The "How to do Oldhammer" Thread

Further to my blethering on my blog (you might need to read this ... ammer.html so that this thread makes sense) I've opened this thread as place for everybody to show pictures and share ideas about our little adventure into inclusivity! Have fun gents, at the end of the day that's what it's all about. I'll back in a bit with pics of the stuff I want to play with :grin:

Just John

I hereby do pledge to paint a unit 20 or so BTD halflings (and possily Grenadier ones too) to join my army and show unto the world that we are not lead snobs.


Great idea! Count me in. I think I'll go with option B but I'm still mulling over what to do.
Welcome aboard gents. In addition to my musings on the blog i figured that I wouldn't paint myself into a corner as a GM cos i'd like everybody who wants to have a go at Gm'ing cool scenarios. So If I'm not going to Gm I get to make some figures! The first lot I want to use is a bunch of....wait for it.....plastic figs! They are the men-at-arms from advanced heroquest

and i got them dead cheap! Another suggestion might be the empire battlemaster figures or the one piece empire halberdiers. I've no intention leaving them in their current state though. I've got piles of heads from various empire kits so I'll be using them to some kitbashing. I'm looking at making them into a small towns watch. I had intended to do them for the halloween games but never got the chance.
The other figures i might use (i haven't quite decided) are these ones from Front Rank

but i also fancy something with bows so I might change my mind. Now what am I going to do for a hero?

Nothing too fancy from me as I don't want to stray too far from churning out frogmen so this one will be a high throughput project using the lovely Perry Minis plastics I got over the Xmas period as they are perfect for a small contingent of Old Worlder Mercenaries.


Count me in, I think I will try to speedpaint 10 archer thugs and 10 chaos warriors from the battle masters box with a champion on horse to prove oldhammer is about nothing else but fun. I actually just put them in Dettol so Big things are beginning this WE!


Tut tut, that's cheating, I could just submit my HQ fimir by that logic! Surely the whole point of challenges like this is to urge you to paint yet more and thus drive us yet closer to insanity!


lenihan":3520jdyn said:
Tut tut, that's cheating, I could just submit my HQ fimir by that logic! Surely the whole point of challenges like this is to urge you to paint yet more and thus drive us yet closer to insanity!


You say cheating like its a bad word :)
I am up for this, at least the painting side of it. It is more or less what I have on my painting agenda anyway. Would be a bit difficult to make a vist to the UK for Salute, but I wish you all the best.


Sounds good to me, I'll try to square away 10 mid-90's GW Wood Elf spearmen and 10 old Harlequin Wood Elf archers. I believe I got each for about $1 USD a figure or thereabouts.

I can second Black Tree Designs fantasy range. The annual 50% off sale just went by, but even at regular price these figures are a steal and dead-ringers for mid-90's "red phase" GW figurines.

Blue in VT

I will be participating in spirit. I can't promise to make it to the big day with my army in tow.... In fact I will probably be working on a Warhammer 40,000 non-GW army using alternative armies retained nights and muster troops as proxies for space Marines and Imperial guard.

Pics to follow...

I'm in. Need to paint up a few warbands for a Tristan and Isolde scenario set in East Albion. Combining my love for all things Arthurian and Mcdeath. :grin:

Tristan's warband in the service of King Dunco, via Gripping Beast, Artizan, and a $1 chaos warrior w/ his head sawn off...


Yep, I think I'm also going East Albion on this one... give me a chance to paint up my Christmas presents (blister packs from Warlord Games, so definitely fits in the bill in terms of "in production")
I'm in! I will have a rummage and see what I can do and if all else fails, I must admit I've got a hankering to pick up some cheap as chips Lizardmen!

All the best!