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Why Marauder?


For all the folks that love Marauder Miniatures, what is it that makes that range so darn special?

Personally, I'm at a loss for understanding why collectors like many of the Marauder minis. While there are some gems, most of the models never sparked my interest.
To me, Marauder was the beginning of the end of the old-school. Overly comic models with chunky features, big hair & YMCA poses. The minis became a standard for 4th ed. & really had an era of their own.

So, what's to love? :grin:


When it comes to Marauder I love their MM25 Orcs, MM40 Trolls and MM90 Chaos Dwarfs but not too much else. Still not as bad as a lot of Iron Claw minis though.


funny thing you should say that, it's a great analogy; I've ben asking the same question to myself about the marauder range just like about Bob Olley. Then I got some minis and it's where magic happens, it's not better or anything spectacular, it's just different... don't know how to say it.
Iron claw miniatures are even more disturbing because Bob Olley has a very peculiar style recognisable amongst thousands. I really believe that there are models that one can only love when he has painted them and I believe they belong in this lot. General look doesn't make it all to me, the way it paints, little details you only see when you have it close with a brush, that's the little thing that make them valuable (this remains true for any other rane or sculptor for the matter).



Just John

DF is that picture supposed to be in support of liking or disliking Marauder ;) Those slayers are amongst the worst minis in my opinion - all leg & beard, no torso, neck. Get a shiver sown my spine looking at them. Could you put that picture behind a spoiler thing? :grin:


The marauder dwarfs are what got me hooked, but I also love their dark elves, chaos dwarfs, and quite a few of their humans and monsters. Especially for the dwarfs, I think the exaggerated proportions make them look more fantasy to me than many of the old citadels that just look like short humans.

Blue in VT

Wow...tough question to answer...thats like asking why a certain guy prefers Redheads over Brunettes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

From my own point of view I love the way they paint up...As Assless mentioned...I like that the ranges are a little more cohesive in style when compared to the Citadel ranges...this allows for the creation of better looking units IMO. the individuals may not appear to have as much character (till you look closely) but they look better on the table top IMO. I like that some came as pre-made units...I loved those old Blister Boxes...very much like the older RoR (which I also Love).

Plus I think the "cartoony" style many mention as a detriment really fits my painting style very well.

Also...see DFs picture above! :grin:

But you and Just John are free to think whatever you like about Marauder....you party poopers... I would just like to say that they came out during 3rd ed...so they ARE Oldhammer! :?



Blue in VT

Just John":12sepxns said:
Those slayers are amongst the worst minis in my opinion - all leg & beard, no torso, neck. Get a shiver sown my spine looking at them. Could you put that picture behind a spoiler thing? :grin:

Now you are just trying to make me upset... :cry: :o :twisted: (have you seen the header of my blog!??... :lol: )



The Doom steeds were great, as iconic as the 3rd edition Goodwin high/wood elf cavalry are to high/wood elves
The Chaos Dwarves are fantastic, so too are the skellies
Fighter command blister contains one of the best minis ever (you know which one I'm talking about)


Chico":2brcqzz1 said:
When it comes to Marauder I love their MM25 Orcs, MM40 Trolls and MM90 Chaos Dwarfs but not too much else. Still not as bad as a lot of Iron Claw minis though.
So what is it about the minis you love? Detail, oversize weapons, scalemail? ;)

Iron Claw stuff actually appeals to me because of the incredible amount of detail Bob packs in. There are definitely similarities with the Marauder line, like the oversized weapons & exaggerations in the sculpts.


Blue in VT":35yszjn4 said:
I would just like to say that they came out during 3rd ed...so they ARE Oldhammer!
True that. They spanned the gap from the end of 3rd into 4th & beyond.

As I said before, they were not all bad; some even copied the older models. The MM90s were quite humorous in that respect.


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Aiteal":ti8hbp5m said:
The Doom steeds were great, as iconic as the 3rd edition Goodwin high/wood elf cavalry are to high/wood elves
The Chaos Dwarves are fantastic, so too are the skellies
Fighter command blister contains one of the best minis ever (you know which one I'm talking about)

I agree about the doom steeds, but I don't think there are many of us that do. I've won all of the eBay auctions for them in the last 6 or so months and I've rarely had any competition for them.

Blue in VT":ti8hbp5m said:



I almost offered on the musician you had up, but I kept stopping myself. I've spent too much this month already. But those are some amazing models.


Naagruz":1yfpnoie said:
Chico":1yfpnoie said:
When it comes to Marauder I love their MM25 Orcs, MM40 Trolls and MM90 Chaos Dwarfs but not too much else. Still not as bad as a lot of Iron Claw minis though.
So what is it about the minis you love? Detail, oversize weapons, scalemail? ;)

Its the blending of the overall finished look of those 3 ranges rather then specific sculpting details, and Scale Mail is awesome though lol


Just John":gr5uwa1b said:
Ah much better - thanks DF :grin: Now I can continue following this thread without plucking my eyes out!
:grin: Here take a peek if you dare :twisted:


Blue in VT

Aiteal":1uw4v25j said:
The Doom steeds were great, as iconic as the 3rd edition Goodwin high/wood elf cavalry are to high/wood elves

how do these Doomsteads scale up with the Chaos steeds of the time? I'm looking for some variety for my chaos warriors to ride...and have considered these in the past but have never had one in hand to compare scales.



Mister Rab

I prefer the medieval to renaissance look for my fantasy dwarfs/dwarves, so I've tended to avoid the Marauder short chaps. My brother on the other hand had a whole bunch of them and they looked great on the table :)

(btw - the spoiler function doesn't seem to work for me; I see the word spoiler and what is supposed to be hidden without any apparent option to avoid seeing it :?
EDIT - found the other thread and Shift + F5 sorted it out to work properly)


Blue in VT":klkxqjti said:
how do these Doomsteads scale up with the Chaos steeds of the time? I'm looking for some variety for my chaos warriors to ride...and have considered these in the past but have never had one in hand to compare scales.

Not sure how they compare since I don't have any chaos steeds, but they are pretty skinny and only in a single pose. Plus, they don't show up for sale all that often.