Work Space / Game Space / Sanctuary

I am very lucky to have a decent sized room that I can call my own.
It was not always this way and only happened due to moving from Bristol to up North where houses are waaaay cheaper.

That said, I am still lucky to have the room I do.

We have only been here just over a year so there is still much crap to be collected, and things added to make it more to how I want it.

Anyway enough waffle, here are some photos.
Please share yours...

boxed games.jpg


ceiling flag.jpg

chaos chest.jpg


hand drawn maps.jpg

olde books.jpg

printed empire map.jpg





Yes, I do like Warhammer, Conan, Rum, and Hammer Horror films.


so few board games, soo much space ^_^ Try to avoid back waters like East Sussex.. I hear the prices down here aren't great and I know we haven't had a decent local council since... erm.. early 80s maybe.. that said, I think it was the 70s one that wrecked a good chunk of the local castle to make room for housing ¬_¬ doesn't matter who is in power, they are all gits


That looks like a good gaming sanctuary. I've a little more space myself since our last move and have (mostly) consolidated my stuff in the one room now (I say mostly there is quite a bit hidden away elsewhere to be honest), will try to do some photos after tidying up!

Loving the Minecraft sword alongside the other pieces!

So is that a gaming board you've got suspended at the opposite end to your Sirland banner (reminds of the days when all the GW stores used to make their own banners for Gamesday/Golden Demon - do they still do that for whatever it's called now - Warhammer Fest?).

Very sensible positioning of your ritual sacrifice chaos chest next to the sink to allow for quick cleanup ;)

I don't think I've seen that Empire poster before, quite nice with all the different liveries on it.

Glad to see you keep a pot of Stirland mud on your painting table for brush washing! I switched to jam jars with lids as my painting area gets molested by the cats who do so love to knock things over.

Well hopefully this will inspire a few refreshed workspace/gaming pictures I do like seeing how everyone else "does" their gaming. Having tried various paint pot stands and whatnot over the years in different places and things like that it's quite good to pick up tips.
If anyone spots any other older painting/gaming workspace threads I've been tagging them with workspace[/url so they should be easy to find. Thanks for [url=]kicking us off again Symphonicpoet, hope life in the basement is okay!
Thanks, the MC sword was from my daughter for my birthday a few years back, very sweet of her.

Yes, that hanging thing is my 5x3 foot grassy wargames table.
It is a canvas with a grass mat stapled to it and the inside of the box frame is packed with foamcore/foamboard so you it does not bow when you put stuff on it.
It is my current 25mm WFB table.

The bit of wood leaning against the wall near the MC sword is my 10mm gaming board, the grass is on the other side.

When I go to bed I cover the mug of water with something otherwise our dimmest cat drinks from it..

That banner was for the outside of the house, but I inverted the design on the other side like a fool, so it hangs there now.
I have since gotten a proper one for the house:

PS: More than happy for people to post their space on here if it makes keeping everything in one place easier, can you merge threads on this site?


So as promised, a few more pics of my space; both the gaming space and the painting space, now closely adjacent to one another.

Here's a sort of general overview of the space from the southwest corner looking back to the northeast. You can see the primary table in the foreground, presently (and usually) hosting Logansport, since that's my principal setting. In the background on the right you can see a pool table that doubles as the secondary gaming table. Right now I've got a spaceport set up on it with a few new and partially completed buildings as I test fit them for a new location called Landing on Proserpine. And in the center background you can see the painting desk. It's a basement, so inevitably a certain amount of stored debris in need pf use or deaccessioning: a spare dryer, a bunch of soda from an event, shipping packages. But it's not as bad as the photo compression makes it appear. (There's plenty of clear space to comfortably game or work.)

Here's the secondary table with a view of some stored terrain and a filing cabinet full of mostly game related things in the background. There's some decent adventurey related mementos and bric a brac stored nearby that will be more visible when I can get rid of the soda and the dryer.

Here's a Logansport again, with some terrain and miniatures in the background, as well as boxes of books in need of rehoming and . . . assorted junk. I am buried in junk.

Here's an overview of the painting corner now that it's more or less finalized and in use. I need to screen the sewer stack somehow, but that's tomorrow's problem. I've got shelves, drawers, and storage close at hand. There's plenty of light from a shoplight hung over the desk and a magnifying lamp and arm clamped to it. (My eyes just aren't quite what they once were.)

Not visible is a third small table on which a small skirmish game could be set up. I've also used a rolling cart to set up small scenes from time to time. (Though mostly it serves as a staging area and a place to roll dice. The small table will probably serve a similar purpose going forward, but . . . it's flexible.)

Honestly, I'm pretty happy. It needs some redecoration and more cleaning and organizing, but the last couple of weeks have been pretty good. Quite happy with where this is going. The basement stays a bit more clement in the balmy Midwestern US summers. (And it's good shelter should a really nasty storm come rolling through trying to place portions of my house on top of some wicked threat or other. So far I've always dodged that particular freight train, but you really don't ever want to be caught without shelter when you don't dodge it.) And while there is a bit of water that's about to get in from the remnants of a hurricane powerful enough to travel a thousand miles inland, it's just leaks. Nothing a mop and a dehumidifier can't fix.


Now that is a good sized gaming, well I was going to say room, but I think in this case cave is certainly the better word! Love it. Alas not the space to leave a gaming table out and setup here ... but a man can dream! You could take a leaf from Mr Stockin and get a nice banner to cover up the pipes!

Now what's the mighty big mech like monstrosity on your white shelves, looks interesting!


I did a little Video on mine a while back. Just a small room but it's home.
I remember watching that, I rather enjoyed it.

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Loved your gobbo combat card display.


Whilst I've yet to do photos of "the work space", I did snap a quick one of the back of the cupboard door in our spare room. That doubles as my personal FLGS :)

Serious however it's easier to have them on the shop hooks and rummage! Anyhow that's some of the lead pile. As I've mentioned before my brother has the vast majority of our childhood minis and games so this is really just the bits and pieces I've picked up or happened to have. Some Citadel, plenty of others that have caught my eye. Few more racks of randomly bagged stuff that I managed to cut off in the photo down the bottom.



That's a lovely space, chock full of goodness. Nice shelves. Nicer miniatures. Pretty pointy things. And now somehow I feel like I need to do a musical instrument tour as well, but that can wait for another forum. ;) (Glad I'm not the only one to split time between multiple passions, though.)


You know, a pegboard is a quite good idea.


I forgot to say this before, but I quite like your space. The glass covered shelves look great. I need something like that to keep the dust off things. (Though I'm wont to leave things sitting out on tables too long, so a lot would get dusty anyway. Loke Fimm I'm content to dust my toys periodically. But it would be really nice to not need to. And they'd doubtless look better on display if not dusty.) Also, your decorations are generally quite cool, and I love your flag. (Reminds me I need to get some new ones.)


I hope life throws some surprises your way. I never really expected to have the monstrosity of a house I came into, but sometimes strange things happen. And thankfully, even without permanent tables gaming is a thing that packs away nicely and unpacks well with friends, so space isn't as important as something like model railroading. Lord knows I spent most of my life so far playing on borrowed tables and painting in odd corners of small apartments. Still had just as much fun. (Though it is easier to show stuff off with space.)
Thanks, I would not mind leaving stuff out in principle.
In fact being able to have a 6x4 table left out full of arranged models would be the dream.

3 cats...

So tidying stuff away is a must.


^^Ooh . . . yeah. My mom was cat sitting for my niece recently. I ended up plant sitting half her plants and thinking about just exactly why I think it's best if I don't adopt another pet after all. I miss my critters (dogs in my case) but I'm not sure I'd want to go through training another animal not to break my stuff. (Or myself to keep my stuff out of the way.)

Oh, and EricF asked about Eddie. Please forgive me for indulging a bit, but old and impractical as he is, I still love him.:

He's a converted ED-209 model, if that weren't patently obvious. I use him as a scout titan, which means every now and then he serves as terrain. ;) A friend built two of them, and I decided I had to give it a go myself. Oddly, we did actually field all three in a game of floorhammer in the late 80s. I think Ben won, but it was more closely run than you might expect. (I had a lot of tanks to back Eddie up. And he had even more guns then.)


My cat wanders over the table but he's very good at not batting stuff off.
Always with Cats really.. My sadly died too early Harley was very much someone who always wanted to be the centre of attention, so when Ever people were in the dinning room for gaming playing, she had to jump on the table for attention, but she wasn't too bad at not knocking stuff over.. most of the time, I just had to tap my lap and she would come over and sit on my lap while we were playing, so that wasn't too bad. However Bruce... he is a different matter.. not as much one for being the centre but.. he doesn't care. He is very relaxed, doesn't care if he is knocking stuff over, doesn't care if he is even laying on top of a bunch of minis. Sometimes thinks he wants to join in and gets a bit of a bite.. stop him but don't mind the odd mark ^_^ main problem is when he wants to take some bites out of dice.. they are more swallowable size so that's a big no-no. He also isn't a lap cat..