Colonel Tytus
I agree managing horde armies on 1000 points can take time, and small points are reasonable in this case. on the other hand, I was playing 1000 points with my SM last month and I had only 17 models on the table. I was playing against Eldar /20 something models/ and it took us to around 1.5h to finish the game. I believe if a horde army will face SM, it would take no more than 2 hours. Horde vs Horde is tricky...
I guess, if we agree on 750 points, SM or Chaos would field only a handful of marines. it started to feel more like a skirmish game for them
just saying...
I guess, if we agree on 750 points, SM or Chaos would field only a handful of marines. it started to feel more like a skirmish game for them

just saying...