charge, the elves looked on in terror yet death and destruction didn’t follow - the chariot advanced slightly & the giants much to the elves relief, simply walked off the field!
Both forces took the opportunity to clear the field of the remaining marauders on the field and charged scattering the orcs and turning the chariots to matchwood. However, the same movement, alerted more marauders of their presence and another giant arrived in front of the Elven eagle, he charged, the eagle fled, the giant stopped his chased and looked around and not seeing a great deal of interest simply left the field!
Finding the field clear of all marauders both forces raced across to the edge and safety! Only to find in their haste that other marauders had moved in to intercept them - more Orcs for the High elves and a unit of six Goblins at the rear of the Skaven, both advanced towards their opponents - the goblins were beaten off and subsequently chased down and the Orcs successfully charged into the flank of the elves (The elves thought they’d gotten away with it, as the dice indicated the Orcs would attack someone else; however, as no one else was close enough - the roll reverted the roll to attack!).
The next turn saw most of the remaining Skaven leave the table edge and another mob of Night Goblins enter the fray on the flank of the elves, two more fanatics were released, these crashed into, and removed the remaining elves, apart from the elf mage at the edge of the table, with a unit of chariots at his rear! At this point time was called.


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Great summary
Really looking forward to this.
Will sit down and sort out what 500 points of undead looks like tonight.


500 points of Jes Goodwin 1980s skaven are painted up and ready to go chaps.

71 models! :O ...And those are just the minimum amount squeezed into 500 points - great fun! :grin:


Oh my goodness !
I see some unpainted plastic minis !! Aaargh ! :mrgreen:

All jokes apart, it's always nice to see old minis on gaming tables...


To be honest the young man that owns them is reasonably talented with brush and paint, but slow - and for the sake of getting a game, I don't really care one way or the other - its' he's willingness to give something new/old - ago, which encourages me to try and get him to embrace the spirit of OLDHAMMER!

Play up, play up and play the game.

Paul / Golgfag1

tancrede":1f51551b said:
Oh my goodness !
I see some unpainted plastic minis !! Aaargh ! :mrgreen:

All jokes apart, it's always nice to see old minis on gaming tables...

On another note - I'm home and getting my stuff together for tonight, do I need to bring anything for anybody else to borrow?