Also a friend is interested in joining but isn't on this forum - I can get him to sign up if that makes the logistics easier (let me know) but for now it's:
Imperial guard
points: 4000 at least. They are modern models, not oldskool ones - I have assumed this will be ok? They are all really well painted.
2e exp: likewise a game we managed last year and before that, the 90s, but lots of other wargaming experience besides that.
Rules: he has the rules, DM, and all the codices
What sort of houseruling are you thinking of? CC went OK in my (extremely limited!) experience, contrary to expectations it wasn't too clunky. Our game also went pretty quickly since we just used the suggested 4-turn game length, which I never used to as a kid... it was annihilation or nothing back then!
Really looking forward to this everyone!