Anyone for an: Oxfordshire Oldhammer Gamers (OGG)?


Hi folks

Sorry for coming in late on this but I'll be in oxford during weekdays from early Oct.

I'd love to meet up and game. I'll catch up on the thread over the weekend - I'm away in London on my piddly phone screen!



Thanks for a pleasant evening chaps,

I think we were all happy with how the evening went and I'm already working on my 'brownie points.

See you again in a fortnight, if not before.

Paul / Golgfag1


A good evening, thank you both.

I'm earning brownie points as I type^H^H^H^H childmind, but due to the complex accounting rules I'm not sure exactly how many I'm earning... :)

I should be fine for 2 weeks time (or in fact most other Fridays seem good at the moment). I'm thinking of putting together a chaos warband, simply due to the maths on the painting side of things. The path to chaos is oh so tempting...!

Any thoughts / preferences on the magic and heroes side of things? I'm looking at a level 15 hero as the leader, and a level 10 wizard as the brains of the outfit, but no magic items. Although it occurs to me, did we decide on 3rd or 2nd edition? I seem to remember the former came up in conversation more than the latter, with perhaps 2nd being preferred slightly, but my feeling towards the end of the evening was we were going with 3rd. Perhaps we should alternate just to really mess with our brains :)

Paul / Grumdril


Good to meet you both last night. If the second Friday from now works best for you, then excellent! Happy to have whatever Oldhammer fun you like when next we meet. :)


Hi chaps

So you're thinking of meeting up at the Abingdon club on Friday the 11th October? What sort of time were you thinking?


We think they start at 7, although we also heard 6 so need to check. Personally I probably can't get there until 7:15 at a guess. I'll let Paul and Jim speak for themselves, they have further to travel than me but I gathered that 7ish seemed achievable to them.


That's the general idea, what we play is still to be determined - Warhammer (2nd or 3rd edition?) 5oo points each, Hero quest or join in with a club game?

to be agreed

Paul / Golgfag1

weazil":3458vw6l said:
Hi chaps

So you're thinking of meeting up at the Abingdon club on Friday the 11th October? What sort of time were you thinking?


If I was welcome .... If its a Friday night ... I can come straight from work and do Abingdon in about an hour.


I'm sure you'd be welcome Harry - the more the merrier.

The chaps at the club on Friday night seemed very welcoming, and when they asked what we played and we replied "2nd / 3rd edition Warhammer" one replied "Oh, Oldhammer", so I suspect we might get a few occasional extras from there too :)

The offered to run a scenario for us as an intro, I forget the name, but the synopsis was "Overlord landings, on the moon" so we probably should take them up on that at some point.

Personally I'd like to do the 500pt Warhammer thing as our first game, it seems if we're an Oldhammer group we should get a game under our belt first. After that, who knows. I might change my mind if the painting doesn't come to fruition though :(

Paul / Grumdril


Hello chaps,

Good to read all the enthusiasm!

I'm more than happy to roll with whatever people want: Warhammer 2nd/3rd included. I can bring down hereoquest/advanced heroquest as people would like also. Is there some favouring towards the "bring along 500 points of a fantasy army" at the moment though? I've bashed out a 3rd edition skaven force along those lines just in case.

Perhaps if we all bring 500 points though, maybe we should have a think about how we might organise that? E.g. if there were 4 of us coming, would people prefer 1 game (4 players), or maybe 2 games?

Grumdril: How are you feeling about this 500 point thing though? Have you got enough minis? I couldn't give two hoots about them being painted really. It'll be nice just to have a good laugh with you all. I can bring along some modern high elves if you need.

Harry: It'd be lovely to have you along! The Abingdon guys seem really friendly historical gaming types. Definitely more in-tune to relaxed gaming (with photos being taken along the way for example!) rather than what more some more-recent warhammer gaming clubs seem to favour.

Weazil: Can we tempt you up from Hampshire maybe? Perhaps you'll need tempting with some pretty battle report pictures first? I can almost assure you that there will be fleeing skaven at some point... ;)

Davey: Be good to see you too. I'm not sure of your circumstances, but if you're new to Oxford and thinking of taking the 20 minute bus down to Abingdon, then I'd be happy to meet with you in Oxford and show you the way to the club (unless we all want to meet in an Abingdon pub first?).

All: If we do agree that it'd be fun to bring along a 500 point force each, can I get my Oldhammer appetite whetted by what minis I might be seeing? I'm just a big old geek you see, and I'm wondering at all the possibilities! I know some of you guys have extensive collections you see - e.g. Half Orcs vs HobGoblins vs Slann for example - who knows?! The hammer's the limit! :lol:


Thanks for the offer Jimbobodoll, but the painting's already underway! It's a chaos force, so small, and I've only 5 figures to paint with what I have already painted (some from the BOYL weekend and another old paintjob that'll need the odd chip fixing up). One of the 5 is in the stripping jar and one's still in the internet though, so I might have to swap some things around if it doesn't all come together.

It's slightly hijacked my October Painting Challenge attempt, so I'll be posting updates over there.


I'm asking with the intention of trying to get out there. I just need to understand the logistics involved, because that's part of the exit visa request form ;)


OK, running with the theme of multiple players turning up - how about we turn this into a race across the length of the table?

The premise - the relief of Maf-ha-cing, with mercenary war-bands (whatever turns up on the night) leading the way across hostile territory - players forces have a choice of how quickly they move across the table, the further they move the more chance there is that they'll come to the attention of the besiegers (Orcs & Goblins in this case); What happens to the players will all be down to random dice rolls:
The player moves their forces normally - nothing happens on anything, but a 1!
Player double moves - nothing happens on anything but a 1 & a 2 !
Player triple moves - something happens on a 1, 2 or 3!

So, that people don't get too smart - here are a number of plus's - Player using mounted troops +1, Player uses large creatures +1, Player uses something that causes terror; these are accumulative - Player using something that flies - something turns up (GM's choice)!
If something happens - Player rolls a dice this determines what turns-up, next dice roll determines how many, next die roll (by GM) determines what they do!

Players may or may not help one another!

General idea - get to the other end of the table - prize to be determined.

What do you think?

Paul / Golgfag1


Interesting idea. It would help with the "problem" of lots of players, as you don't need to worry about how many starting points you need.

If we go with this I'd suggest a tweak in the form of having to hold the far end of the table (or take posession of an object there over a number of turns before moving off) as I think it may be too dice dependant as currently written. My reasoning being that combat is quite slow compared to movement, so a player who encounters more random stuff than average will get bogged down. Plus if there's a bit of a bottleneck at the end you've more chance of a fight against other human-controlled opponents (either at the end or along the way) rather than a race with random elements.

I'd marginally prefer the "get the thing in the middle of the table" version, but not enough to fuss over. Let's stick whichever one we don't do onto a list of scenarios for a later occasion.

Paul / Grumdril


Sounds a bit like "grandmother's footsteps", which we used to play when I was a kid. Good game idea, will be interested to see how this scenario develops


Given how long it took us to get across the table in 'Rumble in the Jungle' I would also recommend heading for the centre of the table. :grin:

There is also more chance of a scrap in the middle of the table .... especially if we are all after the same thing.


Consider Gentlemen,

Its a race of get to the other end of the table - The table is only six foot long, if a unit of light cavalry were to tripe move from the start line six inches in from the table edge, they'd travel the length of the table in three moves (hence, the modifiers to the Something happens reaction), move quickly you get noticed, move slowly you get left behind, use a combination of different sized moves (when appropriate) and you might get to the other side!
Also, I haven't told you 'how the something happens' works - You move, you roll a dice, your unlucky enough to score below the required number - something happens - you roll three dice - one indicates how many dice you roll - to tell the GM how many things turns up (number of wounds), the second where and the third what turns up; the GM then rolls a dice to indicate what happens! This is the unknown for the players -they may find a large unit of Orcs to their rear which simply watch them walk on by :? , they may find a single lesser goblin their front who attacks :lol:, or a couple of chariots to their flank which don't charge, but fires a volley of arrows ;), or a giant which only has one wound, then again you may get a couple of giants who attack, if, your really unlucky with the dice :!:

You also have to consider with this scenario - we don't have to wait for anybody to start, apart from me with the Orcs and Goblins (I've already booked the afternoon off, I will be there), when you turn up, your on the table and you're off. Players decide if they help one another or play Lone wolf.

Await your responses

Paul / Golgfag1