Consider Gentlemen,
Its a race of get to the other end of the table - The table is only six foot long, if a unit of light cavalry were to tripe move from the start line six inches in from the table edge, they'd travel the length of the table in three moves (hence, the modifiers to the Something happens reaction), move quickly you get noticed, move slowly you get left behind, use a combination of different sized moves (when appropriate) and you might get to the other side!
Also, I haven't told you 'how the something happens' works - You move, you roll a dice, your unlucky enough to score below the required number - something happens - you roll three dice - one indicates how many dice you roll - to tell the GM how many things turns up (number of wounds), the second where and the third what turns up; the GM then rolls a dice to indicate what happens! This is the unknown for the players -they may find a large unit of Orcs to their rear which simply watch them walk on by
, they may find a single lesser goblin their front who attacks
, or a couple of chariots to their flank which don't charge, but fires a volley of arrows
, or a giant which only has one wound, then again you may get a couple of giants who attack, if, your really unlucky with the dice
You also have to consider with this scenario - we don't have to wait for anybody to start, apart from me with the Orcs and Goblins (I've already booked the afternoon off, I will be there), when you turn up, your on the table and you're off. Players decide if they help one another or play Lone wolf.
Await your responses
Paul / Golgfag1