TheOttoVonBismark's Oldhammer Slann WIP

He won't be bothered about your paltry weapons fire, he has a couple of grenades in his kit behind that massive shield generator! I have a seperate long sniper rifle option for him which is not shown :razz: .

I still have no idea what colour the Shamman is going to be, I usually let the figure painting muse inspire me on the spot rather than planning these things. He was always going to be awkward to plan in the first place. Perhaps Liberace will show me the light!

Asslessman":2xsbu8ev said:
Splendid, I love the composition of the whole piece, really charcterfull. The lizard mount has a very good colour and with a mainly cold body colour, I believe it will offer a good contrats to any bright and warm paintscheme for the rider. Tasty !

Cheers dude. Yes I think you are right Asslessman, a bright warm rider colour for the rider is they way to go. I will Google "Frog" and see what comes out this time!


I always assumed the saddles were bronze or some other metal, gold I guess for slann.

Your take looks great and I'm loving all the science fantasy touches. May have to blatantly copy you with my own. Yes I can see it now, Slann hero with a sling using vortex grenades as ammunition.

Are you planning to use the Psycic powers or battle magic for him, both could work.
Erny":vidrlqff said:
I always assumed the saddles were bronze or some other metal, gold I guess for slann.

Your take looks great and I'm loving all the science fantasy touches. May have to blatantly copy you with my own. Yes I can see it now, Slann hero with a sling using vortex grenades as ammunition.

Are you planning to use the Psycic powers or battle magic for him, both could work.

Sling vortex grenades, that's an awesome idea I am going to steal :lol:

A gold saddle would give you a pretty sore arse, even if you were a squishy slann! Use of metals is supposed to be very limited so I tend to avoid it as much as possible - "enchanted" gold chains for the choker is a must. The choker mount is from a plastic goblin standard bearer I think by the way - I think it makes the cold ones look a lot more fierce that way like they have to literally have to be strangled to restrain them.

I will use Psycic powers for 40K and Magic for WHFB depending on the context. I should probably make a square base extension for WHFB but I think I can live without it.

Now to think about Slann Vortex slingers....


Well yes, metal saddles are generally a bad idea and not very practical. But then we are in a world where anthropomorphic Aztec frogs ride giant lizards. Reality has been left outside the door as is only looking in. Shame the Mesoamericans didn't have horses so we'd know how they would have constructed a saddle.

I may be wrong but I think it even mentions using grenades with a sling in the rule book.
Erny":2gyjd5lh said:
Well yes, metal saddles are generally a bad idea and not very practical. But then we are in a world where anthropomorphic Aztec frogs ride giant lizards. Reality has been left outside the door as is only looking in. Shame the Mesoamericans didn't have horses so we'd know how they would have constructed a saddle.

I may be wrong but I think it even mentions using grenades with a sling in the rule book.

Agreed, reality is never at the forefront or the mind with this stuff. I do wish I had a notion of what the sculptor was thinking of though. I guess it was probably Trish who sculpted this fellow, perhaps Aly.

I guess the material is not so important as getting the saddle to not clash wildly with the other colours used on the model!

I am going to model/convert a girl Slann soon - possibly a novel build? She may end up carrying a sling and a bag of small but unsettling looking grenades.
Asslessman":1gjosvuw said:
Erny":1gjosvuw said:
. Shame the Mesoamericans didn't have horses so we'd know how they would have constructed a saddle.
My best guess is obsidian...

I think like this:




Never thought I would see IT pop on a slann thread. Obsidian probes apart, this concept could make a reall ygreat jetbike. I've always been interested in doing some space slann dreadnaught build with ruin parts bound by magic and technology, a project for another life I guess.


Sling Vortex Grenades?

If you had them equipped with sling Toxin grenades then you could have the Slann shooting little Poison Tree Frogs. :)

On the question of Slann Cold One saddles, I always assumed that they would be made from carved hardwood, and then maybe painted or gilded. The saddles of the original Cold Ones were textured, so I assumed that was to counteract the slimeyness of the Slann and to stop them slipping off.

By the way, I am really enjoying watching the progress with your Slann army. As a result, after completing my Squat Army, and painting up a couple of Goblins, I am going to re-visit my Slann army with a view to converting, painting, re-postioning of some Slann, and a general tinkering of the army as a whole. :)
Goblinlee":2x7v9chg said:
Sling Vortex Grenades?

If you had them equipped with sling Toxin grenades then you could have the Slann shooting little Poison Tree Frogs. :)

On the question of Slann Cold One saddles, I always assumed that they would be made from carved hardwood, and then maybe painted or gilded. The saddles of the original Cold Ones were textured, so I assumed that was to counteract the slimeyness of the Slann and to stop them slipping off.

By the way, I am really enjoying watching the progress with your Slann army. As a result, after completing my Squat Army, and painting up a couple of Goblins, I am going to re-visit my Slann army with a view to converting, painting, re-postioning of some Slann, and a general tinkering of the army as a whole. :)

The mental image of the poison tree frogs exploding in a mess on an inquisitors nice clean power armour is amusing :lol: .

Carved hardwood sounds like a sane option. One of the weird things about Slann cold ones is that there is no visible means for the rider to control the steed, just sit on the saddle and off you go aparantly! I am adding choker chains to them in an unusually obsessive compulsive (for me) manner.

Will be very interested to see how you get on with the re-visit, it should take you about 5 years with the number you have there :razz: .


It would certainly suprise an Inquisitor! I would love to read the Inquisition report they would have to file afterwards :lol:

The choker conversions sound a good idea, I was considering doing something similar. I have always wondered if the Slann gave vocal commands to the Cold Ones, or steered them using thier legs like horse archers historically did sometimes, and/or as it's fantasy have a magical enchantment binding them or psychic link to them? If they have access to Old Slann tech, then perhaps shock collars?

Yes I think you are right, it might take some time to get them all sorted out! Fun though :)


Great colors on the Cold One!
Given the organic look of the saddles, I always thought they were bone, but some of the ad pics for Slann had them in bronze.
These fellows are Grenadier Lizardmen. They are sculpted by Bob Olley and I am very fond of them. They are not uniform in design but they each have their charms. The larger more ornate looking ones are particularly nicely worked with organicly flowing details. I couldn't resist doing greenstuff jungle details on the bases to blend in the metal bases from these pre-slotta beauties. If anyone has some of these models in the leadpile I would be happy to take them off your hands and give them a good home where they will get the attention and love they so richly deserve!


I am working on them to add some colour and extra muscle to the Slann force for use in the Mordheim game we are planning to run at the Knavecon event in a couple of weeks. They should paint up real quick like a Lizardman should! Once I get through this lot thats the lions share of work done for a unit of 3rd edition Lizardmen. I am planning to bulk up the unit using some of the old GW (should we call them drastik?) plastic Lizardmen later on in the army build project.

While I am getting this lot done I will create some characterful lobotomized eunuch human slaves :razz: .


They look good. Can you get a few shots of those guys alongside some of your slann? Are the lizards bigger or smaller. I would like to see them in context.

I quickly painted and "dipped" that guy second from the right with the circular shield a few years ago, I got it from the now sadly defunct MegaMiniatures - they had loads of old Grenadier stuff. Its a particularly nice model. Is that an Olley sculpt too? I wouldnt have guessed that it was his work.

theottovonbismark":1s6a04qx said:
While I am getting this lot done I will create some characterful lobotomized eunuch human slaves :razz: .

You leave my family out of this!

Etc Im here all week etc, tip the waitresses etc, how about that salad bar etc.
cheetor":133cnu6i said:
They look good. Can you get a few shots of those guys alongside some of your slann? Are the lizards bigger or smaller. I would like to see them in context.

I quickly painted and "dipped" that guy second from the right with the circular shield a few years ago, I got it from the now sadly defunct MegaMiniatures - they had loads of old Grenadier stuff. Its a particularly nice model. Is that an Olley sculpt too? I wouldnt have guessed that it was his work.

theottovonbismark":133cnu6i said:
While I am getting this lot done I will create some characterful lobotomized eunuch human slaves :razz: .

You leave my family out of this!

Etc Im here all week etc, tip the waitresses etc, how about that salad bar etc.

hehehe "My Slann mage lord is soo fat....etc."

I am not sure about the guy you mention as to the sculptor, all the other ones are Olley according to the base tabs. It doesn't look like an Olley sculpt so it probably is not. He is on the small side by comparison with the others so I tend to think of him a a young prince-ling of the Lizardmen fulfilling his tribal obligation to their Slann masters. Kind of suits the model as I think there is a touch of the noble dragon about his handsome (by Lustrian standards anyway) features.

They are generally around the same size as the Slann but I will get some comparison shots done of them beside the other models when I get them to the next stage of lovleynesssssssssss.