WH40k Second Edition Tournament


I've never been to Bring Out Your Lead, having only rediscovered that I love wargames about 15 months ago. But I'd really like to make it to play more 2nd ed 40K. Things is, I probably couldn't commit to being around for the whole weekend and I'm really only interested in 40K. So is their anyone interested in either a couple of small games in one day or a single larger game?
I’m sure we can still fit you in the tournament; Oldhammer isn’t about winning it’s about playing games and having fun!


That's probably a good thing, winning hasn't always been my strong suit :) I just spotted a reference to there being a Facebook group, is that where most of the discussion has taken place?
Achinadav the plan is to do 3 lists, 500, 750 and 1000, then play 1 game with each to win victory points I guess. Nobody will be annoyed if you only get in 1 or 2 games, that is totally fine and it would be great to game with you ;)
Curtis pretty much sums it up nicely. If you can only do a smaller list though then I’m sure opponents can adapt their forces to give you a game.

Curtis - I’m thinking of two tables, what are your thoughts?

Can all those that are still playing post below with the following:

Army/Faction being used
Total points size of force
Experience of Second Edition
Confirm possession of rules, wargear list and Codex....

I’m thinking about introducing some house rules, just to bottom out issues... particularly around close combat. Anyone got any issues?

I'd play Space Marines (Imperial Fists to be exact). I have 2000 point painted.

I played 2nd edition twice during last 3 years, and before that my experience comes from 19090s only.

I owe all codices codex, all rulebooks, Dark Millennium supplement and all necessary templates and cards

in other words - I'm ready! Count me in!:)


For me it's:
Total points: painted, probably around 1250 so far but I will be able to field armies of 500, 750 and 1000 without a problem. Unpainted... best not to ask :)
2e experience: one game (!) last year and before that, back in the 90s. I'm not a regular wargamer but I'm not too slow.
Rules: I have the rules, codex and DM supplement.

Also a friend is interested in joining but isn't on this forum - I can get him to sign up if that makes the logistics easier (let me know) but for now it's:
Imperial guard
points: 4000 at least. They are modern models, not oldskool ones - I have assumed this will be ok? They are all really well painted.
2e exp: likewise a game we managed last year and before that, the 90s, but lots of other wargaming experience besides that.
Rules: he has the rules, DM, and all the codices

What sort of houseruling are you thinking of? CC went OK in my (extremely limited!) experience, contrary to expectations it wasn't too clunky. Our game also went pretty quickly since we just used the suggested 4-turn game length, which I never used to as a kid... it was annihilation or nothing back then!

Really looking forward to this everyone! :grin:


I'd be bringing my Word Bearers. I've probably got about 2000 points painted, but could manage another 1k if I pull my finger out and actually paint something other than tiny titans. Played a couple of games in the last year, used to play nearly every week in the 90's, from release right up until 3rd edition. Got all the rules, including multiple copies of (bits of) Dark Millennium if anyone needs spares.
Cheers guys... all sounding good so far.

makhachkala":2nhpgw0t said:
Also a friend is interested in joining but isn't on this forum - I can get him to sign up if that makes the logistics easier (let me know) but for now it's:
Imperial guard
points: 4000 at least. They are modern models, not oldskool ones - I have assumed this will be ok? They are all really well painted.
2e exp: likewise a game we managed last year and before that, the 90s, but lots of other wargaming experience besides that.
Rules: he has the rules, DM, and all the codices

What sort of houseruling are you thinking of? CC went OK in my (extremely limited!) experience, contrary to expectations it wasn't too clunky. Our game also went pretty quickly since we just used the suggested 4-turn game length, which I never used to as a kid... it was annihilation or nothing back then!

Really looking forward to this everyone! :grin:

It’s definitely worth getting him to sign up just for ease of communication. Any models welcome!!

Close combat does work okay... however it can take ages when facing horde armies (whiskey priest and I played a game a few BOYL ago and his hordes of tyranids took a while to work through). Usually not an issue but if we want to squeeze more games in the tourney I would suggest resurrecting the old RT melee Rules.
Army/Faction being used Death Guard
Total points size of force 1000 points of Death Guard isn't very much so I could probably field 3k. I thought we were doing 1000, 750 and 500?
Experience of Second Edition Not much. Played alot of Necromunda. Played all the other versions of 40k, read the rules recently.
Confirm possession of rules, wargear list and Codex....I have none! I will bring play-pack-reference sheet of my army and special rules.


Hi chaps

I'm just looking at the various game threads vs. bookings and I'm not seeing any tables booked for anything that correlates to the games planned here. There are still a few slots for the 6x4s, but they are running out fast. Likewise, there are some 6x6s, but again, they're going quickly. Could I ask that you get your bookings in?


Legiocustodes":72ygdqwz said:
Curtis pretty much sums it up nicely. If you can only do a smaller list though then I’m sure opponents can adapt their forces to give you a game.

Curtis - I’m thinking of two tables, what are your thoughts?

Can all those that are still playing post below with the following:

Army/Faction being used
Total points size of force
Experience of Second Edition
Confirm possession of rules, wargear list and Codex....

I’m thinking about introducing some house rules, just to bottom out issues... particularly around close combat. Anyone got any issues?

I will be playing Orks. I will bring 500/750/1000 lists, although I could probably field a wee bit more, particularly if I get my painting done this summer. I played 2nd all the time back in the 90s, but haven't lately. I have the rulebooks and codex, but no physical wargear cards.
Hi, I am planning my first visit to Boyl this year and would like to participate at the 40k tournament. I played 2nd Edition many years ago, but collect and paint the 2nd edition models. Nobody here willing to play 2nd...
i would bring my Space Wolves, as I travel from Germany I don’t have space for Tyranids:(
How are the games planned, is there a special day for all 3 games or do we have to Organise the games ourselves?
Hey Christian! There are soem tables booked, I would like to pin down some gaming times too.

I have just been doing my army list, crazy not very many Nurgle marines for the points!
Hello, Iwould like to get in on this please. I just aquired the 2nd edition rules so I will try to put together an army for this. I hope to get chaos renegades painted in time but failing that i could use the genestealers.


Hello everyone I’m new. I’m interested in playing imperial guard at your event. Does it matter that the models are the plastic Cadians? I started playing 40k during 2nd and have just started replaying it again with the ork player on this thread.