A brief description of the first run out of this scenario:
The terrain was open rolling hills with lots of dips and hollows to hide-in; the forces moving across the table were Skaven & High Elves. The Skaven entered the table first with a force made up of Slaves on their right, Plague Monks in the centre & Gutter Runners on the left flank; they made a double move and rolled the dice to see if they’d been spotted and scored two, thus failing to hide their presence from the marauding Green skins - they were spotted by five Night Goblins on their left flank, not too much of a worry about you’d think! However, from within the midst of the small mob came two whirling fanatics who crashed into the side of the Gutter Runners taking out half of their number and only just failed to reach the Monks! The Rats shocked by this sudden turn of events - thought discretion as the better part of valor and ran forward another two moves, this time no one spotted their flight, so the remaining Gutter runners took the opportunity to take revenge upon the fanatics, both died under the volley to slingshot.
The third turn saw the Night goblins fade into the background and the arrival of the High Elves Glade Riders, spear men, swordsmen and an eagle, both forces made a double move with only the Skaven being spotted; a mob of 6 Orcs turned up on the flank of the Slaves – the Orcs advanced threateningly, the Slaves turned and charged driving the few orcs back across the table, under such pressure the orcs fled, pursued by the slaves, who ran them down,
The fourth turn saw both forces again making a double move this time the High Elves were spotted and again a mob of Orcs turned up to investigate. However, their looked around them and found the slaves butchering the last of their mates, presenting an inviting flank - which the Orcs duly charged and following a brief combat scattered the slaves across the field of battle.
The next turn saw the remaining Skaven once more advance across the table with elves following their lead, both forces came to a sudden halt when a units of five chariots appeared to the skavens front and four giants arrived on the flank of the elves. The Skaven prepared them selves for the expected charge, the elves looked on in terror yet death and destruction didn’t follow - the chariot advanced slightly & the giants much to the elves relief, simply walked off the field!
Both forces took the opportunity to clear the field of the remaining marauders on the field and charged scattering the orcs and turning the chariots to matchwood. However, the same movement, alerted more marauders of their presence and another giant arrived in front of the Elven eagle, he charged, the eagle fled, the giant stopped his chased and looked around and not seeing a great deal of interest simply left the field!
Finding the field clear of all marauders both forces raced across to the edge and safety! Only to find in their haste that other marauders had moved in to intercept them - more Orcs for the High elves and a unit of six Goblins at the rear of the Skaven, both advanced towards their opponents - the goblins were beaten off and subsequently chased down and the Orcs successfully charged into the flank of the elves (The elves thought they’d gotten away with it, as the dice indicated the Orcs would attack someone else; however, as no one else was close enough - the roll reverted the roll to attack!).
The next turn saw most of the remaining Skaven leave the table edge and another mob of Night Goblins enter the fray on the flank of the elves, two more fanatics were released, these crashed into, and removed the remaining elves, apart from the elf mage at the edge of the table, with a unit of chariots at his rear! At this point time was called.